Michelle Wright performs at GM Bowmanville Business and mi Professional Women'sClub Michelle Wrigbt, Canadian Country slnging star and songwriter, treated close to 500 GM Truck Assembiy Plant workers to a mini con- cert during an extended lunch time this past Thursday. She sang tbree songs from her current album "For Me It's You" as part of a promo- tion for ber upcoming cross- Canada "Michelle Wright Cbevy Thunder Tour '97". The Merlin, Ontario native will visit at least 30 diffrent communities wbile tbe tour, sponsored by General Motors of Canada and Cbevy Trruck dealers makes Its way from coastto coast;.- Winner or numerous Canadian Country Music Awards, 2 CCMA Entertarner of the Year, Awards, and a pair of Country Female Vocallst of the Year Juno Awards--Micbelle is looking forward to "brin ging ber Memorial Hospital receives 3-year accreditation Memnorlal Hospital bas been awarded a tbree-year accredîtation, tbe blgbest award provided to a bospital. Accredtation is awarded hy the Canadian Council on Healtb Services Accreditation (CCHSA), tbe only national organization mhat surveys and accredits bospitals. Tbe award is alsotbe only one recognized by -government, otber bospitals and agencles, and teacblng programs . Thbe Canadian Counicil on Healtb ,Services Accredtation's endorsement of the Hospltal's commitment to its patient-centred care approacb, quality improve- ment and teamwork is grati- fying,, as is the recognition of support and appreciation from our patients and fami- lles," says Tom Scbonberg, chief executive officer forMemnorial Hospital. Tbe CCHSE establisbes standards against whicb it measures bow a bospital should perform. Accreditation looks at evexy aspect of a bos- pitai's governance. manage- mentand day-to-day opera- tion. By awarding the tbree-year accreditation, tbe CCHSA is acknowledging Memorial Hospital's commit- ment to quaiity improvement at ail levels. Margaret Wrlgbtson. Memorial Hospital's Program Director for Ambulatory Care/Obstetrics, and the Hospital's Accreditation Team Chairperson, expiains tbe accreditation survey team was on site for three days las t October. Team members lnterviewed patients, famlÉly, Hospital staff at ail levels, Hospital volunteers, senior management and board members. Ms. Wrlgbtson says the preparation for tbe process began more than a year ago. Sbe says mhe Hospital orga- nized teams to preparation for tbe process began more than a year ago. She says mhe Hospital organized teams t prepare for the surveyors in ail areas of tbe Hospitals operation. Tbese included ambulatory care, obstetrics, emergency and critical care, internai medicine, and con- tinuing care. Non-patient care areas were also studied including buman resources, information and enviroximen- tal management, leadership and governance. In tbe past, says Ms. Wlgbtson, Accreditation sur- veyors focused on interviews soleiy with senior managers, and readmng reports submit- ted by the Hospital. Now, tbe focus is' ciearly client or patient-centred. It was great to bave the patients and staff involved ýin the process. And I must com- mend our staff for ail tbelr bard work. They really were the foundation for tbe sur- vey," she says., More than 100 people, or rougbly a third of the Hospital's staff participated music borne" and "sbaring it witb ber Canadian fans". She adds "Tbis year thanks to our wonderfui rela- tionsbip with GM of Canada and Cbevy Trucks, we're crossing Canada writb a brand new show tbat I think is tbe best we bave ever presented". The Michelle Wright Cbevy Thunder Tour '97 will begin li mid-April tbrougb May. Dates and venues will be announced ïn early Marcb. by Rosie Batemani Staff Reporter Blue Boxes Available Startlng i February 1997, resîdents will be able to pur- cbase additional Blue Boxes directiy fromn Miler Waste Systems, Durbam Region's Recycling Collection Contractor. Blue Boxes are availabie at Miller's Office, 69 Taunitoni Road West, Osbawa, Monday to Friday between tbe bours of 8:30 a.mi. and 5:00 p.11. Boxes cost $4.00 eacb and can be delivered for ain additional $2.00 cbarge per order. To purchase a box, please conitact Miller Waste Systems at (905) 723-8588 or 1-800-461-1582. Residents, wbo bave just moved Into a new or resale bome and need a Blue Box, sbould contact their local Municipal Works Department. One blue box will be delivered to mhese res- in the accreditation process. Ms. Wrigtson emphasizes mhat receiving the award no vides an incentive for tbe Hospital to work even barder to continue to improve. "Accreditiation is not j ust a one-time event. The stan- dards reflect wbat we sbouid be doing on a day-to-day basis. The process wvill con- tinue," sbe saYs. Mr. Scbonberg concurs. -We do not lntend to sit on Our laurels. We are commnit- ted te continuous improve- ment." The regular meeting of the Bowm-anville Business and Professional Women's Club was held on Tbursday January 16, 1997, at Silk's Cafe, King Street West, Bowm-anville. After a deliclous dinner enjoyed by 14 mem- bers and 8 guests, Irene Konzelmann lntroduced the guest speaker Marilyn Armistrong. 1Ma rilyn Armnstrong Ilves in Oshawa, bas a BA li Matbematlcs and bas been employed by EDS for 11lyears and is Manager of Project 2000 for EDS and the ,General Motors. Some soft- ware wiil be flawed by year 2000. If companies or banks do not correct flaws, credit cards could appear to be expired, magazine subscrip- tions could appear to be expired wben money actually bas been pald. Bank interest could be calculated wrongly. It may cost $25 billion to fix this problem lni Canada. General Motors and EDS are working o n solutions for their companies now. There will be an increase in skilled com- puter operators and salaries will be lncreased. People sbould question insurance companies and banks to se If tbey wiil be able to process items li year 2000. If you are idents at no cbarge. -13lue Boxes are for storing recyclab les in the bome. Blue Boxes rake it easler for tbe collection contractor to iden- buylng a computer or soft- ware cbeck to see that soft- ware and computer will be usabie In year 2000 and later. Irene Konzelmann thanked the speaker and presented ber witb a gxft. The next meeting wiil be our International evenrng on thursday, February 20, 1997 at Silk's Cafe, 73 King Street West, Bowmanville. We willl have a candle lighting cere- mony and Isobel Rappaport from Newcastle wiil be the guest speaker. The speaker who bas travelled- In many different countries will give us a historical glimpse of the struggle women had to obtain the franchise and equality in 4 different countries. Guests are aiways wel- come. Fee $20.00. If tnterest- ed li attendlng please phone Helen Devitt at 623-3915 by 7 p.m. on Februaxy 17, 1997. Ruth Carrigan. tîfyi materils set out at the curb for recycllng." says Peter Watson, Durham Region's Manager of Waste Reduction. "Residents can now purchase addltlonal boxes or replace damaged or1 lost boxes by cafl lng Miler Waste Systems". For more information, cati tbe Region's Works Departmenit at 668-7721 on Monday to Frlday between 8:30,a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Re CyCl Naoârthcutt Elliott E5J Fneral Home TLIOUGHTFULNESS SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Peaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping 1, - .-Cory Kuipers - President 2 Bowmanville Ontario LiC 2Z8 riz JDrlJ'Jb OFF STREET PARKING CE Brigitte Brown .4v±PMIIEARTS 'j PedcuresGift Certifica tes Manicures aalbe ~'Waxing aalbe Nail Extensions ESTHETIC STUDIO ~'171 Mil St., Orono, Ontario LOB iMO a 905-9838169 COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. #1 ORONO 4 MILES NORTHl ONTARIO 0F lIWY. 401 ON LOB 1iMO (905) 983-9151 HWY.35/115 ç669