Orono We(,lk1y Timei(s, Wedinescay, Deme 18, 1996 -19 St. Stephenl-ls f-iighl School inl Bowmanviýillu was the Site for a swearing in court of new Canadian citizenis recentfly. 28S .nwCanladians weeofficiai frantedl the Canladian) identity that marks them a citizen of our coulntryT withi ail the r-ighlts, privileges and responsibilities,- that ;Oes along, -with il. Presided over by Judge( Borosa, 28 recipients took the oth that mnakes themi citizens of Canadla. In welcomingï the new. citizens Io Caniada, Judge Borosa said -you had a choice of 204 countries around the( world. Youi have enirichedcc Canada whith the cufltures anid traditions (yýou have broughit with youi).- The judlge himself' wvas a refugee friomi Croatia ini the 19(30's. Remindinig (everyonew presen t the solemniiity of this srIce h said rcevig aniadia1n Citizenlship is ihe retet onl our w can bestow. Bing a-i Caiadian itienis moe tan a birth ceti-icate. Iltis more thani a righit to vt.,o travel wýith a Canadiar passpor . . . its muchi miore( than thait. lits our. com mitmentii to Canada. Today, is (your) g,,raduaition day. t is thec reaization of a diream they hiave hiad for a long im. ProspectiveCaaanctes are requiireýd to stuidy thelawsý. righilts, and hsoyof Claada beoequalit v7ing for ctznhp Services and Repairs To Ail Makes Of Vehîcles Used Auto Parts e Complete Auto Body Service @'Used and New lires Service Calis Z/e ln es. Choose From Our Book By Rainbowv Invitations Or Have Us Design One Unique For You! COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. #1 ORONO 4 MILES NORTH ONTARIO 0F KWY. 401 ON LOB 1iV1 (905) 983-9151 HWY. 35/115 1, il What's In A Name? Did you ever wonder where the namnes for comnitiies in our area~ came fromi? 0lOneoly has to look at a map) of Engeland to notice ai Whitby, a Durham, a Newcastle, a Kendal, etc. Obviously, people namied theýir new homnes aftcr the ones they left behinid. But whierc did they get those namnes? Orono was named after a twn in Maine. Apparently a tron familiar with Orono, M aine namned our town aifter that one becuause the area gco- gr aphically looked thie samne. Orono0 Maine was first settled ini 1775 (the year before the Americans declared their inde- pendence from Great Britain. t was inmed Deadwater Plantation prier to becom1ingc Orono in 1840. t was callcdi Orono after Joseph Orono, a Pnobscott ndian chief who hidlelped out the settiers dur- ingý the War of ndependence. Its, popuLlation in 1990 -was 10.573. There are plenty of places nown byv the naine Newcastle. The oldest one on record how- ever is Newcastle upon Tyne, ad English city on the bank of the Tyn,,e River, 13 kilometres omei the North Sea. The city dates back to the Roman timies, where a fort guarded a river crossing,. The namne Newcastle fîrsý becamne associated wiýth it in, 1080 when Robert 11, eldest son of William the Conqueror built a "new castle.- A school associated with the Unliverýsity of Dur-ham is located in Newcastle u1pon Tynei . Population in 1985 was 2812,200. Kenidal comews from- a parishi in the( Souith Lakeland district of conyCmraEgad t is located onthe main route fromn Londoni to Scotland. Lt was thehe 1ofa1weekly mar- ket and a numiiber of fairs as f -ar back as thie12li cenitury. lt was once renowned for its woolen miills, creating( a clothi known as "Kenidal Green." Population mi 1981 was 23,550. Oshawa is an Indlian namne, referring to a streami crossing. First establishedc as Skeas' Cornters in 1795 ont the military KigtnRoad, it was renamied Oishawa ini 18412 when a post offtice was estabhilshed there. Onc of the largýest mnanufactur- ing centres in Canada, Oshawa hiad a population of 123,651 in 1986. Bowmnville takes its namne fromt Charles Bowmanr, an early resident. To learn mrore about Bowmaville's hiistory and the story behind thieir namie, visit the B3owmi-anille Museumii. Unf ortujnately,, references to K,ýirby and Netonville were not. found. It is doubtful thiat our two communities ar-e the ontly ones thus niamred. If anyone lias information regarding thic history ýf those locales, or whiy they were inamed tUs, contact th-e paper 50 we cani share themi with ail of our readers. Choose From Our Book By Rainbow Invitations Or Have Us Design One Unique For You! THANK YOU FROM THE STAFF 0F FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT. MAY EVERYONE HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMASAND A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR Open Dec 18-20 (9-9) Dec 21 (9-6) Dec 22 (11-4) Dec 23 (9-9) Dec 24 (9-6)