14 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 18, 1996 At Orc >ublic School ýeS you the Mnost -naneuvers of any learn life-saving -and-avoid and -rytbing you need yv 40 iguests to an after-noon oiftea and "Holiday l3essinig" to [the audience. 'n John O'Toole Durham East MPP David Crombie , the chair- man of'Who Does What Panel'. bas made bis report witb respect to the GTA. It would appear tbat the Metro Toronto 'Super City' is on. 1 have spo- ken to the Minster of Municipal Affairs & Housing, the Hon. AI Leach and he bas assured me that the idea of a Durhamn Super City is net on. 1 rmade it dlear to the minister that Durbam does not want to be part of the Super City prop9sal. 1 recognize tbat there will be the need te, bave inter regional coor- dination in sorne areas. Furtbermore, 1I1 feel that the number of regional councillors could be reduLced. 1 have spo- ken with most of the mnayors in my riding as well as the region- al chair and amn advised tbat they wrill proceed wvith their own 'Who Does What' exercise. The impression 1 get fromn listening to people is, yes we know we need to make changes, but lets get on witb it. People are sick and tired of the uncertainty. The changes to education governance and funding wvill be introduiced in January 1997. 1 have met wiith ail the boards and directors to understand their position. 1 can assure yocu thiat to this point, 1 an in favour iôf allowing the Clarington por- tion of the Nortbumbebrland Clarington Board as well as the Peterborougb Victoria Nortbumnberland Clatring,-ton Catbolic Board to share the saine geographical areas. EducUion fudinglil must be equi- '~table and everyonc shouild expect the higbest quLality edu- cation possible. 1i will contûinue to keep you informned and 1 aýppreciate your calîs and opin- ions. At the end of all these dis- cussions, we must ensure that fundîng starts in the cýlassroomi not at the board offices. Most people that caîl, want an edu- cational systern that is of' the bighest quality and is account- able and affordable to the tax- payer. This year, as is the tradition, 1 arn sending out. Cbristmas Cards. The Durhamn East riding association bas generously bought and paid for the cards. Local artists have allowed me to reproduce their art. Leslie A. Parke's sketch of the Town Hall 1873 in Port Perry and Maureen Remington's watercol- or of Bowrnanville Town Hall and Opera House are cards that are memorable and worth fran- ings. I tbank botb artists f or allowing me to share their work. 1 always try to keep expenses down and 1 know 1 have not mailed out as many cards as 1 would have liked. This year, 1 arn excited as 1 look forward to Cbristmas. When our family was younger, it was gireat to surprise our five children wvith a toy or special ,gift. However, as the cbildren became -older it becamre harder and harder to find a ;ift that they liked, or even to gather themn arouind to celebrate. Over the vears we have remiained close, but everyone bias their own life.ý Christmnas 1996 marks a very special occasion, Erin, oui- oldest boy bias just completed bis navigational trainingý at CFB Winnipegý and will be home before he reports to Sbecarwater, Novra Scotia to continue bis training on the Seca King belicopter iJanuary. Rebecca, our second child bas finisbied iuniversity and lbas worked antd traveled. Rebecca bas been at home and is preparing for bier wedding between Christmas and New Years. Reb)ccaý will be mnoving to Australia with ber new buns- band D)avidLbswhi a pilot for the Auistralian Air Force. Mamiie, Our- thir-d ch'ild will be homec froml the Unýiver-sity of Western Onitario where shet is in becr second ya.Andrcw and Roclle are both comlplet- ing thIleir finial year of ighiI scbool an-d will bc off to collegec or university. It is a veýry happy and yet a sad timue for Peggy and 1. This will be the Last Une, perhaps for- manyi years that we will be tog,.ether- as a famiily. 1 am sure family is as important to each one of you. Our large family bas always enjoyed each other and their many school friends. Our homne bas been the col- lection place for many great kids. 1 arn excited as Peggy sharing our home, but it is something we are accustomi to. Add to this, the excitement of Christmnas and on top of that our first of five weddings. The sad part will be the 6th of January when Rebecca and David leave to live in Australia'. Erin will report to Nova Scotia, Mamnie retuirns to, university while Andrew and Rochelle set- tde down to prepare for their journey beyond home. Before long, Pegg_ and 1 will be alune for the first Urne in many years. 1 have always admired those people wbo immigrated to Canada. The strengath and Courage of immigrants to leave bebiund their country and extended families is difficult to imagýine. Not being able to share important Unes with farnîly and friends is a bardship that 1 have neyer really experi- enced. However, 1 arn now able W that emroUion. As 1 prepare for Christmnas, 1 arn also experiencing a very im-1portant time in Our famiiily life. Perhaps 1 arn just getting older and sbould understand that this happens to everyone. It is min lmood, tuat 1 encour- age eve(on t prepare for Christi&»u _ ï,i1is the last one. 1W; i' iing moUves are patiern -da-ndinig and generosi,_ ieve thenost important gi- 1 can give to mny famnily is timie. My Christmas wish for each one of von is Peace, Joy and Goodwill. .nail,te averJ, 2/(a~ ew lie~ Gary Con way Doug Rutherford Robert Williams Lori Rowe Ross Meicaif Paul Lane Harry Cooke Alan Lobb Debra Kelleher Ralph Cuttiîîg tainmentL Dorothy Morris Paul & Susan Morris Morris Funeral Chapel Bowhian ville 1 AP