(lmito uWu-kly'i iin-s. , t D cy i)ec eixr 4, 1996 -13 Newcastle hions cIub News On November 122 the Newcastle Lions heid their Annual Stag Barbecue Niglit at the Newcastle Comrnunity Hall. A delicious barbecued beef dlin- ner and games was enjoyed by 262 people with a grand elimi- nation draw prize of $700.00 won by Don Plain from Bowmanviile. The Newcastle Lions Club wishes to thank al who participated and heiped to make this event a success. At the regular dinner meet- ing on November 27th the Girl Guides catered a delicious chicken dinner. President Terry Graham acted as chairnuan and welcomed three guests from the Peterborough Lions Club. They were Lions Presudent Beverly Bowser, Gord Bowser and Ray Osterpovich. Other guests were newly accepted member Jinu Brown and Dr. John Clarke. Lion Beverly is the District, Leo Club Chairnuan and carne to speak to the Newcastle Club about Leo Clubs. These clubs are sponsored by Lions International and are 4,000 strong worldwide with 105,000 rnernbers. Members ages range frorn 12 to 28 years and may go on to become Lions menubers. Our local district, A3 has two Leo clubs, one'in Pittsburg Township and another in Stirling and they are very active in their cornrunities and rnany go on to becorne very active Lions. Birthdays were celebrated for Lions Terry Grahamu. Mike _Cartel, Tenzin Gyalston, Roy Watts and Beverly Bowser. The next Lions rneeting will be in the Lions Roorn on' Decenuber I lth anid wll be a SossNight to clebrate the Chiristmasi- Season. Ahl Lions will be- contacteýd to get an accu- rate cont for the caterers. Photos will be takeni at this 1rneeting fi or the 50th Annivrsarycollage. 303 Drunk Drivers Caught In Weekend Ontario-Wide Blitz Three undredand three Ontario divers are ser-ving 90- day administrative drivers licence suspensions (ADLS) ai ter being caughit drinking and drivinge or rfsn to take a breath test this weekend, report ed Ontario Registrar of Motor-Vehicles, Rudi Wycliffe. "This is 303 drivers that wouid have been on the road a week ago, had ADLS not been i m p1em en t ed, "s a id Transportation mnister AI Palladini. "The Harris govemn ment xiii not tolerate impaired drivers." In 1994, almost 350 people were killed in impaired driving crashes in Ontario. Research from other jurisdictions with similar suspension laws shows that the number of drinking drivers in fatal crashes went down by almost 20 per cent (Delaware) and the number of alcohol reiated crashes decreased by up to 25 pcr cent (Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin). The law allows for the Registrar of Motor Vebicles in PUBLIC NOTICE BY-LAW NO. 93-144 FORMAL NOTICE TO CLEAN SNOW AND ICE FROM SIDEWALKS Occupants and property owners are required to remove snow and ic0e from the public sidewvalks in front of, and beside their properties within 12 hours after a fall of snow, freezing rain, or hail and to keep them clear. These requirements apply Whether or not a house or any other building is erected on the property. If you fail to clear and keep clear th e entire surface of sidewalks abutting your property, the Municipality will remove the snowv and ice and charge the cost of such removal to the property owvner's realty taxes. Clearing snow and ice makes the Municipalitys sidewalks safer for ALL pedestrians. Your co-operation in keeping sidewalks clear of snow and ice- AT ALL TIMES will be appreciated. I.aMU ICIPALITY 0F Ilialngton ONTARIO Dates of Publication: Wednesday, November 6 and 20, P.O. # 6010 December 4, 1996 and January 8, February 5, and March 5, 19, 1997. BUSIESS )P -s 8itG CASH INCOME. IBEX CANADA neeslaDlstrutors tohregut Ontario.Soecurs 0teerights te a dispesebie, high demeand product conumed try virtuaWl everyonel Investment $3,79500. ,Firlnclng O.A.C. 1-800-538- 6054. ALER' NEED MORE MONEY? GUARANTEED. No Experlence Reqitedt Very afferdabie and lucrative H.B6.lOE 1itmEeout-of-poeattNet MLM. Oeil tede- COUJNSEtLOR TRAINNintcfl!1u'e et Canada olfers cr- respondence courses fer 0-e C imen Ceunsattisgj Precli se baghrsing Mis morii. Fer s brochure phone Tol- Ire 1800-6-7044. COMPUTERS. No prevoua omputer exporence noces- sary. Eclttg opporturties neer availabie In computer programrsng. Wa mi train suiteble applicaits. OMS 1- 800-477-9578. SE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER...wftti, ur greas nome- sudy course. Ceil leday for yesr FREE BOCK. 1.800. 267-182. Thse Wrding Sohoot, 38 McArtur Ave., Suite 2700, Ottaw, ON, KI L 6FQ SAWMILL $4895,-AWLOOiNTO ORS pads beas. Lrg cpc- .Betsawmmiiat-e-,nywhere. Free trlr, at t ,, -0-5669.Nrwood SawmIls, R R 2,Kioty narte 0 HEP ANTED TRAVL CONSULTANTS reclve 50% cemotisna. Ne exprinc rrcesay.Must haescoçmper486 pus tex. Wour et hersa. Clents an assai. Cail MikeS t 800-240. 6ff0or947-3404. $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Mak a t1letmcnay seliurg chocolata bars. New products avadable.No0ing to pay In aisance. Fat de8very 1.800l-83.31-9. IMVETMNTS INVESTORS GOLO Aerti 8MR Geld Corporation 500,000 ounces gold. Colombie 17,280 acres privste tand. Samples 0.598 eztrs, ge.Novae adril pregramos permnitted. Production tergal 1997. Twe new hih ton- nagefligh grade prejects. Cal Marie Antoinette Shields 1 - 800779-0033. BOThERED 8i CREOITORS? Creditguard ha auege you naed te deai witi, 0-ose Bilt Colectors àand resoive your moerdue bile. Cali us nore 1-888-79-4440, 20/0 WrTHOUT GLASSESI Sala, rapld, non.surgicat. permann retoration in 6- 8 weetrs. Airine piot devet- oped, dotor spprmvd. Free information by malt: 406- 961-5570, est. 253; fax 406-961-5577. http:// www.vWsor*eedorn.comn Satisacton guarsnteed. ~? PAY ELPHONE E$V HEAVENLY PSYC-.HIC-:ANS WERtS. 0-esaendusahsied Caters l-900453783 $2.9 pemn.,24 Hs *8 Yrs+ HELP QUIT SMOKI.NG, contret ovareating, manage unwanted strass, toue 0-ose destructive habht threugh tetephentoc hypnosis. Catiers must be I18 $299 par minute. Phoene -900D-561-6624. MALE 8IfPOTENCE aasly corrscte. Cvercowm e rec- lion probteros causad by agrng, medrotrensý, surgey, dabetes, etc. Gai 0-e tacts: Performance Medicai Lsd., Box 418, Vaternourit. BC VOE 2ZO. 1-800I-0121. IF YOUIRE NOT INTERESTED IN THE BAR SCENE, but dont mçnow Iera aise le mee surneone nica, cadMisty River Introductions, Ontaros truditionai mstchmaker. 613-257-3531, ASHGROVE CHRiSTIAN SINGLES. Compunionshipi mrrege. Agas t8- 85. Single, vddoweddivorced. StaSe aga. Ai acroso Canada. PCO. Box 205, Chuse, S.C., VOE 1MO. Frse information. 1-250-679-3543. www.bcweb- ntsscom/sarvrcewAsigrove REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGOiUND membaruhip/imeshare? WeL teksa ftArnarican largeut, ldest rease ceaurrnghousa. Resort Sales lInernational 1-800423-5967. Tmeshare rentais neede Cal 24 hours s day. 'STEEL BUILDINGS DURA BUILDING SYSTEMS - Great pr/cas, on quality, Cenadianmade pre"nieerad ateel buLIld4ns.'We spe- cstîze in agriculturai. commercial, indusri and racra- atonal buldings. Cai fer dotais - 800-663-7538. BUILDING SALE-. Ontanio Fscfory Drec Ends, Servica door and Freight te Most Areau Inciuded. 25 x 40 $608800. 30x 40$6,844-00.40x00$9,866.00. 47 x90 $19,77.00. Odwes. Poneer -80066-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. Durable, Dependsbia, Pre-englneared, AI-Steel Structures. Custors-made to suit ysur needs an'd rerurssnns. Factory-Direct sltord- eble prices. Cati 1-800-668-5111 ext. 536 for res brochure. IfsAffordable *-1V. Fast - I's Easy -One BiflDooa Il AI -Noilhern Ontario $76 - Eastern Ontario $138 Western Ontario $130 - Centra) Ontario $134.- Ai Ontario $384 -National Packages Avalable - CaU Net papar for detajial man ville Toastmast Bowmanvllle Toastmasters have enjoyed the great success of their member Toastmaster Irene Konzelmann. Irene was victorious against speakers from Area 26 Peterborough ansd Lindsay recently in the "Improptu Speaking Contest." At the Division Contest in Belleville Toastmaster Konzelrnann received good wishes and con- gratulations from ail Clubs. Congratulations Irene. Feature\ Home of the Week CHARLME REID Sales Representaive 22 Years Experience Finished top to bottom. Hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms, huge kitchen, 3 walkouts, double car garage. This is truly a beautiful home. 20 minutes north of Bowmanville. Just listed. $224,900. Charlie Reid 623-3393 or 983-5914. Specializing in: RESIDENTIAL; VACANT LAND; FARMS COYUNTRY PROPERTIES -- 1 arn Cornmitted To Serving Ail Your Real Estate Needs! "Working .364 Day.s A Year' W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMTTED 234 King St. E., Bowmanville Off. 905-623-3393 Res. 905-983-5914 J0C)NES Co' " me to buy or self ,. orono and area's real estate rep, 4 Krystyna Jones Z fr983-6013 Recilt y-Net ASSOCIATES ,(DURHAM)Inc. 1050 SIMCOE ST. N. 103- OSHAWA > ..TEL:(905)721.2112 y> Beautifully reriovated historical Orono Village ........................./ Choose From Our Book By Rainbow -Invitations Or Have Us Design One Unique For You!