Y'"-~ ~ 12 -OronoW eek l Times, Wednesda, Novemnber 27, 1996 PI arka Wik CQknnI Mg~AIgUsed Medical Equipment ,IvI- Ir* I I UUIîivIYVI 1I9VVU The week of Navember i11 bas been another busy anc, starting off witb aur annual Remembrance Day service. Representatives- from the War Arnps participated iii this ser- vice; President Art Fyles addressed tbe student body at tbat time. A cheque for $200 was presented ta the gentlemen from the War Amps, the amaunt collected ta date from aur yeariy penny drive, Further manies raised will l'e forwarded ta the Wan Amps. Homerooms will continue ta colect pennies until tbe end of November. Mariy students were irivolved in tbis assembly. Special thanks ta Sarah Lenney, Julie Harper, Andrea Etmanskie, Vîcky Rabbins, Chris Gartsen and Dan MacDonald for tbeir rcadings. Musical selections were provided by Colin Kaji and Megban Croaksbank. Kim and Stephanie Birkett and John Quesnel laid the wreatb in memory of the falleri soldiers. Congratulations ta Ms., Petherick for ber efforts i orga- nizing the service. Report cards were distribut- ed ta students on November 15, 1996. Any parents witb cari ccmns are invited ta contact the scbool1 to arrange ta speak ta specific teachers at 987-477 1. SCHOOL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Our first meeting was held on October 22. At that time, we focused mast of the meeting on the, Secandary School Reform document. Our next meeting is scbeduled for December 10 at 7:00 p.mn. Any parent interested i jaining aur committee cari cal tle scbaal. We will be_ holding a Regional Council Meeting bere at Clarke on November 20 from 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. followed by apire- sentatian on Secondary Scbool Reform. ALL PARENTS are wel- came. CLARKE CELEBRATES ) EXCELLENCE Excellence is admirable and wben young people demon- strate academic excellence it is wortb ceiebrating. That was the feeling as over 170 students, parents and staff camie togretb- er on the evening of November 13, 1996 for the annual Clarke Higb School Academic Awards Presentations. Tbe awards were giveri ta over 80 Grade 9, 10. and il students wbo acbicved the highest over- all averaiges 4ri the scbaal and in individuatl courses duririg tbe last scbool year. Eacb student received a certificate and an original academic excellence button designed by Clarke stu- dent Meagben Reid. In addi- tian several students received, special awards of excellence wbicb were donated by local service organizations and indi- viduals. The Newcastle Lions Club Award for the bigbest mark ti Grade il Geograpby was presented to Christina Reed. Richard Perry woni botb the Newcastle Lions Club and the Pauline Storks Award for the higbest mark i Grade 1 1 History. 1 Andrea Etmanskie and former Clarke student Sherri Blacklaw sbared the Bowmanville Royal Canadian Legion Award for the hîgbest standing ini Grade 10 English. It was a great celebratory evening wbicb was toppcd aff by the receptian featuring excellent cakes and punches. If excellence in the yaiuing is reflected by accmplshmnts in the future, then- the future is laaking brigbter. Ray Saitz, Ca ardinatar KIDS AND CAREERS - How Parents Can Heip As part of the Career Education Pragram at Clarkçe, Guidance Counseilors bave been teaching in alI the Englisb classes this semester. Students are using their 'Cancer Planning Portfolios". What is the Career Planning Portfalio? 0 part of the career Educatian Pragram * a tool for Clarke studerits ta track their thinking about their future education and cancers. The Cancer Planning Portfolio can HELP... " clarify cancer gaals " enhance scbalarship application - prepare for post-sec- ondlary entrance * obtain voluniiteer positian * prepare for a jali searcbi Research indicates that PAR- ENTS are the inmber ance influ- ence on their cbildren's cancer choices. If you are like many parents and guardians, yau may feel that yau wauld like ta provide more direction and support. Here is onc way you can belp. Ask ta meet witb a' Guidance Counsellar ta share your cbild's Cancer Planning Portfolio. P. Desjardins, StudentServices For the last couple of weeks, student identification cards (also referred ta as activity cai-ds) bave been on sale far the student body. There are some miscanceptians about this card, and its purpose, wbicb need ta bc cleaned up. All students are asked ta purchase aiD11 card for a fée of $5 (and by the way, this is anc of the least expensive activity cards in the boand). Tbey necd an activity card ta bc involved on a scbool team, iri a club, ta attend scbool dances, etc. Becauiseth lere is a pbatograpb, a signature arid a b)irth daiýte on the cand, this becomnes a valid, piece of iden tification for a sLtu dlent wbicb could be used as proal ai attendance in school, ta prove age or identity i a varie ty of situations. A number of bjusinesses in the-Clarke com- miunity sponsor aur activity card by offering discounits ta the owrier of the ID) card. This yeuan, these busiriesses include: Ace Submarmne, The Apple Blossom Sbap, Coffee Time-Newcasfle, Baskin Rabbins-Bowmarivillc, Flowers Plus, Harvey's-35/115 location, Difters and Subway- Bawmanville. Thank you ta aur sponsors! ID cards are sald by the Students' Council; the profits froma the sale of these cards anc used ta fund activities arga- nized by caunicil far the rest of the scbaol. For example, grade rime students receive a free lunch an Welcome Day; this is a students' counicil span- sored activity. David Foate addrcssed the student body in an assembly. His fée was paid by Student Goverriment. Other organizations in the school may,, need fundirig for some reason; tbey apply ta students' council Greatly Appreciated The high co$t o f- medical Inevitably, s supplies is no longer a barrier donated ta the pro for people witb limited found a new bai resources. That's because the believes tbe peop Claringtan Medical Equipment tbem just don't ki Pragram - thankfs to generous program yet. donations and vlunteers - is -1 tbink tbere'1l actually givihg away medical need for bospital b eqipment. people are beingi Since tbe pragram started surgery soonner, accepting used equipment in ed. June 1995, more tban 300 -1Ibad abeautif items bave been donated and cd, just like new. more than haîf have been given the riext day, a lac away again. busband was cý Visitars 1wbo drap in ta the from beart surge pragram's starage facility at came rigbt in ano Memonial Hospital, was only i avern Bowmanville on Tuesday after- As well as equ noans are greeted by a. line of is always laakirig crutches and canes banging an teers. Currently, the wall and must dodge an able-bod4ted bclp, assortment of bulky mobility and deliver equ aids to find the starage raam, someane wba i where wbeelcbairs, walkers and spend tbe occasic bath seats campete for the lim- at tbe facility on 1 ited space. noons. One Bowmanville resident Thle medical eq recently stopped by ta find a dling program w raised toilet seat and bath seat by representative for ber elderly mother, wbo bad munity agencie just been discbarged from bas- Hospital, 1 pital. She explairied tbat being Claringtan Comr able ta try out the equipment for free means ber mother will j know wbat sbe wants when they are able ta buy new equip ment. "In some cases," says Red Cross Volunteer Co-ordinator Fran'Harseil, "people have treated (the program) as a boan service - equipment has gone out anid corne back. The idea of it is, it's not an emeigericy ser- vice, it's more for long-term care.7 She receives a couple of calîs each day at ber office in Oshawa froma people asking what items are available, or offering to donate no-longer needed equipment. Not all requrests cari be filled right away - equipment such as electric scooters, rollator walk- ers and wheelchairs are in bot demand. Other items on the waiting list include bed rails and an adult sized crib. to receive assistance. Even with ID card fees and our arinu- ai fund-raiser, there are far more requests for money eacb year than can be accommodat- ed. Couricil will continue to provide as mucb assistance as possible. Energy 108 brougbt its sound to Clarke High School on Tbursday, November 21, another students' council spon- sored event. A small group of students thoroughly enjoyed tbemselves at the dance. Tbanks ta tbe studerits who were mnvolved behind tbe scenes of the dance, particularly to tbose wbo stayed around to dlean up afterwards. Representatives from Centerinial College will be bere on December 4 to speak to stu- dents interested in their pro- grams. As we swing into December, there will be many activities going on i the scbool. We look forward to these annual events eacb year: Adopt-A-Family and Food Drive, the Harlem Diplomats basketball game, tbe turkey dinner, door decorating candy-grams and talent assem- bly. Add ta this the usual aca- demic demnands, and students will enid 1996 in a very busy fashion! same items -gram baven't ne, but Fran ole wbo need now about the Ibe a growing )eds, now that released aftcr she predict îful bed doriat- I tbink it was idy called b er aoming home rry - and she d gat it. Sa it night." uipment- Fran out for volun- she needs an per ta pick-up iipment and is wiillîng ta onal aftemnoon T'uesday after- îuipmerit recy- 7as started up es of local com- s - Memorial Bowmanville, mmunity Care, the Bowmanville Rotary Club and Brancb 178 of the Royal Canadain Legion. 1Eacb organization contribut- ed to the project: a grant from Rotary covered start-up costs, the hospital donated storage space, a new railirig and a sign, the community care office pro- vides a mailing address and administrative suppport, the Red Cross provides volunteers anid a phone lime and tbe Legion provides equipment mainte- nance. And, althougb the volunteer pragram bas no stcady source of firiancial income, it contin- ues to thrive as an example of co-operatian on a truly com- munity level. The storage faciity at Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville is openi to tbe public every Tuesday, aftrmoon from 2 p.m. ta 4 p.m. and Thursday evenings by appoint- ment. For more information or ta make an appoirient, cali tbe Red Cross office at 723- 2933 and ask about tbe Clarington Medical Equipment Recyching Program. d FP/E HEARTS Gllft Certificates Cj Pedicures available.16 îManicures Fi pca Waxirig Fl pc l Nail ExtensionslmOOF 15,r5l ESTHETIC STUDIO - 171 Mili St., Orono, Ontario LOB iMO* 905-983-8169 1!~~~~~i R, CJrI!M, 1urJIfE New To Clarington Do You Want To Know More About Your New Community? Then Cail Maria Boone, Your WfVAGON Representative Today 987-5030 EFJeWJsleAuto i Collsioni Complete Auto Body Servicei I Restoration Specialists I Ail Mechanical RepairsI Ail Makes and Modelsi I 4 Wheel Alignments 4L jug of Anti-freeze $7.99* (with coupon) I Winterize Special only $39.991I (conen orback flush and new anti-f reezeI (com in oraur Winterize Special and -receive a FREE tire rotation!) 80OKing St. E.i 98-7-1694 Brigitte Brown, ýým