10 Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday, December 4,1996 Orono Firefighter's Cone To The Rescue 0f Orono Cubs' Trailer Orono Firefighter's came tothe rescue of the Orono Cubs by doniating money to-help fix the Cubs' trail- er. The trailer was worn oui, and had a bent axle. The firefighters donated $350.00 f0 cover the cost of parts needed to fix the trailer, and B.J. Trailers of Orono did the work at no charge. The Cubs use the trailer on excursions to help haul their equipment. Standing by the newly refiirhished trailer are Bey Cowan of B.J. Trailers, Jaimie Cowan'of the Orono Firefighter's Association, Paul Secord, Chair of the Cubs' Group Committee, and Doug Stewart, Cub Leader. The Orono Firefighter's Association would like to remind everyone about the free skate,,they sponsor on the Sunday before Christmas. December 22 come on down to the Orono Arena and enjoy the free skate, hot chocolate, and of course, Santa. The Ist Orono Cubs will be selling Christmas Trees this year, just north of the fire hall, for $ 15.00. The Cubs will be oui December 14 and 15, as well as December 21 and 22. ClarkefHigh Sohool News The big event this week at Clarke occurre d on Wednesday, November 26, when the student body was offered the opporfu- nity to attend the junior and senior hockey games in Orono durîng the affernoon. Thet turnout was excellent; fhree buses loaded with staff and stu- dents travelled f0 the arena for the games against rivais, from Sf. Stephen's. The feams were well mafched and the games hard foughf. Athlete of the Week Ryan Dunnigan Ryan Dunnigan,, an OAC student af Clarke, has been chosen by his coaches te be our first "athlete of the week". Ryan has been actively involved in the athletics programmes here af Clarke since hîs arrivai in grade nine. This year, he is playing volleyball, baskefball and hockey at school. He plaLys for the Clarington Toros hockey team, works at Canada Trust after school and on weekends as a CSO1 and maintains grades which should allow hlm entrance fo the Business pro- gramme at Western in the faîl. To permit such a schcdulc, Ryan must have some fime management tips from which we could ail benefit! Trying f0 balance ail these fhings this fali has been difficuit for Ryan. He doesn'f like to let the coaches or the feam down: being depend- able is important f0 hlm. Mr. Willems, Ryan's hockey coach at the school, suggesfed that Ryan be named the ath- lefe of the week because of his leadership skills. He works well w ith the other young men on the team, and while he may not realize that he is d1oùing if, sets a positive example for the other players, parficularly the younger ones. Ryan himself says thaf if is important te hlm to stay loose during a game, thaf being too tense can dcsfroy your chances ofwin- nîing. Having fun an;d iusinig humour can help) defuse anxi- ef-y both in himself anid in the othier players during a gamie. He also believes thaf keeping control during a game is impor- tant, that points arc lost. goals against are scored, if you allow yourself f0 lose your temper. Congratulations to Ryan on being chosen athîcte of the week! Reuben De Jong Congratulations this week also go out to Reuben De Jong who has been accepted into the OYIAP (Ont ario Youfh Internship Apprenticeship Programme) af Durham College r-SERVING DURHAM REGION ;INCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID WhT'fere ~ProfessionaflLtiquette is Important" Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Wiliams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANS WERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE during semester two. Under this programme, Reuben will attend classes in the morning at Clarke and will then travel to Whitby in the afternoon to begin the class portion of his apprenticeship in the manufac- turing field. During the sum- mer months, Reuben will begin his on-the-job appren- ticeship hours. This is a fairly new option for local high school students who are interested in apprenticeships in specific fields, who are strong academ- ically and who have a positive attitude toward learning. Reuben is wcll qualified in al these areas. Good luck, Reuben! THERE'S MONEY OUT THERE! SCHOLARSHIPS, AWARDS AND BURSARIES by Julie Plath Are you a graduating stu- dent or a student who is plan- ning f0 attend university or col- lege? If so, then you might want to locate and apply for some of the hidden treasure that's out there. Don't be fooled. It won't alI be easy. You'll have te, work at it and take some chances. A scholarship is an award of money or assistance that a stu- dent receives to help cover the cxpciise of furthcr educatioji. Most scholarships are based on menit. Merit usually refers to excellence in such things as academic achievement, ^music, sports, etc. The financial needs of candidates are not usually taken into account s0 that even people from wealthy familles can win them. Scholarships can take the formn of money or credit given to a student direct- ly or money given to a college or university in the form of tuition or'residence payments for a student. Scholarships are not a new idea. One term that is fairly easy to understand is "award". This is usually a cash prize or trophy continued page il Seffices and Repairs To AUl MakeS 0f Vehicles Used Auto Parts é Complete Auto Body Servce , Used and New lires Servie Oeils COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1MO ON HWY. 115 &35 PH-ONE (905) 983-9151 HALLS RADIO'& T.V. REPAIR REPAIRIS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMVENT PUBLIC NOTICE CONTACT NUMBER FOR 1996 -97 WINTER SEASON DECEMBER 2,1996, TO APRIL 7,1997, The Public Works Department can be contacted for emergencies relative to road maintenance or conditions at the following telephone number during the 1996 - 97 Winter Season: ALL AREAS....................... 623-3379 AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY.......... -623-5126 Don Patterson, C.E.T. Manager of Operations Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 Dates of Publication: Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1996 & Dec. 4,1996. P.O.# 5965 UNICIPAI lïý 01 "ri"" on ý0l ', ONTAMICI