m-mmC 14 Orono We--eklyflmes5-, Wedne-,day, March 5,1997 &The ýApple Blossom Shop FLOWERS & GIFTS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We don't just specialize - 1We make evewy order special S For LDIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 PATrRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street Bowmanvillle 623-4473 BARINA H19ME CHECK *"Let us make your home looked lived in" *Vacation Homte Checkuiig* * Wedding- Day Services,* ...ar whenever you're away" INSURED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Servîng Newtonv,1eI cse, Oronio, Kendal and * rou nmg commuimes F10 ers Pus FLOWERS, GrnTS, ANDJ CRFTS 46 Kting Street East Newcastle 987-1500 Betty Lyoett 983-5908 Wilda Mddleton 983-9819 ORO,41 ELEC TRIO 'Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TV'S - HI-FI'S SALES AND) SERVICE Hotpoint - R.C.A. White Westin'ghouse Frigidaire - Whirpool Wood's Freezers Maglo Chef -Hoover GRUNDY'S Country Upolstei. QuaIity ork In Uphol tery R.R.u-2. Oono Bryon Grundyj CUB FUNDRAISER DniNNER "Dinner Menu" - Garden Salad, Chicken Ala Ora nge', Parisienne Potatoes, Sweetlette Peas. Chese Cake. Rails. and Butler, Coffee and Tea. March 22, 1L997 Di rnner served at: 5:00 pm tthe Orono United *$ 10.00 per persan $6.0O/chiid 6-12 yrs. aid. 5 & under free for tickets contact: [Brenda Hoyne at: 983-6351 5 ac ATTENTIONI! Priar Cubs, Leaders and aIl others interested. Dust off the stored Kub Kars & Cali Akela by March 17, 1997 at 983-8276 ta Register for the Annual Kub Kar Challenge Races will be held on March 24, 1997 7:15 pm Registration 7:00 pin ,West Durham District Rules will be !n effect. For a copy of* the rules cail Akela at 983-8276 Concession items available Admission is $1.00 5 ac NEWTONVILLE U.C.W. Roast Beef Dinner Sat. March 15, 1997 6:30 p. m. Newtonville United Church $10.00 For tickets cali: 786- 2239 or 987-5243. 26, Mar. 5 cpn Dry Softwood 16" Extra Large Face Cordi $45.00 Stored Inside Pontypool Cancrete 1 mile south of Pontypoal on Hwy. 35 CLOSED SUNDAYS 5, 12, 19 ac Joqce wM"mau C.D.A. (l1988) j'am «%t SPPeô, and e eô,ô Studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12 naon.- 4 p.m. -ather tmes by appointrnent- 86 Church St., Orono 983-6408 HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre, 3706 Rundie Rd. (Courtice) s now accepting new students (children and aduits) for our riding and horsemanship programs, summer camps, etc. For further information and to register cal! 1-905-6237336 Hoie of the Bowmanville Pony Club Clarington Computer Clearance Centre - used - IBM 386 SX55 2/30 $130. IBM 386 SX55 2/60 $1 95. IBM 386 SX55 4/80 $275. VGA mono monitor from $45. VGA colour monitor f rom $135. - new Micro Mania sysiems - 486 2/66's f rom $679. 486 2/80's f rom $735. 486 4/1 00s f rom $775., 486 8120's f rom $1098. 486 8/1 33's from $1240. - used Noebooks- IBM 386 4/80 new. baIn.) $750. ZEOS 466 8/120 motio $1199. Digital 486 4/170 mono $1500. NEC 486 4/210 colour $1695. We buy used computers. 1 or 100 or more 164 Baseline Rd. E. -st oi Lety Bowmanville 905-697-3059. One bedroom apartmnents for rent, Newcastle Village, from $50850 per month plus utilities. Cali 987-3211. Commiercial space for rent, Main Street Orono, Approx. 500 sq f, + basemnent. Available immediaitely. Call Ed Vanhaverbeke 987-3211. Office and medical space for rent, Bowmianville and Newcastle Village, excellent rates. Cail Ed. Vanhaverb)eke 987-3211. NEWCASTLE STORAGE Self Storage Units for rent from $39 per month. 15 x 38 now avaflable Cail 987-3211 Excellent north Oshawa location, 3,9000 square feet industrial unit in automnotive plaza, with 2 overhead doors, finished office space. $1,850 per mionth grass plus utilities. Cail Ed Vanhaverbeke, Syvan Developmients Limit-ed, 987-3211. 5, 12, ac Home on pleasant acre lot in Kendal, 2 bedrooms, garage. Available April lst. S850.00 plus hydro. First and iast required. phone 905-885-2743. 5, 12, 19 ac COOPER In loving memory of a dear Dad and Grandfather Clifford (Nip) Cooper, who passed away March 8, 1990. Always a smile, instead of afro w. Alwcays a hand, whien one was down, Always true, thoughtful and kind, Wonderful memories hie lefi behind. Sadly missed Your Famiiy. 5 ap General sewing donie in mny hïomei, 5 day s a week. Phone 98,3 9761. ADAMS, SCOTT November 18, 1961 March 12, 1985 ln Loving Memnory of aur Beloved Son and Brother A CHILD LENT 'l'Il lend yau for a little while A child of mine," He said. For you ta love, the whiie hie lives And mourn for when he's dead. It muay be six or seven years, Or twenty-two or three; But wili you tlll 1 caîl him back, Take care of hlm for Me. He'l bring his charmrs ta gladden yau. But should his stay be brief-, You'll have his lavely memories As salace for your grief. 1 cannot promnise hie will Stay, Since. ail from ea"rth retumn; But there are lessons taughit down there. I want this child ta iearn. I've looked the wide w.vorld over, In seareh of teachers true. And from the throrigs that crowd Iife's roads, 1 have selected you. Now will you give him aIl your love, Not think your labour vain; Nor hate Me when I corne and cal! To take hfim houle again. 1 fancied that I heard you Say, 'Dear Lord, Trhy will be done. For ail the joy, thy child will bring, The risk of grief we'l mn," We'll shelter hlmi with tenderniess, We'il love him while we mnay; And for the happiness we've known. For ever grateful stay. But should the angels calI hirn back. Much sooner than we've planned, We'll brave the bitter grief that cames. And try ta understand. Forever Young Lave You Mom. Dad and Shayne - Buitding Supplies and Hardware Barn Steel - Sikkens Stain *Hemlock for Fences and Stails 'A Centre for Ail Youir Building Needs' (705) 277-3381 or (905) 434-6665 (cveninigs) ON HWY. 35, 2 MILES NORTH O____FHWY. 115 KIRBY SCHOOL COUNCIL RAFFLE was held March 3, 1997 ta benefit the RIGGERS' Famnily. The winner was EMILY MCMILLAN a student at Kirby Centennial P.S. Thank you toalal who entered. A special thank you ta Mr. J. MeAlister for s0 generously donating the prize. 5 ap Thank you ta everyone who volunteered their time ta bowl. those who pledged funds and ta Nancy Evans, Marion Brooks and the staff of Liberty Bowl for their support at the Big Brothers Celebrity Day, February 22~ and throughout the wveek. A special thank you xta aur Hanorary Chair, Jim Shaw, and La aur volunteers. Big Brothers would also like ta acknowledge the support we. received from Canada Yearbook Service (1980) Ltd., Tim Hortoni's - Courtice, Disney Theatrical. Tawvn and Country Restaurant, Bowmanvîlle Travel, Hooper's Jewellers, Hooper's Trophy Centre, Canadian Tire, Durham Marketing Group. Jan S. Catering. Newcastle Funerai Home, Davey Transport. Silks, Sonbon Homes, Wotten Transport. Dufferin Aggregates, Virtue Fuels, Clarington Rehabilitation and Sparts lnjury Clinic, Orana Times, Canadian <ýtateman. The News, Clarington This Wcek and W.M. Tomnlinson Screen Printing. Thank you ta Dorelia Forget and the Newcastle Bowling Lanes f'or hosting the Youth League Challenge on February 15 and ta Lynn Donohoe and Laura Gacksetter for organizing the youth bowiers. Big Brothers of Clarington 5 ac Thanks ta my family- relatives and friends for cards and gifts. Toalal who came oust ta help celebrate my 8th Birthday. Bless yau al Roy Tennant 5 ap CONSIGNMENT EqUIPMENT AUCTION' BERRYBANK FARMS R. R. 2, Taunton Rd. Orono SAT., APRIL 5th, 1997 10,00 a.m. Selling a full line of farxhn equlpment. tractars, machlnery, vehicles, hardware, tools, lumber, etc. To consign ta this Atuction and for information contact the Auctioneers. JOHN D. BERRY 905-983-5787 F~RANK G. STAPLETON 5 ac SPECIALS * 50 Ibs. Brown's Potatoes le $5.95 Fruit Market Maclntosh & Cortland Apples $3.50/6 Ibs. CA Apples 4 Litres of Cider $3.95 Fresh supply of Cider Vinegar & Mioney Farm Fresh Brown & White Eggs 100% WyIie Fruit Juices -- Fred's Apple Juice =W,115 & 35 983-5628f 1 L