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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Dec 1996, p. 12

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JiR Iii' T~ l12 Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday, Decemnber Clarington East FoodBank Bîds Fond Farewell TM"o Coordinator Befli Lamb, coordinator of the Clarington East Food Bank, will be leaving the area for a brighter future. Sbe bas worked bard as the coordinator of the Food Bank for over a year, and tbe volunteer committee wanted f0 tbank ber for al ber bard work. A small gath- ering in ber bonour was held at tbe Food Bank last Tbursday. Cbarles Gray presented Betb witb a plague f0 commemorate ber time with tbe organization. Presently, tbe Food Bank is sbort on toilet paper, tootbpasfe, and other personal items. To m-iake a dona- tion, call tbe Food Bank at 987-1418. Africa, continued f rom page il area and managed f0, sample over xx communities. The resuits of their survey will be invaluable f0 the Rio da Huila healtb team as they set short and long term bealth goals for the region. Cbris and I departed at the end of June, just after Raj and, Ari bad finished their survey and flew back f0 Canada. I had no idea whaf f0 expect. Would the people in Lubango accept me? Would there be people starving in the streets? I thought about ail of the pic- tures that the media portrays as life in the third world. I thought about the efhics of us as medical students requiring Dr. Fosters time, perbaps deny- ing someone of bis expertise wbile be takes time f0 teach us some detail of physical exami- nation. Affer a 20 hour flight and a furfher 22 bours of driving (mucb of if off-road) we arrived in Lubango, an Angolan city of close f0 200 000 people. The next day we a had bapfism of fire into Angolan healthcare wben we traveiled f0 the stafe- run Hospital. We were de _facto anestbefists for an operafion Dr. Foster was con- ducting, on a womnan who appeared f0 us f0 be approxi- mately 8 montbs pregnant. We were sbocked f0 find ouf she was not pregnantat ail, but fbat Dr. Foster was actually removing a leiomyoma (tumour of the uterus) from this woman that weigbed about 4 kilogrems! Tbis was just the beginning of the patbology tbat we would se during our 2 montbs in Lubango. The hospifal that we per- formed this operafion in is large by Canadian standards, designed fo service over 2000 patients, and was a project i tiated by the Portuguese dur- ing colonial times. Unfortunately, as witb mucb of the infrastructure of Angola, tbe bospifal bas deteriorated to) a point wbere there are no mcidi- cations left nin the pharmacy and harenoub tff0tend f0 50 patients. Tbe operafing rooms still function, but patients are forced f0 buy every- tbing from anesthetics f0 sutures on the "praÇa" (black market). Also. if a patient requires a blood transfusion if is up f0 ber f0 find a suitable donor. Onîe of the cases we assisted witb was an albino man witb malignant mWeanoma tumours the sîze of grapefruits on bis leg and back. Wben he needed a transfusion he bad fo pay strangers for tbeir blood 50 that he could proceed wifh a much needed opeiation. In fact, one day wben bis bemoglobin had dropped f0 near moribund leveis, Chris donated bis blood fo the man s0 tbat bis wife would not bave f0 travel around Luba ngo begging friends and relatives te, donate biood. Despîte passing the sub- stantiai cost of medîcations on f0 the patients, the bospitai stilI' bas problemas meeting ifs fman- cial obligations. Nurses' and doctors' salaries frequentiy go unpaid. In fact one day 1 had f0 bold a flasblight over Dr. Foster's shoulder during the day's operations because the hospital had no money f0 buy fuel for the generator, and con- sequently there was no ligbt. Chris heiped by operating a foot pump for the suction appara- tus. As a resuit of the somefimes prohibitive costs of western medicine, as well as a myriad of other reason, Angolans sf111 reiy heavily on the traditional medîcine tbat bas been prac- ticed for years. Wbiie many of the tradifional remedies are belpful (or at worst benign), some prove very bermful. Af the rural missionary clinic in Rio de Huila (50 km outside Lubango) 1 saw severai patients wbo had been blinded by the unknown ointment tbat tbey bad been advised f0 rub into their eyes. Tragically, many infants die of liver damage caused by a toxic "mnedicine" that their parents would administer on tbe advice of the local traditional beaier. Tbe worst case 1 saw was a woman "'ivis bad been, wbose entire pe' scaided by boililg xater. a common metbod emploved by the local tribes to cleanse women aiter cbildbirtb. I cleaned and draped ber witb sterile ban!dagý_es, but it was very iff -icit because 1 knew tbat sbe 1was sutfering tbrougb incredible pain and tbe only pain-killer we bad was aspirin. Despite tbese difficulfies, we did see signs of bope in Angola. One of tbe goals of our triptf, Angola was to defermine wbetber a Canadian non gov- emnment organization (NGO) in conjunction witb McMaster s CIH, could feasibly establisb an integrated demining/prostbet- ics project in the Lubango ()area. Fortunately, both of tbese prob- lems were already being addressed wben we arrived., The United Nations bas con- tracted Mecbem, a Soutb African demining organization, te0 clear the key roads in Angola. To date, over 3000 km of roads bave been demined. Mecbem representatives indicated tbat tbey hope f0 bave completely demined 7000 km of roads by December. Tbe clearance of roads will allow for tbe sale pas- sage of building materials and otber cargo wbicb is crucial f0 tbe recovery of tbe interior of tbe country. .We aiso attended the grand opening of Handicap Intemnational's prostbetics pro- duction shop. Tbis Belgian NGO hopes teo fit and service 80 prostbetics every month. If suc- cessful, this wouid be a big step towards reintegrating the tbou- sands of war amputees into Angolan society. My time in Angola bas opened my eyes f0 tbe difficul- ties experienced by people in a nation stricken by war. 1 bad incredible higbs, sucb as wben we would remove tbe bandagës from people who bad been blinded by cataract disease but could now see because of rela- tively simple operations. I also bad debilitating lows, most sig- nificantly wben I saw a 2 montb old baby die of malaria during an interview. If made me realize bow, througb no otber virtue but pure luck, 1 was aiiowed f0 live in a country wbere a cbîld of very modest means can even- tuaily study to become a doctor while another dies of malnutri- tion tbousands of kilometers away. If bas profoundiy changed my outiook on both medicine and life. Youth Advisory Committee The AIDS Committee of Durham ispresentiy forming a group of youtb wbo are inter- ested in participating in biweek- iy information sbaring sessions. The first meeting xiii take place on Tbursday, November 28 at 7:00 p.m. Tbis group will be responsi- ble for advisîng staff and volun- teers of the HIV/AIDS educa- tion needs of today's youtb. These sessions wiil consist of a questiofl/answer stîmulator, (eg. video, debate topics, recent media items) followed by an informai discussion. If you and your friends would like f0 learn more.about HIV/AIDS and are wîlling f0 assist tbe AIDS Committee of Durham witb this project or wouid like furtber Happenïngs.ç e icont~I Frst Mourn then Work for Change Corne & Lght a Candie on Friday, December 6, 1996 at 2:00 p.m. Meet at the Oshawa YWCA Adelaide House. 33 McGrgor Street and walk to St. Andrew's United Church, 71 Smcoe S 5treet South for the service. A Candie liant Vigil will aise be held o7n Fri. Dec. 6th et 7:00 p.m. et the Visuel Arts Centre in Bowmanville on Simpson Avenue. 14 women died in Mont real December 6, 1989. Violence affects us ail. Our comîmunity has a responsibility f0 stop the violence. The Oshawa YWCA and St. Aýndrew's ýýUnited Church invite interested individuels and ail community agencies f0 participete ninmemiorial service. For further information contact ether Ki at 728-5227 or Nancy et 623-7Ï,361. A uletide Tour of Bowmanvlle's Fine Old Homes Entoy the Maglco0f e Christmas Past. Homemade Holiday Fare, Lîve Music & Traditionai Decorations are tust some of the touches that make this tour so unique. Saturday, December 7th, 1996 from 10 arn untîl 4:00 pm. Tickets are availabie et the Apple Blossomn Shop in Orono, The Book Studio in Bowmanvile, Newcastle House in Newcastle and are $1 2.00. For further information look tor the advertsement in the coming events section or cail Janie Dodds et 905-983-5926. Holidays hours at Libran>' Ail branches of the Clarington Public Library wîll have special hours durîng the holi- day season. The Bowmanvilie Branch wîll be closed on Wed. Dec. 25, Thur. Dec. 26, mon. Dec. 30 and Wed. Jan. 1. This branch wîll close et noon on Tue. Dec. 24 and Tue Dec. 31. Ail other days will have normal operating heurs. The Newcastle Village Branch and the Clarke Braiich will be closed from Tue. Dec. 24 to Thurs. Dec. 26, and f rom Mon. Dec. 30 to Wed. Jan. 1, 1997. Ail other days will have normal operating heurs. Please cail your local branch ot the Clarîngton Public Library for more information. Oshawa Art Association Attention Artistic people! The Oshawa Art Association (non profit organization) meets every 2nd Wednesdlay of the month et 7:30 p.m. located et the Oshawa Resource Centre Oshawa. For info cali Brenda 723-6305 or Dave 983-6333. mi NewasleAuto Complete Auto Body Service Restoration Specialists Alil Mechanical Repairs Ail Makes and Models 4 Wheel Alignments 4L jug of Anti-freeze $7.99* (with coupon) Winterize Special only $39.99! frback f lushand new anti-f reeze (corneinfo our Winterize Special and receive a FREE tire rotation!) ai! 80 King St. E. 98-7-1694---I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE 0F INTENTION TO DESIGNATE The Municipality of Clarington intends to designate 4478 Highway 35/115, Part Lot 29, Concession 4, former Township of Clarke, as a historical structure in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0. 18. The full particulars of the Reasons for Designation are available in the Clerk's Office at the Municipal Adminstrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, from 8:30 arn. - 4:30 p.m. Any person may, within thirty (30) days of the f irst publication of this notice, send by Registered Mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Municipality of Clarington, notice of his or her objection to the proposed designation together with a statement of the reasons for the objection *and ail relevant facts. If such a notice of objection is received, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington shaîl refer the matter to the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. Dated at the Municipality of Claringotn this 4th day of December 1996. MNCALY OF ON TA RIO Dates of Publication: Wednesday, December 4,1996. Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontar'o Li C 3A6 P.O.# 6703 4, 1996L -

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