Dear Sir, As a guest at the Bowmanville. Women's Business and Professional Club meeting on October 17tb 1996, 1 was astonished at the care- iess report of the event in your paper on November 20tb. Not only was Philippa Schmiegelow's namé mis- spelled, but so was that of ber subject, Doctor Annie Higbee. Mrs. Scbmiegelow's painstakingiy researched and cbarmingly presented biogra- phy of that unique woman, Doctor Annie Higbee, deserved a more careful report in your paper. Isobel Rappaport 330 Churcb Street Newcastle, Ont. LlB lC6 Sohool Board, Snubs Commrunity Group The Northumberland Board of Education decided to proceed with the demolition of the oid Newcastle Public Scbooi build- ing, despite a community group's effort to preserve the building. Citing a need to spend its money on students and not old, buildings. the Board refused to keep the nid building around. Residents in the community had proposed the building be used for a number of purposes, including a youith centre, office space, or a place to biouse the libraryv. The bi)jlding wouald need arouind $ý1 .3 mnillion in tupgrades to muake it usable and cost anothier $60.000 annually to heat aud nd aintain. The land tbat thie old buiilding rests on is scbieduled to be tumned into a sports field for tbie sehool. PLAY .~BIA BABIES!R (Editor's Note: 'We actually do flot send anyone to report on the Bowmanville Women's Business and Professional Club meetings. The articles that we place in the paper fromn them are written by Club members themselves and sent in to us. We print them as they were sent in to us. If there were any mistakes in the articles, it was in the original copy received from the Club.) Happenings. I~v~tt~ ~rc~ 'ri~ E~ciitcir a &(cont'd) 1996 Pont ypool Santa Claus Parade The Pontypool Park Board is holding its annual Christmas Parade. The date of this event is Saturday Dec. 7, 1996 al 11:00 a.rn. The parade's starting point, is the Foundation and will pass by the Post Office first. After the parade, everyone is wel- corned back f0 the Pontypool Cornrunity Centre for a hot dog lunch, visit with Santa, activities for the kids and fo vote for a favourite flbat. The irefighters are hosting a dance f rom 8:00 pm f0 1 arn, at a cost of $10 per person or $15. per couple. Overeaters Anonymous New OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS group started in Oshawa, Focus On Recovery OA group will meet every Sunday evening frorn 7:30 - 9:30 p.rn. at 9 bond St. W, Oshawa. Do you eat when you're nol hungry? Do you go on eating binges for no apparent reason? Is your weight affecting the way you live your lite? If so, corne out f0 an OA meeting. NO dues NO fees * NO weigh-ins - NO diets * We are a Fellowshîp. World AIDS Day Time of Remnembrance The AIDS Cornrittee of Durhamn invites you f0 World Aids Day Time of Remembrance on Monday, December 2, 1996 at 11:30 arn. You are invited f0 light a candle for anyone you know who has died of AIDS ai 209 Dundas Street East, Suite 305 in Whitby. RS.V.P. f0 Trudie 905-665-0051. TWC> <,VREAT GENERAL' New 1042L Power Humidifier $35000 Insialled No PST, No G.ST. EA,LS! AIRSCREEN 1000 Electronic air filtration Removes dust from air, easy to maintain $25000 Installed Ritces $4.75 fo>r first 25 uc>rcls .09 c uc>rcJ aibo>ve 25 Co>mpare -tho>se- rate--s ujith othe--r neu-wspope-rs! 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 2Z 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING Feature Home of the Week CHARLIREID Sales Representative 22 Years Experience Sol10 Brick 1 112 btoroi Home - Orono 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen, wood/oil combination fur- nace. 165' frontage. Clean as a whis- tie. Immediate possession available. $129,900. Cail Charlie Reid * 623- 3393 or 983-5914. Specializing in: RESIDENTIAL; VACANT LAND; FARMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES 1 arn Committed To Serving Ail Your Real Estate Needs! "Working 364 Days A Year" W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMTTED 234 King St. E., BowmanvilleI Off. 905-623-3393 Res. 905-983-5914I 4 z Col me to buy or seli ... Orono and area s real estate rep. Krystyna Jones yàg983-60de13 ASSOCATES (DURHAM)llc. 1060 SIMCOE ST. N. 103,.OSHIAWA TEL:(905)721-2112 y> oe NEW LISTING.... Wonderful Custom-built 3600 sq. ft. Bungalow on 1/4 acre Village lot, $1 74,900! I ARAY9IJ«-9T1IN ~N Northcutt Elliott EFuneral, Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to, Traditional Funerals -- Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuipers - President S MSimpson Memorials "Now in Bowman ville" 119 King St. E., Bowma nville 623-6581 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope (905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions *Indoor 1 Outdoor Displays r, * Excellent Prices *Guaranteed Workmanship *Etchings - Personal and Sce nes -Wooden Sandblasted Signs Tiy us before you decide by visiting our new Sales Office, or ca/I us and arrange for an appointment in the comfort of your home. Newcastle BIA Lighting 0f The Christmas Tree November 29,6:00 p.m. Out Front 0f The Community Hall Newcastle Chamber 0f Commerce -Country Christmas Concert December 1, 2:00 p.m.At The Newcastle Community Hall Donations To The East Clarington Food Bank Appreciated Both events co-sponsored by the Orono Weekly Times ----------- ýl 1