Classified HOY, JAMES HENRY March 16, 1997 Peacefully at Strathaven Lifecare Cenitre On Sunday. March 16, 1997 in his IOOth year. James, beloved husbandl of the late Jennie (Lunn). Dear father of Archie and is wife VeInma of Bowmaniville, Hazel and hier husband Howard Howson of Peterborough, William and his wife Yvonne of Kendal, Stanley and his wife Alice o f Courtice, Jean and her husband Robert Stainton of Bowmanville, Myrtle and her hiusbandc Johin Sarchuk of Scar-boroughi, Helen and hier husband Keith Wood of Kendal. Leonard and his wife Jean of Kendal and the late Pearl and her husband Donald Oke of Los Angeles, Claifornia. Dear grandfather of 31 grandchildren. 54 great- grandchfldren and 4 great great-granidch-Ildreni. Brother of the late Mary Tattersali, Wilfred Hoy., Laverne Hoy and Alex Hloy. Friends were able to caîl at the MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL, -4 Division St. B3owmiarville on Monday fromi 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral service was held in our chapel on Tuesda>y at il am. Spring interrment Orono Cemetery. Donations to Memnorial Hospital Foundation, IKendaI United Church or the charity of your choce.. 5 ap FOWLER, IRIS At Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, March 17, 1997 in lier 56th year. Iris. beloved wife of Ronald of Pontypool. Dear mother of Roseanna Vaehon, David & his friend Gail, Diane & her husband Rob Kidd, Danny & his wife Mîchiele, Doug & is wife Judy and Debbie. Also sus-vived by hier loving grandcbildren. Sister of Loveline Cathcart and Ken Korpatwa. Friends may eall at the MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL. 4 Division St.. Bownanville on WednIiesdaiy from 2-4 and 7-9 p.rn. Funeral service complete in our Chapel on Thursday at 1 1 a.m. Spring intermrent Orono Cemectery. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or the charity of your choioe in Iis's mennory would be gratefully appreciated. 19 ac Sunderland's 2nd annu maple syrup festival Corne and join Captain Steve Nierlicli, Sunderland's own 'Top Guni" and Sappy at Sunderland's Second Arinual Maple Syrup Festival - April 5th and 6th, 1997. Sunderland Public School choir will start the Maple Syrup Festival off with "0 Canada" and following the openmng will perform11 a loVely short progsram. Please join us in welcoming. the students frorn 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. on the open air stage both Saturday and Sunday. A Pancake Eatlng contest starts off the adventures with the Bed races soon after- wards. There are three Maple Bush Bus Tours and a Dairy Farmr Tour ta explore this year along with old -fashioned demonstration s at the park. By popular request there will be entertainment on the open air stage for bath days with the main street closed to offer a variety of displays, clowns, petting zoo, antique cars and vendors. The Outback Cloggers, High-land Dancer's, Clogging Grandmother's, Bushi No Nasake Kai-Martial Arts Denonstratian, Kawartha Kavaliers and a variety of Country music talent will entertain us. Pancake mneals and snacks will be available ta eat your way throughi town. Cone explore the free Arts &Crafts Festival, Seniors CLASS1FIED MAR KETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or A cross the Country" BOOKKEEPING ANLO INCOME TAX COURSES' Learn BUSINESS OPPS. Income Tax PrepuainadBoolkeping by correspon- GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Governient assistance pro- dance Ern your certificate now. For FREE brochares, gramis information avaliabte. For yoor new or eiotîng nu obligation, UJ & R Tao Schoolo, 1l345 Pemibina f-wy., bainess. 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TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS INTERNATIONAL ecome Free information 1-800-566-6899 Norw,ood Sam.milto, part ut Canadas fasteat groino Travet Agency Fran- R.R 2, Kitorthyv, Onaru POE iGO. chiue. Operate yvr businesa Fal-time, Part-limie. front ADULI ENTERTAINIMENT. Corder bet reeaved ideus your thrne, office or tcretront. Investment $15,000. Ca11: by mail and pvy lev. FREE videso oSer! FREE catalogue. 1-800-757-8580. Dsreet. HMC Video, 4840 Acvrni AH-201, Montrevi, PLEASE MUM Tradng Campany, Support. encorage- Ouebec H4C ILS. ment, information, catalogue. Canadaa 141 Consutant. 1EARING AbDS - Jat $470 mlanUaCtuired direct ta the -*BALANCE FASHIONS Cauaa Canadivo ladies mar the canal type, flly guranteed. Free informa- Information, Hotevve, Consulants. Cataloguas. Cars,-iono and ampie. CaIl ti f rua -800 96j0-4367 et. 17. in, corellet(13)2830894,. icro %Max ARE YOU SEEKING mare fnce lime plus financialinide- pendence? Becoma a saes manager for avery profitable MELP W.ANTED air purification business today. Phone vomi 1-800-820- REMOTE BC BEST WESTERN moanltain revoiS nom toir- 06q99 ing for nommer. Varions positionsa aailabta. For appînCa- EVALUATE OUR OUTSTANOING OPPORTUNITY. Cap- ion end et-vddravaad tampved envetope ta John Gall. alze on: the home-based buiness boom, tue Pervonai Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pao, BC VOE 2S0. Develoapmenf Indutry, sur traeeftraining, and nnparaiteed sales support. Are Yeu a erisa Entrepreneur? Do yvui SALES HELP WANTED have uptIo $10KIovsauf ? 1-800-72-0712 Et 11 . SATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot it moniey eling T7S ABOUT TIME 1$$ Freadom aod Moneyl chocolafe bars New, prodacta avaiabie. Fortunnqil apy in Enreprenenrv needed' The hcodest oppsrraityiun Norffi advvnco Fat deiivery 81-800383-3589. Amnerîna tuday. Posed lu eopîode in 97 and '98 Cait for frae informat ion 1-888-225-7461. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. LEADING US.Snack-Food Mantufacturing Company NEEO AOVICE? Cati today le tailk o nu aofur many eopaodnig rita Canada. Looking fr VWoe$aae Dîvînhu- Paychica. Latu bap yov w,,ilb Love, Muney, Relation- fors and Jobberv acrovas Canada. Excellunt Revenue aip, Pr-obterna. $3.99/mTin, 24 bru. 18+ 1-900-870-1025, Potentiel Minimal Invanîment. Cut 1-250-338-4064. STOP SMOKING BYLAW., Making enrepreneura ealîhy REAL ESTATE Canudian company aafing recarda dacy ilh nt incredlibie RESALES TiMESHARE/Campgroaind mermbersbipo. top smoking program. Amazing home business opporu- Anrc egs eaecernhue eo ae nify. FInancing avaituble. Cal! 1-800-77047Q4.IAmrainaluget-8 aae00 arinh2ve-R5or9Sta PROCESS SERVERS: Franchise opotniygroanud fnar enty te Canadas faset rowing Proceas Service ADOPTION Network. Ns initial franciae tenu; enduie erritonas; continuoaý operuional and national udvertiing support, ADOPTEES AND BIRTH PARENTS - amity Fndersasnd compte ranig.Cdnlct: Lori Mnagement Sylsterno Tha Canada-Wide National Adopion Regisfry 1-800-871 tnc. il1-800-459-7468 8477, htp://,iýw wactsping org/ffcrnnr.htmt. Reanîting Canadien amîllea frm Couvt ta Coanaýl 800-871-8477. A.B.OICK3SO NaArc 26-1K-8LC vauum plate makar; COMPANICA 0-640-B camera - nagafine muSer;ý light STEEL BUILDINGS table;' foldr. $5000. Antique maîtboe apt-style 24' o 26" (30-sauî, 8 large). 705-457-2618 Fax:457-2216. STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE... 21 x 30 $3,760.0O. 25 o 40 $562400C. 32 o 44 56,835.00. 34 x 56 $836000. CAREER TRAINING 40 0 60 $9988ý00. Ends inctuded. Many tylesanyd mod- esv auiabte. tr drcPionner -80-668-5422. LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Cluoea held Apr. 12-18, Aug 16-22,Nsv. 15-21/97. Par information contact: Sautbrnasteýrn Onario Schooi of Aucfineering, R.R. 85, WANTED Woodtock, Onlro NeS 7V9 (5195372115 GOSO OMIItY y.ri300fth rninnid 0 - BE AN INTERIOIS DECORATOR ... milsur grat home- fer, ruing circam-ferenlîat regiler, key styla awing dswrr Estate Sale - Bowman ville Spotless tram top ta botiomi. 3 bed- 25 Years Experience raamrs, living raom/dining room combi- nation, eat in kitchen, single car garage Spcaiigin: and paved drive. $106.900. SpecaltingCharlie Reid* 623-3393 or 983-5914 RESIDENTIAL; VACANT LAND; FARMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES' 1 an Committed To Serving Al1 Your RZeal Estate Needls! -Workirng 364 Days A Year- W. FRANK REAL ESTATIE LIMITED 234 King St. E., Bowmanville Off. 905-623-3393 Res. 905-983-5914 S Simpson Memorials M 0NW ifl Bowman ville" Lk -EM119 'King St. E., Bowmanville 623-6581 il1I Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope (905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions *Indoor / Outdoor Displays .Excellent Prices Guaranteed Workmanship 1 t1l'Etchings - Personal and Scenes -Wooden Sandblasted Signs Tty us before you decide by visiting aur new Sales Office, or cati us and arrange for an appointment in the comfon' of your home. s. 'j Get.more .Cwil i .. q: Brothers. 1