by Phyllis Lowery For the first time last week it feit like spring weather--at least to me it did. There was a diffrent feeling in the air. I could hear birds slnging. On Friday the lawn was covered with starlings and then this morning it was black with redwlng black- birds. 1 hope that they dlean up the grain that the other little winter birds don't eat-- they just toss it out on the ground. There is a six inch mound ahl around the bird feeder. At least that spot neyer gets bare of grass. Thle littie finches are starting to show their colour. Eveii the skunks are out. Hope all this is a good slgn of early, warmer weather. Not as many out at the ski hlI on Sunday. Could stlll see lots of snow there, but the ditches and streams and in some places the roads were full of water. On Sunday we were pleased to welcome Rev. Paul Irwin, Chaplain of Oshawa General Hospital. Forrnerly, the Minister at Mitdhell's Corners where our former Miister, Erian Ransom is now preaching. TPhe Service opened witli Rev. Irwtn welcoming aIl and lightung the Christ candle. 'Ple gathering liymns were "Lets Just Praise The Lord". "I Will Sing Unto Thle Lord". Then Grant MConagliy led in singing, 'There's A Fountain Flowing" whicli was accom- panied with actions. The choir sang "You Said You Would Be There". 'Phe dhildren sang "There's Joy In My Heart", led by Don Peddar and Joyce Boudreau. Al this music set the tone for the rest of the Service. The children came forward and Rev. lrwin told them, that once upon a time, ail the Hebrews. of whicli Jesus' par- ents were, were slaves in Egypt. He asked them if tliey knew about Egypt. The chil- dren were veryj knowledgeable about Egypt. They knew that the country was ruîed by Pharolis. The Hebrews lad to do everything they were told, ail the work and were fed very hlte. They were God's people and tliey wvere very unhappy, so God sent tlem Moses to lead tlem out of the desert. They had no rules to go by and tley started to live wild- ly and make Idols to worship. God then sent Moses up ito the Mountain and gave him the Ten Commandments. Rev. Irwin asked, "What would we be like if there were no rules, no laws. Would we just lie in bed, play, do noili- lng, not go to sdhool or work? Our parents have rules by whlcl we must live and we are aIl mudli lappier knowlng what we can do and what we can't." The chldren tIen formed a circle, holding hands for prayer. Rev. Irwin calîs this a -lovlng circle". The children's hymn was, "Saviour. Teadli Me Day By Day". The Scrlptures were taken from Exodus and 2 John. Rev. Irwln sald 'that niot knowing this congregation or how we conducted it, lie was not sure of lis Sermion, but lie presumred that most of the people would be over 30, s0 that is liow lie planned lits talk. How often we look back on our life and times. Tliings moved at a slower pace. Our chiîdren were safe playing out on the streets. We didn't feel the need to lock our houses. We trusted our neiglibours, our doctors, our ministers, our politiclans. Even the younger thlrty generation are beglnnlng to look back tIo their younger years as t he good old days. Wliat lias happened? We of Canada cu *aiyou have a export strate-y and for elements like v- markets, incoming testing for market f airs or legal fees f, agreements abroad Under the Prograni Market Developm( Government of Ca your costs for thes( dies up to a maxini For more informati cail your Internati( (416) 973-5063. * The Agri-Fooi Strategies (AIMS) i financial and techi- are loslng olir sense of ethics. Fifty or siity years ago we knew what ethics were. We were taught by our parents. We were brought up with themn. We knew the "Ten Commandmnents", but we have lgnored ethics. If one of the Commandments doesn't just suit us--we ignore it. The United Church is a lib- eral Churcli but by belng this we could see them and follow them, it would be once again "the good old days". If you were brouglit up in the old Presbyterian or Methodist Faith, they took the Commandments serious- ly especially the one, 'Thou shaît keep the Sabbath Holy". You could not go out an-d play, That was too nloisy. You could not do a job--going to Churcli was a must. It was very rigîd. There were too many Tliou Shail" and 'Thou Shait Not's" and many rebelled. In Jesus' time, even he rebelled and made a rope and drove the money lenders out of the temple. Have we rebelled too mnuch? Do you Lhlnk of the Cross as a burden or a joy? If you thlnk it is a burden, you're ini trouble. Jesus carried it liglit- ly to take away our sins. The hymn, "In The Cross 0f Christ, I Glory" was sung. Prayers for the i11 and for the familles of those who have lost a loved onie were said. The Offering was takeh- up by Len Falls and Jack Westlake. The closing hymn was -Lead On 0 King Etemnal". We were certainly sad- dened to leamn of the passing of Berniece Milligan. Our sympathy goes out to lier sis- ter Jean Hall and family. Bemiece had been a part of Newtonville. Her family was part of Newtonville's history. I understand that Fred Wilson is stili a patient in Bowmanville Hospital. Mls said. age enhances the body of wine. Then why doesn't it do the same for mine?" A number of counterfeit $100 buis have been circu- lating downtown Bowmranville in the last week. Two busi- nesses feil vlctim to the coun- terfeit money and several bils also tumned up at local banks. Constable Leachi of the Durham Regional Police 1 6th Division advised that ail $100 bills should be checked care- fully. If in doubt of the authenticlty of the bill get it checked by the bank or the police. Anyone who takes a phoney bill will be out the money. .According to Constable L-each, mnstead of the matt fin- ish on a legal bill, there is a gloss to the goose on the back of these couniterfeit bills.