8 rooWeekly Fimes . cday,Dcînr From Parliam ent Hill Alex -Shepherd, M.P. Durham Seniors getfing bit wifb a 50 per cenf fax rates? Gartb Turner, the former minister of National Revenue in Brian Mulroney's Progressive Conservative govemnment, bas c aused a panic among seniors by saving in a column be vwrites- that this is going f0 bappen. Imagine a comment like this from a man wbo was part of a governmenf fbaf implemented 32 personal income fax increas- es. Mr. Turner, and those who agree wifh him, like f0 talk about people wbo didnft save for their refirement and how those Wbo did will not gef ben- efits. Life is neyer thaf simple Mr. Turner. Let me explain f0, you what is going on. Many people wbo worked very hard all their lives did nof have the benefit of working for companies that could afford pension plans. In other cases bardworking people, because of their educa- fion, were left witb lower-paying jobs. Couple thaf wifb bringing up a famnily and very lit fle is left for savings. Al 1 can say f0 Gartb Turner is thaf if's nof thaf fbey wouldn't save, tbey couldn't save. Many of you reading this know wbaf I'm falking about you've lived it or seen if in your neigbbourhoods. And those of us wbo do have savings have it in only one asset _and fhat's our bouse. If you don't selI it you simply won'f have any*investment income to draw on. For the Garth Turners of Canada I'd like f0 turn fhe argument around and ask about the ricb kid who neyer had f0, worry a day in bis or ber life. Tbey inherit a fortune anid under tbe present system are eligible f0 colleet an old age pension. Wbaf the new sysfem will do is combine the Old Age Pension and the Guaranfeed Income Supplement into one benefif package. Presenfly seniors are required to f11 ouf forms every Marcb based on the income fax returns wbicb is absurd and a duplication of efforts. Ifs a needless concern fhey sbouldn'f have f0 worry about. The new seniors benefit package is $11 ,420 per individ- ual or $18,440 per couple. The benefit is reduced to the extent that other Iorms of income exist. The benelit t', reduced by 50 cents for eacb dollar ol income until if reaches $5, 160 per senior which is equal to the cur- rent level. of OAS payments, adjusted for projected inflation to the year 2001. This now occurs with GIS. So if you have zero other income you receive the full $11,420 or $18,440 per couple. At an income level of $26,000 the benefit wîiI go down to $5,150 or $10,320 per couple. At an income level of $52,000 or $78,000 per couple, no benefit will be received. Tbe benefits are not taxable. In other words they are in after tax money. Over 75 per cent of seniors will be better off under this sys- tem and there will be less paperwork f0 do every March. Tbe truth of the matter is Canada's population is aging. Severe strain will be placed on governmenf general revenues. There is no segregated fund f0 pay for them. In town hall* meetings I've had discussing this witb seniors tbe consensus was fhat the most vulnerable seniors sbould be profected. Growing old is inevifable. But there is no need for Canadians to grow old and be destîtufe. "Sweetheais" Pedormed At Orono Town Hall The Smile Theatre Group was in Orono lasf Friday nigbf perform- ing "Sweefhearts", a play about Jeaneffe MacDonald and Nelson Eddy. MacDonald and Eddy were dubbed "America's Sweetbearfs", and befween 1935 and 1942 they were one of the cinema's mosf popular romanfie teams and one of the besf loved singing duos ever on the screen. The Smile Theatre Company is a unique non-profit charitable orga- nizatioii dcdicafed in bringing quality professional enterfainmenf f0 ifs audiences. Th)e play sfarred fwo University of Windsor the- afre graduates; Amanda Leigb played Jeanette MacDonald and Benjamin Sferfz played Nelson Eddy. ÀIIff L 1, . ýiAO PIO44fv-Orono Weck l'ines, B.I.A. BabiesGae $ 500.00 in BIA Bucks ($250 from Orono, $250 from Newcastle) $300.00 in BIA Bucks ($150 frorn Orono. £150 from Newcastle)l $200.00 in BIA Bucks ($100 from Orono, $100 frorn Newcastle) .BIAi Bu cks spend like real cash at partlclpatlng stores in Orono and Newcastle IVs Simple, i's easy, and the prizes are great! See what great businesses are Iocated right here in our own backyard's in Orono and Newcastle! If there are any questions, cali the Orono Weekly Times ai 983-5301. Contest Rules The rules arc very simple. Ail you have ttî do is match t17 baby pictures on the righit with someo, whoworks at that store. To make it casier, cach store lras aduplicate picture on >display inside (Look for the bright orange display card). Si rnply go ro each and every store on the Iist and write thc store number beside the piitc ucfoLind in that store. It's that casy! (AI stores are located in the downtown of eithcr 0< ono or Newcastle and wilJ bc easy to find). The eontest runs until December 6. All play sheets must be turncd in at cither the Orono Weekly Times office, 53 10 Main Si. Orono or Newcastle Photographie 19 King St. E. in Newcastle by noon, Friday December 6. Ail spaces must he Filled <out correct- ly to hc eligihie foi- the pri/es. The draw to deteî mine the winners wîill hc held on December 9. Correct answers and winners naines will appear in thbc Decemher Il11 ie of the Qiono Weekly Times. Participating Stores Orono 19. The Natural Nul 1. Hair with Flair 20. Kay Lycett, Lawyer 2. Dulee's Restaurant Newcastle 3. Drifter's Restaurant 21. Stedmnan's 4. The Hairline 22. Green Leaf Restaurant 5. Wallace Auto Supply 23. Hope's Video 6. Favourite Pastime 24. Michelle's Groomning Woodcrafts 25. Massey House 7. Apple Blossomn Shop Restaurant 8. Village Bakeshop 26. Village Card and Gift 9. Stutt's Pharmacy Shoppe 10. Orono Electriç 27. Newcastle Photographic 11. Mabel's Cafe 28. l.G *A. 12. The Fashion Exchange 29. Square Boy Pizza 13.* Arjay's Video 30. Dawn's Casual Clothing 14. Rolph Hardware 31. Newcastle Veterinary 15. Banting's Gunshop Clinic 16. Orono Bulk Foods 32. Matthews & Associates 17. Hamiltons Insurance 33. Rosélina's Pizza 18. Robert E. Jackson 34. Newcastle Chiropractic Heating Centre 1 i-:iE96:ýl