)RONO WEEKLY TIMES Sevn East - C e -ntn n ey ne 193 e...... t. B. * 90 i 650 GSTInctude 1 ,Wednesday, Deoember 4,1996 îmNewtonvile Rnallies mToHep njured Youth Tbe cornrnuniiity, of Newtonville came out Saturday nigbt in a fund raiser to belp Jerorne Blake and bis farnily pay for 'tb1e medicai bis, tbat were facing Jerorne. Jerome, 17, was paralyzed frorn tbe wast down during an accident at tbe end of September. Jerorne is seen bere at tbe benefit witbh bis two sis- ters Melissa and Nicole, as well as bis parents, Sbaron and Randy Blake. New Rules On Horizon For Happenings ...Apartments I Orono Town Hall Euchre Resuits Houses- Aileen Turner- 88, Marian Staples - 87, Edgar Millson - 84. Ann Julicher- 81, Lrna Clarington Councîl was the Crockett- 81; Low - Joyce Cowan; Drawvs - Gladys Greenwood, Ruth Gray, ei site of a public meeting regardmng Harness. Grace Coathai, Jim Gordon, Maiha Clark. Ail een Turner. Euchre every a new by-iaw wbîch wili change Wedinesday night a 8 pm, the way in-house apartments are administered. Currentiy, the Orno rtclua Society existing by-law does not permit s holding their Chrismas Show & Potluck Dinner Annual Meeting al the Orono apartments in bouses. United Chtirch on December 5th la 6:30 p.m. Mitten troc and nonpershable foodj Th e proposed by-iaw xviii con- items for the Salvation Army are being collected. Entertainent - 'The DeVries formi to the Clarington Officiai Famniy. Ai welcome. Plan. It xiii also set guidelines that such apartments rnust fol- Heather Rebekah Locge #334 Christmas Bazaer iow. Corne out to the Oddfelows and flèbekahs Centre in Orono and enjoy the In its present draft form, the Christmas Bazaar. Being held on Decemnber 7, 19M frorn 2 pm - 4 pm. by-law wiil lirit the creation of apartments in bouses to single Chri stmas Concert or semi-detached homes. Space Corne and enjoy the melodies on December 8th, 1996, 7 p.m. a the Newcastle must be provided for an addi- United Church. tionial parking space for the *apartrnent. The apartment ms Trdlium Mogan Horse Farm's 7th Annua Christmas Festival bc a minimum of 40 -square Free admission. staff decorating contest, door przes, carniage rides, refreshments. mnetres and be in a home that is Corne and meet the beautiful Morgan Horse, Fun for the entire farnily! First roade serviceci with botb municipal west of Main S. in Orono on Ochonski Rd. On Saturday, December 7th from 1 ae ndsn.r swr ua 4 pm, ae n aiayswr ua areas, Hamiets and Orono were specifically iisted as areas in Coping wth Anxiety Support Group hhneapr ntinou s The next meeting of the coping wth anxiety support group meets Tuesciay, wbrmtcbee aartment oue Decemyber îOthet 7:30 -9:00 p.rn. al the Orono United Church. The nexi meeting Eçisting apartments in bous- will not be held until January 7h, 1997, For furher information cai Pam 983-5438. e ilb rnftee;ai TheGe Pne îdg Ne Vers veunuesucli apartment that was in exis- Th rat Pn RdeKiflsme w YasE ac tence prior to November 6. 1996 New Years Eve Dance presented by The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen, Orono Arena, xiibe allowed to stay as long as $8000cupeail inclusive, 9 pm. Tickets available ai Ganaraska Leathercraft, eycipywthlrrguairs 8835 Hwy. 35/115, 5 km., N'orth of Orono, 983-.9540. provide the extra parkin1g spacc, and are registered within one lst Orono Cubs year of the passing of a registra- Help Support the cubs by buying purchasing a Chrismas Trce for $S15.00. The tion by law. cubs mill oui December 14 & 15 and Decemnber 21 & 22, just north of the lire hall. Staff will continue to work on Watch for them' the draft-proposai and report back to Council at a latter date. The people of Newtonville are a very tigbt knit cornrunity, always willing to give each other a belping band. So wben Jerorne Blake, 17, was injured earlier tbis year in a dirt bike accident, tbe residents of Newtonville once again banded together to offer their support. Jerorne was paralyzed frorn the waist down when be bit a tree wbile riding lis dirt bike on September 27. He rnaged to waik awray frorn the crash back to bis truck, but was soon unable to waik. Jerorne is cur- rentiy undergoing tberapy in Toronto during tbe week, and bas rnanaged to corneborne on a few weekends. Jerorne says tbat be bas feeling in bis knees, as well as involuntary move- ment of bis legs. He can feel bot and cold on bis feet. These are ail good signs tbat witb contin- ued tberapy and treatrnent, Jerorne ray be able to walk again sorneday. Tbe accideýnt sure basnt seerned t o affect bis personaýlity, too rnucb. Jeromne was laugb- ing and enjoying birnself at tbe party. and was accornpanied by sorne of bis friends and rnany of bis family. He said tbe out- pouring of support was "sur- prising." Tbe cornrunity sbould real- ly be cornrended for tbe sup- port tbey bave given, especially Wally Bougben and Sharon Steele. The benefit was "a corn munity idea" according to Wally, modest person tbat be is. He and Sbaron were respon- sible for organizing tbe event. Cooper Fuels in Newtonville bad a donation box out for Jerorne, as did Wally at bis bouse on Hwy #2. There was also a box at tbe door. In ail, tbe cornruni- ty raised $2,369.00 to belp tbe farnily cover the costs tbat tbis accident bas .incurred. Refresbrnents, entertainrnent, and use of the bail were also donated. Frank Stapieton, speaking on bebaîf of the organization cornrittee, sumrned up tbe feelings of tbe people at tbe event. -Wben we beard of your accident and of your injury, we ail burt." Frank added "We're ail bereaàs -a farnlly." Good luck Jeromne and get better soon. Anyone wisbing to donate rnoney to belp Jerorne's recovery can caîl Wally Bougben at 786-2239. 'a Visits Newcastle Santa Claus gave: tbe reindeer the night off and arrîvcd in Newýcastle on a s tation wagon-drawn sieigb Friday nigbt to be a part of the Newcastle BIAýs lighting of their Christmas Trees. ýhe 4tb annual event featured caroiiing. free apple'eider and bot chocolate as well as Santa, wbo was cbecking up on wbo was naughty and wbo was nice as be banded out candy canes to the boys and girls. Volume 60, Number 48 If Il: