Orono W~ek~y <Ibiies, Wedne~day~ rnia~y 29. 1997 by Phyllils Lowery Here it Is Monday momling again, another week, duli windy and snowlng. We have had almost every klnd of win- ter weatber possible ln tbe past week. January Is alinost ftnlsbed and then tbere are only 49 days until the calen- dar says It Is sprlng. As I look up at the calendar there is a beautiful wlnter scene on It but 1 can' t help but wish It was a warmn surner scene to help cbeer a persan up, save the winter scenes for wben if's hot ti the summer. The parking lots were filled to overflowlng at the ski bull this weekend, lots of traffic on the bigbways. There was a good turnout at Cburcb, it Is good to see s0 many children coin- lng and also the younger cou- pies. The Service opened wltb Rev. Black welcomning every- one and ligbting the Cbnst candie, mnembers of tbe con- gregation spoke of their con- cerris and of things tbey were thankful for. The gatberlng bymns were, 'Amazlng Grace, Staning On Tbe Promises and By My Spirit". Carol Gardiner spoke about tbe founding of tbis Cburcb and of bow tbe Minister did flot arrive at tbe Cburcb in a flasby red con- vertible like present times but camne on borseback, she tben iead the cboir ln singlig -Me Circuit Riding Preacher"~. Rev. Black introduced Richard Chambers a vtsitor with us, be works witb rural and Native Cburcbes. Susan Frencb spoke on attending tbe Saturday momn- ing -breakfasts. On Saturday sbe started out from borne. The road was snow covered and not too bad, but when sbe tumned east on County Road 9 It was very icy. She wasn't sure sbe was gotng ta make it safely but, tben she saw the Cburcb ail lit up like a beacon and sbe knew that witb God's belp sbe would be safe. Twelve managed ta make it for breakfast and their Prayer meeting. Tbey invite ariyone wbo is interest- ed ta came out and jota tbem, 6:30 a.m. Saturday mornings. The cbildren were called forward. David asked thein bow many watcb T.V. Al bands went up. How many watcb tbe commercials? Again ail hands went up. H1e asked tbem wbat is it tbat keeps bopping and doesn't stop? Everyone knew it was tbe Bunny. He asked tbem what kept it goirig, tbey said a battery. He asked what is ta the battery and tbey said power. David satd what tbey don't show is tbat eventually that battery will run out of power and the bunny will stop then a new battery will bave to be put ta. Some bat- teries cari be recbarged anid used over and over again. we are like that. We may feel mun down at nlgbt but we get a good sleep and are readly to go agata tbe next day. We bave been given fresb energy. Wben we are out of energy, or our soul is tired, God wtll re-energize aur batteries. The cbildren's bymn was, 'Tbere Were Twelve Disciples". Tbe Scrlpture was from Zecbariah 4: 6- 10. Tbe Sermon was titled, "Better Than The Bunny" Rev. Black told us of some- tbing tbey bad seen on Christmas morning just as tbey were leaving for Owen Sound. They stopped at the store ti Newtonville to wlsb the storekeepers a Merry Christmas, a van pulled up French Immersion at Ontario Street School Jfappyl12 1/2tIh ~Pete & Betty brief description of thé pro- gram and. then parents are invited to participate in a question and answer session., Registration for tbe pro- gram begins tI Marcb. Contact Steve Fortier at 623- 5437 for furtber information. Find out more about Ontario Street Public Scbool's French Immersion programinr Bowmanville at an upcornlng information nlght to be held on Wednesday, February 12 at the school from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Wbat are tbe advantages of the program? 110w much French will your cbtld study? Does the prograin continue In btgb school? Principal Steve Fortier will lead off the evening witb a beside them and a littie boy jumped out and ran irito the, store before bis motber could even get ber door open, she laugbed and said, someone forgot tbe batteries. This made David thlnk back to when he got bis first battery operated car, on a Christmas when be was about 6 or 7. Someone forgot tbe battery. He was told be could go down to a store anid see if be could get one. Tbey tbougbt tbe store would be open at i1, be could bardly watt. He ran down but nothlng was open. H1e was very dlsappolnted. He pusbed tbe car around tbe floor but It was just not the saine. It bad no power. Christian faltb is like tbat, wttbout power. Power can release you from fear--It cari give you strengtb. Tbls power cornes from God, but tbe power must be turned on. Our life is like a cbild's race car wbtcb runs on a track tbat Is laid out on a sbeet of plywood. The plywood is the world, we are tbe racecar, but unless we are turned on we go nowbere. Unless we have power and are placed ti tbe rtgbt direction we could jurnp tbe tracks, we need tbe power and direction of God. We are like tbe batteries tbat cari be re-cbarged and used over again. God re- charges us and gives us tbe power to go on. We cannot live on our own power. God gives us tbe power to go on agatn and again. Accept God's power and you will make the Buriny stop anid stare. The bymn, "Tbe' Spirit Came As Promlsed" was sung. The Prayer of Thankfulness given followed by tbe Offering and tbe Prayer of Concerri and Commttment. The clostng bymn was "Al - Tbe Way My Savtour Leads Me". Don't forget Wednesday nlgbt--a Communtty Sbower for tbe Rigger family at tbe Cburcb 7:30 p.m. Jariuary 29th. Pancake Supper followed by Gospel Magic by Tom Kerr, Tuesday. February 1 l tb. Supper 5 to 7 p.m., cost $6.00 per aduit, $3.00 for cbildren or $15.00 per farnily. Weatber Wtt. "Bitter Cold... .temperature in tbe lin- gle digits." F A cati to the serviceà of our party and cou ntry with Sam Cureatz as our standard bearer. 1 seek the support of Progressive Conservatives of Durham Riding for nomination as your candidate in the forth coming Federal Election. My experience of 14 years in Provincial Parliament and my dedicaion for ideais of our party afford new opportunities to serve you at the Federal level. Our nomination meeting wiII be held February l5th, at 1 p.m. at the Courtice Secondary School, 1717 Nash Road. (North of Highway 2 at Courtice Road). Il look forward to seeing you there. Sam Cureatz For further information cali June Smith, Chair of the Committee ta elect Sam Cureatz as the Federal Progressive Conservative candi- date for Durham Riding: 5995 Main Street, Orono, Ontario, LOB 1 MO, 1-905-983-5970 Clark Family Chircpractic Ce=ntre= This Ad ca»st o»nly $600 Practice of Chiropractic & Acupuncture HEADACHES AND OIL LIGHTS Headaches and oil lights, what do these two things have in com- mon? They are bath signais that something is wrong. Ini the case of the oil light, i a warning to you that either the amnount of oil, or the oil pressure, in the engine is too low. When this happens you have a few options that stop that light from flashing. You can take a Bandaid or a piece of electrical tape and caver up the light. You can also smash the light with a hammuer, or snip the wire with wire cutters. Now the ligbt has stopped flashing. Mission accomplished, right? Wrong. This is only a short termn solution. You have onily treated the symptoms (red light) and flot the cause (no ail). TIsà makes the underlying problemn worse in the long mun. -We would ail agree that it makes more sense to add oil, fix the oil pump or patch the hole in the oil pan. Treat the cause. It la exactly the sanue with headaches. The headache la a flashing red light. You cm caver up the symptom with medication (ie. smash the light, snip the wire), but titis la only a temporary solution. It does nothin, to-prevent further headaches from developing. What causes headaches? (By the way, it is not a lack of Tylenol!) Headaches are blamed on a lot of things. Everything fromn stress ta chocalate wa changes in the weather, ta naine only a few. These things are only triggers, flot causes. For example, if chocolate or stress "caused" headaches, everyone who ate chocolate or was under stress would automaticall y get a headache. A very sinail minority of headaches (less ttan 501) are caused by serious disease processes like cancer or hîgit blood pressure. The -vast major- ity headaches, including most migraines, are caused by one of two things -- either an irritated muscle or a joint in the neck that is flot moving properly. These two causes then send pain into the head. This is a phenomenon called referred pain. A common example occurs when you hit your "funny bone". You feel the pain and tingling in the baby and ring finger but the source la at the elbow. With headaches, the problemt is in the neck, but you feel it in the head. According ta research, chiropractic has an 80% success rate in elininating the cause of these types of headaches. The remaining 20% cm be treated with acupuncture, massage therapy and other therapies. The result is a drastic reduction and/or the elimination of future headaches. You don't have ta endure the pain of headaches any longer. Imagine how much better youi lufe, or the life of a loved one, would bu with- out headaches. There are mmny dedicated chiropractors in Clarington who cmn help you. Cal one of them today and get back into life! Dr. Clark practices chiropractic and acupuncture in the Village of Newcastle. His number is 987-9900. 1 - - 1 1 1