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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Feb 1997, p. 9

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New owner for Curvply building The ol d Curvpiy building ta eariy to say what thcy on thc west side of the are. 115/35 has been sold. The "Thfe first priarity is ta fix ncw owner aof the building ýis up the building" stated Mr. Mr. Sonny Yaung, of Sonbon Yange. Since the property bhornes. Mr Yangc bas some was vacated six years aga, a ideas in mind for the future lot of vandaiism bas of the building but feels lt's (KENDAL COLUMN~ by Phyllîs Lowery ) What a treat ta have al that sun even if it was stili chiiiy. I aftcn think that I wouidn't mind winter If Uie days wcre sunny, but then we wouldn't mind winter if Uic days were sunny, but then we wouidn't appreciate the sunny days If we didn't bave Uic duil, glaomy days first. It was ccrtainiy Ideai weather for Uiose wbo enjay outdoar activities. The ski bill was packed neighbaurs werc out on snowrnoblles and ncxt door a full crowd were piaying hockey and giving cbildren a ride in a unique looking sled, drawn behind a snowmobilc. Sunday there many visi- tors at Cburch for the Cbristening of- Kristin Margaret Ursula Brand, daughter af Craig and Virginia Brand. Virginia Brand bas compieted studies ta be a Presbyterlan Minister and Is waiting for a cali toaa Church. We are fortunate that tbcy live in this area. Virginia bas filed in for Rev. Back when be has had ta be away, and Craig bas provided us wiUi music at times. The Service opened wi the ligbtlng of Uie Christ Thankfuiness and Prayers af Conccrn were given. The gatbcrlng Hymns wcre, "Mai csty, Power In The Blood, Wben The Rail Is Caiied". The choir sang, -He Was There Ail The Time" and 'The Circuit Rlding Preacher". Grant McConagby, who bas recently Joined aur con- gregatian spoke. He said be couidn't get over Uie warm weicome that be as a new per- san received wbcn be came ta this cburcb. He started ta came ta the breakfast on Saturday mormings at 6:30 a.m. was made wlcamc and naw unicss be bas ta bc away, be wouidn't mniss tbcm. W-hen a persan is feeling down or ionely the friendiy feeling of this cburcb, gives anc a lift. The cbiidren were calied ta Uic front, David asked Uicm if tbcy rcmembered the story Uiat be toid a couple of weeks aga about the bunny? Tbey ail knew Uic story, Uiat if Uic batteries ran down in the bunny and it came to a stop, the batteries couid be changed or re-cbarged. Whcn wc get tired and mun- down, God re-charges our batteries. One cbild, asked, Uic question, "What happens wbenour batteries can no longer accept a re-charge?" David said that lie would talk about that on another Sunday. Weil, this is Uiat Sundfay. When a bunny or a toy wili no longer work we throw It away, but like Uiec c, terpiliar Uiat goc s to siecp in a cocoon and wakcs up in a compiete- iy différent fonm as a butterfly it doesn't die. When we get run down, God re-charges us. David asked if any bad ever had a baircut, bad Uieir fingemnails cut, dld It hurt?. Tbey sald, .no", he asked them whai. bappened ta wbat was cut off, tbey sald "It was tbrown away". He Uicn taid Uiem a story about a man who was drlving aiang with bis yaung twins slttlng in Uie back seat. As Uicy passed a cemetery Uic twin that was a girl sald "I wonder about al Uic people that are in there"' ber twln brother toid ber, "don't be siiiy, there arc no people in there, only parts that God occurred. Starting in March, windows have to be instalcd and stalen copper wlrlng has ta be repiaccd. A portion of thc building wfll be, used for Sonbon Homes. doesn't want". The children's hymn was "Fin Someone Spec ial". The children were invited ta remain in the Sanctuary for the Service. The Scripture was from 1 Corinthians 15;, 35-57. Tlhe Sermon, "Wben the Bunny Runs Down". Rev. Black said that be hoped everyone listened ta the children's story because that had been his Sermon. Like the Bunny, we ail must run down eventualiy, that is dcath, and death is part of life. If you have accepted God and the free gift of etemnal life that He bas given you. you can experience peace of mmnd, and know that you too will be rais cd ta a new life. The hymn, "Blessed Assurance", was sung. The Offering rcccivcd. The Rite of Baptism foilowcd. The installation of the ncw secretary of the Board, Joani Anderson took place. Induction ai Leah Cave, Carole Gardner and Doug Lewis as Eiders and Joan Anderson as a new Steward aisa took place. We weicomc tbem ail and hope thcy willi enjoy taking part In the work af the Cburch. The history of Communion was given, foliowed by the Prayer of Thankfuiness and Cansecration. The hymn, "We Beileve In God Aimighty" was sung, thc Prayer of Seif-Examination and the Words of Assurance. Communion was scrved by Uhc ncw Eiders and Clerk af Session, Susan French. 1The closlng hymn was, "Because He Lives". Rev. Black willi be away from February l3th until Marcb 7tb. Pastoral care wili be provided by Virginia Brand, Ordinand of the Prcsbyterian Church in Canada. Ncxt Sunday the Service willi be conducted by Rev. Bruce White, Chapiain at Mcmoanal Hospital Bowmanvilie. On Sunday, February 16th there will be a sbared sand- wich lunch following the Service. Kendal will be having a Puppet and Black Uigbt Show on Saturday, March 22. Newtonvillc is havlng a Pot- Luck Supper and Games nlght on February 25th at 6:30 p.m. and a Beef Dinner on Saturday, Marcb lSth. We were sorry to leamn that Harland Eiliott suffered a heart attack, glad to hear that he is now out of intensive care. The Rigger family arc now settled in their ncw apart- ment in Orono. Happy ta report that Barb Savage is coming aiong weii, we hope ta sec ber out soan. "An optimist is a persan who can always sec the bright sie of the other person's mis- fortune. FEl e ctro lysi S Tired of tweezing and shaving? Get rid of unwanted hair permanently. Free consultation. Body waxing available. Cail Gail for appomntment at 905-983- 9790. L _ Recycle COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES e CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS, MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. #1 ORONO 4 MILES NORTH ONTARIO 0F HWY. 401 ON LOB 1iMo (905) 983-9151- HWY. 35/115

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