Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 6, 1996 7 "Son! Mary-Clare MacKinnion and Rev. Mervyn Russell treated guests ta a night of musical meriment on Saturday night at the Orono United Church. The two performed a variety of music, including songs of travel, Cape Breton folk songs, and music from Rogers and Hammerstein I~te »« ALcli»i Dear Troy: Although the weather did not co-operate, another successful Community Care fund raising event was held on Thursday, October 24 at Trinity United Church. The annual Fall Bazaar/Bake Sale/Luncheon, co-chaired by Betty McGregor and Ruth Geraldi, raised over $2,300.00. This money will be used to provide needed support programs for our community. We are grateful for the inter- est and support we received from the public and Community Care volunteers, clients and staff. This year our take-out option, under Janet Rice's direction, was especially suc- cessful due to the participation of several elementary and senior public schools and many local businesses. Yours truly, Irene Peebles, Chairperson Local Advisory Committee Dear Editor: On Sunday, September 22nd the people of the Municipality of Clarington once again gathered together in support of the Terry Fox Run. Our community has hosted Runs to raise money for cancer research and each time have had great results. This year's run was no exception. Over 100 partici- pants ran, jogged, walked, and wheeled the 10 km. route. It was heartening to see the num- ber of young people who came out to support Terry's dream of finding a cure for cancer. We are very proud to announce that over $5,000 was pledged and donated for the Terry Fox Run. The organization committee would like to thank those peo- ple who donated food, facilities, and their time to make this year's run go so smoothly. A special thank you to the participants who gathered pledges, completed the route, and ensured that our commu- nity would make a difference in the battle against cancer. We look forward to seeing you all again next year! With Warmest Wishes, Elizabeth P. Bateman Terry Fox Run Organizer Dear Editor, In his column of last week, the local MPP John O'Toole, loaded up on church leaders who call for social justice, to put up or shut up by forgoing any purchases of items that enhance worship, and spend the money to feed the hungry. What an affront! I am not aware of any church not involved in helping those less fortunate. All United Churches, of which I am famil- iar, collect millions each year for their Mission & Services funds that work miracles amongst the poor and needy. Local churches have always seen to it that needy families get taken care of in a special way at Christmas. All the local churches in the riding of Durham East, repre- sented by Mr. OToole, collect food for the hungry in the church every week. If Mr. O'Toole has such a concern over how an organiza- tion disposes of their funds why doesn't he turn his attention to those who have the really big money at their disposal. Why doesn't lie launch his attack and innuendo towards the banks? Surely they have cash to spare! Why doesn't lie tell big-business that they shouldn't be buying things for the business but should be giv- ing that money to fed the hun- gry? Of course you will never heàr Mr. O'Toole direct snide remarks at anything associated with business, after all that's who the Mike Harris crowd are there to represent. As for asking for people who want their taxes increased to give him a call, I for one and many like me, would tell Mike Harris to stuff his tax cuts, and use those tax cuts for the rich to feed the poor. Now that would be reallysomething to shout about, not give it to church leaders who dare speak out against the Mike Harris policies. Sincerely, Gord Mills Dear Editor, In last week's edition of the Orono Times I noticed a rather large advertisement on page 15 in the form of or of those old western WANTEIi posters. As I read into this adVertisement I noticed it to be pf a political nature in that it êalled for pro- fessional people to come for- ward to bring abolit changes to the membership of the Clarington Munoiêpal council. What this advertisement leaves me to wonder is, are only professional people invited to come forward as possible can- didates in the nïXt municipal election? Having spent a few years myself as a member of a council of a larger city, it behooves me to point out that the very worst type of local council is one«,hich is con trolled solely by those with business intere§ts. The very best councils are Composed of a mix of people, fromfi all different walks of life, who represent the people without any personal bias, be it business or labour. Speaking fron personal reflections from having had many dealings with the Mayor of Clarington and those who serve on the present council, I can only say that we have been, and continue to be, well served. I also feel them all to be very capable of taking Clarington into the future, what ever that future may hold. Sincerely, Gord Mills Dear Editor: I have written to you this year about two somewhat local subjects of significant concern to myself and the constituents that I know. This letter raises my concern about an issue that has provincial, not directly local, consûtency relevancy. My concern is about the recently announced policy affecting Ontario Conservation Authority lands, their future utilization, and long-term land use practices which are now strongly encouraging develop- ment over conservation. Specifically, I would mention two examples that I am con- cerned about: 1. Orono Forest Reserve - there is a lot of "commotion" about its announced demise and future land use proposals from theme parks to golf cours- es! This, to me, is an historical heritage issue of great magni tude, given its historical prece- dence. And yet, as my MPP, I feel that you can strongly influ ence the direction and magni tude of this policy overhaul. I would prefer that such natural heritage lands be preserved as opposed to turning it over to entrepreneurial "carnival" activ- ities for short-term monetary reasons alone. 2. The Ganaraska Forest, east of Kirby, is also threatened by this saine policy change. I admit that I am a member of the Ganaraska Forest Association, I am sure that you would enjoy treks through this fine reserve as much as t have in recent years. There is a one day open forum to be held on Nov 9 on the saine land use pol icy subject at the Ganaraska Forest Centre from 0900 - 1600 hr. It will include presentations fromJohn Sewell, Ian Attridge, and includes a discussion ses- sion headed by Russ Powell (C.A.O., Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority), and Jim Richards (Exec. Director, Friends of the Second Marsh), as facilitated by Vicky Barron (GM, Credit River Conservation) My point is that this is a provincial matter which affects taxpayers and voters every where who visit and support these preserves, including myself in your riding and many people that I know who live elsewhere. Furthermore, this is a long-term socio economic issue, not one strictly for short- term deficit reduction. Consider the export of provincial con- sumer spending to other areas of personal, family, and com- munity pleasure, and learning in conservation areas, let alone the preservation of sensitive lands, such as the Oak Ridges Moraine, merely an hour's drive east of Scarborough. 1 would very much appreci- ate it should youor your staff take a serious look into this issue from a long-term per- spective towads the preserva- tion of such heritage reserves, and oppose further urban expansion of the GTA. My best regards, and thanks, James D. Holdsworth Copy of a letter to Mr. Jim Brown, MPP of Scargorough West. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID "W4fere'Professiona[Etiquette is Important" Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APARTMENTS IN HOUSES TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will hold a public meeting to consider amending the Comprehensive Zoning By- law of the former Town of Newcastle By-law 84-63, as amended, to: 1. Allow the creation of an Apartment-in-House in a single or semi-detached dwelling on municipal sewage and water systems which have sufficient capacity to accommodate the proposed use, provided tlit the Apartment-in-House complies with the regulation of the Ontairo Building Code and Ontario Fire Code, as amended and can provide one additional parking space. 2. To recognize ail existing "Apartments-in-Houses" that predate November 6, 1996, provided that the Apartment-in-House can provide one parking space on the subject property, complies with the Ontario Fire Code and is Registered with the Municipality under Section 207.3 of the Municpal Act as amended. A COPY of the draft by-law wili be available for viewing at the Municipal Adminstration Centre and at Branches of the Clarington Public Library. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposal. In that Staff cannot confirm the precise time at which the Public Meeting portion of the agenda will be heard, it is noted for your information that the start time listed below reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Adminstration Committee Meeting commences. DATE: Monday, December 2, 1996 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: Municipal Administrative Centre, Bowmanville IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an appeal of a decision of Clarington Council in respect of the proposed Zoning By-law does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Clarington before the proposed Zoning By-law is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION related to the proposed zoning by-law amendment is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Planning Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario or by calling Heather Brooks or Teresa Houben at 623-3379. MUN CPAU Y OF Patti Barrie, Clerk - tir gior ONTARIO Dates of PitMtion: Wednesdag Wvember 6, 1996. P.O.# 5464