Oroo Wekl TiesWednesday, Noveniber 27, 1996 -Il) Spark s Enroliment Nig-ht New Sparks were welcomed to the Ist Orono Sparks at an enroilment on September 3th at the Orono United Churchi. Parents were invited to attend to sec the girls get their beloriging buttons, and to have cake afterwards. The group had gotten too large so it was divided into two; lst and 2nd Orono Sparks. Sparks are a part of Girl Guides and is a two year program for 5 & 6 year old girls. Our promise is, "I promise to share andbe a friend." Front row -L-R -Shannon Crawford, Nicole Paxton, Crystal Ross, Asbley Bain, Rebecca Bourke; 2nd row L-R- Stephanie Van Dyk, Jessica Shepherd, Kayla Matchett, Holly Dillon, Blaize Barnicoat, Katlin Lowery; 3rd row L-R -Alexandra Massardo, Grace Williamson, Ashlen Morrison, Courtney Meijer; Back row -L-R -Leaders Eilleen Van Goor, Noreen Nixon, Junior Leader Andrea Etmanskie. Absent-when pictureý was taken was Rachel Bonnetta, and Tiffany Thompson. There are still choc- mint cookies left, if you would like some please calour District Commissioner Jackie Borremans 983-9737. MAÀSARU KARATE CLUB SHORIN-RYU <Classes for Chîldren and Aduits N~ow Aviabe.. Martial Arts Suppies Rick Jones, Newtonville 905-786-2793 SEVNGDRHAM REGION 3INCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID 'Whe>Fre rProfessiona(rEtiquette 1$ Important" Furieral Directors Paul R. Morrs Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN VILLE Arthur Black Don't you just love to pon- der The Great Mysteries? Like, is there lite on other planets? Is there life after deatb? Wbat does Stonehenge reaily mean? What are the lyries to those songs the Great Wbales sing? And women's washrooms. What the bell are women doing in those washrooms? Here's a scenario, cbum: you and your lady are out for dînner at a'restaurant witb another couiple - let's say they're good friends of yours. The food is fine, the service is dandy, thie conversation around the table sparkles and shines. After dessert, the coffee is served and, inevitably one of the two women at the table excuses herseif to visit the powder room'. And immediately - immedi- ately -- the other woman rises, saying, 'il corne witb you." And off tbey go! Together! To the washroom! To the maie mind, it is an utter bafflement. The very last tbing a man wants to do is to share the bathroom experience with ,anyone. mucb less anotb- er male. We guys are ahl business in there. In and out. No lollygag- ging. The chat, if any, is kept to an absolute minimum and is confined to the shallow end of the conversational pool. -You see that football game "Brutal." That's an articulate conver- sation for a male washroom. Actually, guys get uncomfort- able and vagueiy suspicious anytime discourse-at-the-uni- nais gets beyuîîd primai grunts or manly chuekies. Wo'men, as has been noted in other contexts, are different. And thanks to a Canadian filmmaker named Ann Kennard, we menfolk are begin- ing to realize just how diffrent. The National Film Board recentiy released a documen- tary by Ms. Kennard entitled The Powder Room. To make that documentary, she spent two years in women's wash- rooms around the world with ber microphonesopen and ber cameras running. Now if you tried that in a men's wasbroom, the clientele wouid have kept everything zipped up - including their lips. But in The Powder Room, the women waîting to use the cubi- dles dribble like leaky faucets. They taik about everytbing - -the pain of childbirtb, the bell of dieting, the knucklebeaded- ness of their men -- and they do it spontaneousiy, witbout a shred of self consciousness. -Kennard bits a real cross- section. There are aging Jewish yentas dîscusslng bygone loves and goolfT gangs of teenage girls taking a break from, a hîgb school prom. Kennard takes us tbrough the ballowed portais marked "Women" on severai continents and through varlous cultures. We visit a honky-tonk toilet in West Texas; a trendly Ioo in a Manhattan night club: a graffiti-pocked washroom in a Toronto high sehool and a swanky sauna in suburban Copenhagen. And we learn that women, God biess 'em, have turned a bumdrum, slîghtiy uncomfort- able biological ritual into a meaningful opportunity to con- neet with other women. But the irony is, men are to thank for it. Maie architeets to be precise. The guys who design muiti-mil- lion dollar buildings but negiect to provide adequate facilities for baîf the human race that uses those buildings. "They're the ones responsible for putting in too few stalis" says Kennard, 'thus making for long lineups and much taik." It's tough to admit, but 1 have to say that as a man 1 feel -jealous. 1 realize after seeing Ann Kennards film that women have managed to turn their Powder Room into a forum. Thanks to macho stupidity maie washrooms wili neyer fol- low suit. You'll neyer see mens rest rooms become a meeting ground of peers. Or sbould that be pee-ers? Recycl PUBLIC NOTICE At a meeting held on April 11, 1994, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed a resolution which states that once each quarter, one regularly scheduled Council meeting will be held at a suitable location in either Ward 1 or Ward 3. Accordingly, the Council meeting scheduled to be held on Monday, December 9, 1996, at 7:00 p.m., wiIl be held at the Newtonville Community Centre, 21 Church Street, Newtonville. ONTARIO Pattie L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Clerk Miinicipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 Dates of Publication: November 27, 1996 and December 4, 1996. P.O.,# 6542 .1