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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Dec 1996, p. 2

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2 - Orono Weekly Tirnes, Wcdnesday, December 4, 1996 r JWEEKLY TIMES Produced Weely By Sonbon Publishing Puiblications Mail Registration N\o. 0368 Publishing 47 Issuies Annually at thie Office of Publication 5310 Main Stre-et, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Telephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Troy Young Editor @ Publisher PRO TES TINO EDUCATION CUTS We have b een hearing over and over again about how the Tory education cuts are going to hurt the lassrooms and the teachers' abiîity to teach. Obviously, cuts are going te, hurt somewhere (that's why they are called cuts!) but most people would agree (including some of the parents 1 talked with at the protest outside John O'Toole's office) ihat a certain amount of cutting was necessary. (As a side note, this protest was organized on a provincial level. Why then did the organizers choose a day when the MPP's were ail at Queen's Park? MPP's are in their constituencies on Fridays; this protest would have been more effective had the MIPP's been around. Someone should have donc their homework.) The past govemnments (Tory isiluded) spent as if money grew on trees. They encountered a problem, tbey threw money at it, hoping it would go away, all the while creating a hidden problema. It's called the debt. Getting down the debt to a manageable level is the most important thing. The annual interest alone is equal to what the province pays in education. If we eould cut down the debt, there would be enough money to pay for most of our programs. Remember that Ontario pays uts teachers more than any other province. This is not a bad thing, but as we have been seeing in the corporate seetor, wage elaw-backs may become a possibility. I's too bad that first teachers are worrying about havrng a job, then it gets topped off by a possible reduction in' pay. I don't think 1 would want to be a teacher. Then there are the school boards. There are gross inequities in how education dollars are distributed. First off, the Separate School Board geis less money ihan the Public School Board. This leaves students in that system with less money for science labs and computers, which places those students at a disadvantage. Then there are the Meiro Toronto Sehool Boards. They consistently spend more money per student. Does this place kids outside of Toronto ai a disadvantage. Less access to technology, in this changing world, is a disadvantage. Is ihere a fairer way to distribute funds? If the Province were to distribute money on a per student basis it might be fairer. Then however, small sehools in remote areas would sui ,fer, while schools in large urban areas would be eompeting for students just 10 boost tiheir coflers. Is there an easy answer 10 this problem? No there is not. However, the blame for the cuis cannot rest solely on Harris government. Past governments are partially responsible. as are the sebool boards (it is the sebool boards that decide to eut custodians and education assistants: there must be areas in administration where cuts could be made first before the lassrooms are affected). Finger pointing must stop. Eaeh group whether it is parents, sehool boards, teachers and MPP's must work together to come up witb realistic workable solutions. Everyone is going 10 have to give a litile; it is obvious tbat we can carinot continue at the present levels. Sides must come to the tabl e well educated (no pun iniended) and know what it is they are asking and what ibis will mean to those who truly are the ones that are going to be affect the most; the kids. THE WORLD WOULD BE A SETTER PLACIE IF THERE WERE MORE PEOPLE LIKE mvWARLLY IDOUGMEN This weekend there was a fund raiser for Jerome Blake, a 17 year oîd who was paralyzed in a dirt biking accident.' WalIy Boughen, a long time resideni of Newionville was one of the people who firsi came up with the idea of holding the event. Wally is always doing similar things. Wally was responsible f or the honouring of Nicole Devonish, Newtonvilles Olyrnpian. He is a strong supporter of the Newtonville United Chureh. He- works tirelessly at the Newtonville Community Centre. He always bas a quiek smile, a few kind words, and a belping baud. It's Wally that places those huge signs up on bis lawn beside the eonvenience store in Newtonville. He takes pride in his eommunity, and really is a special person. I hope Newtonville realizes how lucky tbey are to hiavesomeone blke Walîy living in their cnmmunity. Eaeb eommunity- b las people like Walîy; we just wanted to give him bis momnent in the spotlight. SCRATCH PADS S54 ea. or 3 for $1 $4-75 fo>r first 25 wmord-s .09 ia ujord Co>mpa-re -tho>se- ra te-s ujith othe-r ne-w s pa pe -rs Recycle St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectory 987-5678 - Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. I ST & 3RD SUNDAY 0F MONTH HOLY COMMUNION $4.7-5 Fo>r ffirst .09 ca ujord aibove 2-5 Kendal United Churcli Kendal, Ontario Sun. Dec. 8, 1996 Worship & Sunday School 1 1:15 ar. Sermon: Mary: The Wonder of Joy! P!eae join us "a good place ta be - a healîhY place for children" Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Mervyn Russell Marlene Riscbrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCU SERVICES Sunday, Dec. Sth, 1996 White Gift Sunday Kirby United Church 9:30 arn Orono United Church 11:00 arn 6x. a boy. age 9, size medîum & a monm. Donations for 12- 17 yrs. weleome. As welI. food items would also be appreci- ated. Mittens tor a mitten tree. December 8th Annual Christmas Pot-Luck Supper and programme. Supper at 5 p.n. Each adulti s asked to bring a i fo a child (flot to exceed A.A. mecets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. NEW HOURS effective JuIy 22196 until further notice Monday 9 -6 Tuesday 9 -6 Wednesday, 9 -12:30 Thursday 9 -6 Friday 9 - 6 Saturday 9- 3 .R.1N.,ONTARIO 9350

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