mummmm(' Orono WeeUky Times, Wednesclay, December 1 1, 1996 -5 Orono Major Plumbing Stopped Fast play started off a rematch game on Friday, Dec. 6 between Millbrook & Orono. End to end play was the narne of the garne in the firsf for Orono. Captain Doug Garlick put Orono on the scoreboard at the 6:00 minutes mark, assisted by winger Josh Flynn and defence- man Brent Vanstone. End to end rush by Ryan Campney was stopped by Millbrook goalie with one swipe of the catcher. Orono goalie Shane Winter was also excep- tional with the glove swiping at and snapping up numerous shots levelled at him by Millbrook. Millbrook finally got on the scoreboard f0 fie the score at i-1. Beautiful play by David Landman narrowly avei ted a goal by Millbrook. Milibrook scored their go ahead goal at 6:19 of the second on a scram- ble in fronf of the nef witb, no chance for Orono goalie Shane Winters to make the spectacu- lar saves that he had being making the enire game. Orono sluggish in the third wi th many attempts being made by Wingers Josh Moffat, Andrew Fothergili, 'and by defensemen Mike Fuller and Evan Moore to fie the score. Aggressive play also was noted for winger Matt Bester & Garrett Wood. Missing in action was for- ward Jason Geraldi who was sidelined by the flu. Get well soon Jason! SHOTS ON GOAL Millbrook 17 Orono 22 FINAL SCORE Millbrook 2 Orono i Good hard fought efforf guys! We are in 5fb place out of 9 teams, wif h Newcastle in first place ** Not bad ** - Orono piays Newcastle on Friday at 7:00 pm. Corne see a baffle of the Orono Novice Leafs against Newcastle Stars in a race for the playoffs. The OMHA Orono Banfam Leafs were edged 5-3 by the vis- ifing CRHL Selects in exhibition play Sunday December 1. The Selects pressed early and often, but the first period remained scoreless tbanks f0 excellent goaltending from Orono nef- minder Brian Wiltshire. This seem f0 give the Leaf bencb a bit of spark as tbey scored tbree sfraîgbt early in the second period. Cornplacency seern f0 set in bowever, as the borne team stopped skating mîdway througb the game. The Selects kicked into igbý gear scoring no less thani four sfraigbt in a four minuite span late in the frame. Ini the f'mal p)eriod Orono tried f0 regain thieir composure, but were sfymied by a stubbomn Select defense anid relented one more goal late in the, game. The Selecfs held a conincing 31-16 edge in shots. Thec Leafs bad a busy scbedule as they visifed the Newcastle Statrs Wednesday December 4, hosted Lange's Photo in exhibition play Friday December 6, and were on the road again Sunday December 8 to fangle with a tough Fenelon Falls Flyers club. See you there! Selects 5 Leafs 3 (Exhibition) December i 1996 SCORING SUMMARY First Period no scoring Second Period i. Leafs, Tresise 4 pp (Whitehead) 14:06 2, Leafs, Parry 3 sb (Witheridge) 13:05 3. Leafs, Witberidge- 2 9:18 4. Selecfs, Corcoran 1 (McCartby) 8:54 5. Selects, Collins 1 (Kift) 8:21 6. Selects, DeGraaf i (Sarginson) 6:36 7. Selects, DeGraaf 2 pp (Naccarato, Cufbberson) 4:32 Third Period 8. Selects, Kift 1 (Naccarato, DeGraaf) 4:53 Shots on Goal Selects 8 15 8--31 Leafs 3 7 6- 16 Goal: Selects, Morrison (0-0- 0), Kamaka (W, 1-0-0) Orono, Wiltshire (L, 2-1 -0) Scratches: Leafs, Bester (neck) Big Brothers of Clarington Making a Difference Larry Georgiou and Pete stopped thinking and took the Pefers, botb Big Brof.ber volun- steps fe, becoming a Big teers withi Bigi Brothers of Brother. Claringfoni, began iithieir friend- Wbile Larrys fniendsb ip bas sbips becauise of life chanigin]g lasted years an~d Pete's is jusf occurrences in their lives. bjetginning, fhey are both rnak- Larry Ge(,or giou, a Big ing-' a dlifference in a boy's life. Brother for- eleven years, was Tbeyý both enjoy hiavîng Little tbree years old whien bis rnoth- Brothers and bofh have fami- er remarrid and be was sent f0 lies thaf enjoy spending finie an orplianagt,. Growing up in with their Little Brothers.Itif as an orpbanageï( in Greecewa also belped fhem both appreci- loneély and difficult. But in ate their families more. Gra de 7, Larry becamne good Both Larry and Pefe say friends witb a classrnafe. His there are rnany henefits f0 classmate took him borne f0 bis becorning a Big Brother. You parents lborne and that was can belp a young boy by shar- how Larry eamd ow a fami ing a friendsbip and, belp your- ly funicfionied. self as well as your community. Larry wanted another young 'Its a great feeling to be a boy f0 see bow the farnily func- Big Brother and watcb your fioned so bie decided f0 becorne Little Brother grow up f0 a Big Brother. becorne a man and you know -For several years, Pete Peters you bad somefbing f0 do wifh had thougbtl about becoming a if", stafes Larry. Big Brother as, a way of serving If you would hike f0 make a bis cornrnunity;ý but was not différence in a boy's life and in sure if he haiýd the time. But y6ur comrnunity cali Big alter becoming sýick and taking Brothers of Clarington at 623- three months tb recover he 6646 Robinson sets up winner for Family Auto In exhibition play Friday December 6 the OMHA Orono Family Auto Bantam Leafs squeaked by the visiting Skylight Donuts of the CRHL by a 5-4 score. The game was fied 2-2.Ër.fter one pcriod and dead- locked at 3-3 after the middle ft*ame. Orono took a 4-3 lead midway through the third peri- od. The Leafs scored one more just over a minute later as cen- tre Tyler Robinson sent defence- man Mike Knox in alone for the insurance tally. This proved f0 be the eventuai game winner as Skylight added 'one more of their own late in the game. Sunday December 8 the Leafs travelled to Fenelon Falls f0 fangle witb the Flyers. Orono proved no match for their bigh flying hosts who defeated thema by a 5-1 score. Orono actually opened the scoring midway tbrough fhe first period as Ryan Tresise scored bis 7tb of the season off the faceoff. Centre Bob Wifberidge cleanly won the draw back f0 his left winger at the 5:51 mark. However if was ail Flyers from this point on as tbey outshof the visitors 35- 10. Next home garne for Orono is Sunday December 15 at 6:00 pm. See you there! Leaflets.. last Wednesday's game at Newcastle againsf the Sftars was cancelled due f0 arena machin- ery problemns ... it will hopeful- ly be rescbeduled sometime later this rnontb ... Greg Bester bas been skating with the club in practice and is most anxious f0 get back in the lineup in early January ... D.S. Leafs 5 Skyligbf 4 (Exhibition) December 6 1996 GAME SCORING First Period 1. Skylight, Kift 2 8:41, 2. Skyligbf, Distephano 1 (Kiff) 4:50, 3. Leafs, Shefler 3 pp (Knox, Tresise) 1:54, 4. Leafs, Caruana 1 (A. Beacock, Withridge) 1:09 Second Peniod 5. Skylight, Cuthberson 1 (Wymchuk) 3:47, 6. Leafs, Tresise 5 (Borutskie, Knox) 0: 19 Third Period 7. Leafs, Witheridge 3 pp, 8. Leafs, Knox 1 (Robinson) 6:30, 9. Skylight, Cufhberson 2 (Ferguson) 4:49 Shots on Goal flot available Goal: Leafs, Stapleton (W, 2- 0-0); Skylight, Smith (L, 0-i-0) Scratches: Leafs, Bester (neck) New President For Orono Isabelle Challice thanks Shelley Etmanskie for ber bard work as President of the Orono Hortcultural Society. Shelley was president for four years. Carol Mosfert takes over as the new president of the Society. adoirtisrrs and readers of Thce rono 11rtkIp rimesi On December 18, the last Orono Tim es of 1996 xiii be going out. As it has been ithe past, this issue xiii bc our Christmas Greeting issue. it îs a perfect opportunitv for al local businesses to thank their customers for anothcr great vear. And as a special adied value to out advertisers, December 18 xiii also be our last 5,000 issue of the vear. Take adx an- tage of this opportunitv to thank al x our customers in Clarke Tow\nship (andi Advertising Rates $5.00 a column 1inch $1 00.00,quarter page $1 95.00 haif page $375-00 full page eon)for their continueci support! Phone Jenn at the Orona Weekly Times ta place your ad for our December lBth issue today! 983-5301 Wiltshire's Heroics for naught as Family Auto defeated OPEN HOUSE <11e p-toration andRçnovation is Complte NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME j,ç naw apen ta serve our community an{yau are cartU af y invitet t an Open Hourse Su&z*j, Decanber 15, 1996 10 a.m. -5P.m. (Dedication -2:30 p.m.) 386 MvilStreet Southi, Wfwcastfe (Just narti of 401 - Parking offl<.ç4ert St.) !Peasejin us ta tour ourfacitities and sfwre in somefellowsfzip asuirefresfiments CARL D. GOOD, FUNERAL DIRECTOR ý9Q5) 987-3964,