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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Nov 1996, p. 14

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14 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 27, 1996 ' The ýApple Blossom Shop FLOWERS & GIFTS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We don 't just speelalize - We make eveiy order special For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 PATRICKG. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 Georg;e Street Bowmanvillle 6i3-4473 BARTNAP HOME CHECK "Let us make your home looked lived in" *Vacation Home Checking *"Wedding Day Services * ...or wlienever you're away" INSURED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Servtng Newronville. Newcastle Orono. Kendal and surroitnding romnrun,îtîi Lite si n V'ite adiYeitowPaes ORONO ELECTRIC Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TV'S - HI-FI'S SALES mADSERVICE Hopoint - R.C.A. White Westinghouse, Frigidaire - Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover GRUNDY'S Qualig Wo,-k In Uphostery R.R.u 2. Orono, Bryon Grundy NATIONAL POWERSKATING PLUS is happy to announce a NEW early morning program, Qur- prograrn will be held November 29th, Duc. 2nd, 6th, 9th and the l3th at the Darlington Arena on Tauînton Road in Hampton. We will be on the tee from 7- 8 AM each rnorning. Also included in theprogramn is an "on the go- NATIONAL POWERSKATING continental breakfast for each skater. each morning of thle program. As always our prograrn will itîclude balancing skills, acceleration, stops ai starts, crossovers, pivot turas, lorward an d backward skating, and puck coatrol., We will also be enforcing our 5 to 1 studunt instructor ratio. We stili have some openings, available, so call 905 98,3 5416 to register now,. The cost of thîs progirm is S80 00.See1you on(the ice' Heather Rebekah Lodge #334 Chrstmas Bazaar Satnrday, December 7, 1996 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Oddlfellows and Rebekahs Centre Corne and bring a fiend 9. 30, 27. 4 cpn Christmas Concert Newcastle Unted Church Sunday, Dec. 8th/96 7:00 p.m. 27 ac NEW YEARS EVE DANCE presented by THE GREAT PINE RIDGE IrINSMEN Orono Arena $80.00 couple ail inclusive 9:00 p.m. Tickets available at Ganaraska Leathercraft 8335 Hwy 35/115 5 km. North ol Orono Phone (905) 983-9540 tin Corne Celebrate Chistmas wtb us Krby United Church Sun. Dec. 15, 1996 7 Pm Sing Gloria Christrnas Cantata by Lani Smnith Featuring: Tyrone & Eldad United Church Choir also S.D.A. Handbell Choir under te direction of Sandy trittain Carol Sing -- Refreshments Need a ride? Phone Bonnie 983-9228 More information: Phone Heather 983 9891 Free WiIl Offering Everyone Welcome 27, 4. Il au HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre, 3706 Rundie Rd. (Courtice) is now accepting new students (children and adults) for our riding and horsemanship programs, summer camps, etc. For further information and to register cal 1-905-623-7336, Home of the Bowman ville Pony Club ORONO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Christmas Show Potluck Dinner Annual Meeting December 5, 6:30 p.m. Orono Unted Church Mitti tree and nouperîshable food items for t he Salvation Arnîy. Entertatament, The DeVries Famîly". AIl Welcomre. 1997 nîembership -83 27. 4 ap Jim and Nli Mereweather of Orono and Eric and Kathy Sandstrom of Langley, B.C. are pleased' ta announce the forthcomning marriage of their- children Brian Joseph and Gillian Maureen. Wedding ta take place in the summer of 1997 in Langley. Gutrerai sewing done in my home, 5 days a week, Phone 983-9761. Create your own Dreamcatcher or as a Gift!! Class held: Sat. Dec. l4th 1-3 PM Includes compiete kit & instruction & coffée Cost: $2000 Lirited space Ph 983-5673 20, 27.,4, Il cpu Great Chrs tmas Idea! Organie Food Gift baskets, Many produets to choos e from . Attractively packaged, in a wicker basket. Starting at $3000. Order today. Call 20, 27 cpu Order Your Firewood NOW *Building Supplies and Hardware Barn Steel - Sikkens Stain *Hemlock for Fences and Stalîs »A Centre for Ail Your Building Needs' (7661Wi7-3381 or (905> 434-6665 '(evenings) ON HWY,35, 2 MILES NORTH OFHWY. 1 15 ATTENTION CIVIC-MINDED HOME-OWNERS Large corporation wîth $30.000 to invest in settng you rip in your own fulI time business helping others, IF YOU QUALIFY. No 9-f0 5- ers, please. Caîl for 24 hour recorded message and free written report. i 705-743- 1274. 274, 11. l8ac Typîng and word processing services resumes & cover lutters Essays & reports Business foras & correspondence and rnnch more... For ail your typing needs please eall Valerie (905) 983-9179 20, 27 au CHOCOLPîTE OUTLET 5028 Main St. O)rono 983-9806 27, 4,11. 18 ac Claington Computer Clearance Centre -used - IBM 386 SX55 2/30 $130. IBM 386 SX55 2/60 $195. IBM 386 SX55 4/80 $275. VGA mono monitor lion $45. VGA colour monitor lion $135. -new Micro Mania sysems - -486 266 s rou $679. 486 2/80s Irom $735. 486 4/1 00s rom $775. 486 81120s rou $1098. 486 8/1 33's f rom $1240. - used Note books- IBM 386 4/80 (new. bail.) $750. ZEOS 486 8/120 mono $1199. Digital 486 4/170,mono $1500. NEC 486 4/210 colour $1695. We buy used computers. 1 or 100 or more f164 Bsaline Rd. E. -eaeotb.eny Bowmanvilin 905.697-3059 Three bedroon apt for ret maîi St., Oronio Village. Available innedliayely. $725.0,0 pur moarh plus utilties Commercial space for rent, Main Street Orono, Approx. 500 sq ft + hasement. Avatlable inimediately. Cail Ed Vanhaverbeke 987- 3211. Office space available ta Bowaaville at reasonable rates. Also. office, retail and nmedical space for rent, Newcastle Village. Modemi buildinigs, excellent locations. Main Street saeavailable. frorntsingle office te, 6.000 sq. ft. Excellent rates. Caîl Ed. Vanhaverbeke 987-3211. NEWCASTLE STORAGE Self Storage Units for rent from $39 per month. CalI 987-3211 2 approximately 50' lots availab le ini smal prestige srubdivision iu Newcastle Village. Excellent brîilders ternis available with 10w down payment. Reduced ro $47,900.00 each. Maku an olffe r. Caîl E d Vaîthaverbeke. Edvaîî Realty Ltd. (905) 987-3211. Lîîxrry onu bedrootit api toi- runt. Newcastle Village. Avilajble iîtunietiatiely. Cal 987-3211. Top pnies lot collections, paper ci We buy stamips ai cards prior to 1960. and badges. old chuqi stock certîficates. Nt and sîlver. Mister Murra] (905) 623-790ý The Oroiîo Figure Club would liku îo TI those who suppori Fashion, Show (Nov.ý our Arnîal Dant4 lath), bcath eveats gruat suecess. A Thanks to the Bi peopie Who doiated p both evetîts. Yours ini Orono Figu re Skati E HOUSEHOLD/A AUCTION GRIST MILL AUC' CENTRE Newtonville, Nov. Friday, 6:00 p.i selling a prîvate est. Bowmanvîlle. the c froni a Taunton Ho: ain excellentselectioî 100 Iimited edirior fromi a Missîssauga Sofa bed. Cheste Dresseqrs. C o'sfft Beds. Sut 4 Oak Chý 6 Pressback Chairs, Elvis collectîbles. Dîsplay case, Dress( Vanity desk. Bookeas Chita. HUîî Woodstove, Býýavc Jointer. Chesttrue.; raay ther artiel, selling a large va: Wildlîle pritîts. Lanc Victorian lraaîed Romantic settingts figures. etc., attrý lrainert, artîsts B ttemnaii Casson,.1, Kiefllur, Kingslaiid, Kevin Datîtels, Huîdson, Ch tii, T Andîrews, Anti Cc Wîllis, Richard Star A great opportuni special gifît Previev after lunch., TERMS: Cash. AI cheque, Visa, M/C. fi AUCTIONEEI Fiank Stapleti 905-786-224 800-263-988 South of Orono HWY. 115 & 35 coin la loving memory of our irruncy. mother & grandmothcr id post MAUDE ELIZABETH Medals COOPER who passed away usand on Nov. 30 1989. ced gold "Mom" is sucb a speciat word A mord timot brinas to mind tY A big worrît silait helping )I hond. 6.,27 au A W0.9 of being kind "Mom" is such a special naine Becousu it stands for flou. Miss you M Love your Family Skating MEULEMAN, EDGAR hiank aitl ta loviag memory of a dear -ted ont husband, Edgar who passed 3rd) an away Oct. 23 1995.-_ ýe (Nov. Those we love we neyer lose. swere a Always in our huarts. special Always rumembered hy wife Usiness Clara, pizes for> family & relatives 27 ap iSkatiig tig Club ALLIN. SAR,ýNE .-xecutîve You neyer get t0 sOy qoodlbye 27 au To those qov love - - They oîways go so quicklij : Wtt/ot any womng Yoi n rqas tqon ttink of!-îhem Y ou i sh thm eti were ,Mut lhure You mont ttu un bock the Thot one lost lime TMON To fell ihem how mucb rou 2t, loue themi 29ith, And hold them in ilour arias M. Andl to sotj thot Onu lost ýate from goodbye ontents Tort neyer gof to say ýme, and But pou cantr tutti bock lte " of over tinte "prints To whenth tey muere olive Gallery, 50 rou neyer got to soy rfields, Thot lost anîd final goodbtje. Drawers, Love Mont. Lairri airs, Set Tyril, Shallon Trunk, 27 au S teru o s ýer dusk, se, Glass tîidîlier, r 4 ta. zer, and es; Also rîety of cscapes, work s. sSport -activuly inac I ide [,nihers. Kelley, Sandra errerinee te. Janl ley, cix. ty for a wv Frîday .pporved [nterac R: ton 4 6 27 a 983-5628_ Free Squash or U c>Pie Pumpkîn wîth $10.00 purchase Fruit Mar ket Russett Apples, Johna Gold Apples, Royal Gala Apples, Mclntosh, Empire, Red & Golden Deliclous & Spy Brown's Potatoes -- Farmn Fresh White & Brown Eggs - 100% Wylie Fruit Juices -Fred's Apple Juice FIIAM . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 1 1 STAFFORD > MONUMENTS 143 King St. E. BoWàianville, Ont. Phone 623-8150 OUTOFTOWN CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-461-4848 ,G.RANITE MONUMENTS MARKERS and - - ICEMETERY LET-rERING PRIVATE HOME or SHOWROOM APPOINTIVIENTS AVAILABLE SERVING ALL FAITHS REFERENCES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Cati today for your free flovver vase and winter wreath. VISA ACCEPTED Orono Area Rep. TOM HENDERSON 983-9608 1

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