8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesiay, March 19. 199-, Newcastle Lions News A special meeting of The Newcastle Lions club took place on Marcb 12 in the Lions Room at the Newcastle Comnmunlty Hall. Zone Obairman, Lion John Ogden from the Bewdley and District Lions Club 'vas on hand to make bis officiai visit and take part in tbe Installation of five new members of tbe Newcastle club. President Terry Grabam acted as chairman and 'vel- comed tbirty-one Lions and guests as tbey sat down to a delicious meat pie dinner catered by tbe Newcastle U.C.W. After dinner Lion Mike S'vaga introduced Zone Cbairman, Lion John Ogden, remarking that Lion John bas been a Lion since 1990, 'vas bom in England and 'vorks as an electrical1 engineer for General Motors. Lion John congratulated tbe Newvcastle Club for tbeir past accom- pllsbments and commented on tbe great esteem in whicb Ibis club is beld 'ithin tbe Lions communlty. He also praised tbe club for backing Lion Tenry for tbe position of' Zone IOS. Chairmran, a posi- tion for 'vbicb bas been recently acciaimed. Donations 'vere approved 10 the Ontario Street Public Scbool for their Quebéc excbange program and the Brocldrille Steel Band for par- ticipating in the Lions International Convention next summer in Philadeiphia. A tbank you letter 'vas received from the Durbam Reglonal police services for a recent donation. Birtbday salutations and a 15 year service pin were con- ferredi on Lion Dave Gibson, and a 15 year pin 'vas also presented ta Lion Mike Carter. A full siate of Officers was acclaimed for the 1996- 97 Newcastle Lions year and w'ill be installed at tbe last meeting ln June to begin the officiai Lions year on July 1. The meeting concluded with an induction ceremony conferring Lion Statu s on five new cubs ta tbe Newvcastle Pride. Zone Chairman Jobn Ogden chaired th.- ceremony and the ne'v Lions, Jim Browvn, Carl Good, Jobn Clark, Jim Leslie and John Mutton 'vere warmly 'vel- comed and congratulated by the rest of the club. Special guest at the next meeting 'viii be District A3 Chairman. Jon Moore. Jon 'viii be making bis officiai visit. This 'viii be a dinner meeting in the Lions Room at tbe Newcastle Comnmunity Hall on March 26. Guests are 'velcome, please cali Lion Amas Langley 987-5260 f'or furtber details. Registration for tbe Newcastle Colts Soccer Club for boys and girls ages 5 to 16 'viii take place on Saturday, March 22nd from 9 a.m. until noon in tbe Lion's Room of tbe Newvcastle Community Centre. Registration fee this year is $80 per child which includes a uniform and team and individual photographs. There 'viii be a late charge of $10. Soccer pins and crests at $2.50 each and medallions at $5 eacb will be available at time of registration or until supplies last. Be sure ta bring your child's health card and birth certificate when you- came ta register. Ail players MUST wear their shin pads at ALL TIMES. Please use the like to say a big thank you to ail the rnembers of the Newcastle Optimist Club who hielped in the planning and preparation and for the show- ing of this film. It truly was a fun Urne that was had by one and ail. Everyone Is invited to attend the annual Easter momnings son rise celebration that is to be held at the Bond Head Parkette on Sunday, March 30th. The service which starts promptly at 7 a.m. 'viii be followed by a hot breakfast which 'vill be served by the Kendal United Church Prayer Group in the base- ment of the St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholie Cburch in Newcastle. This is an annual ministry of the Clarington East Ministerial. Please mark y ur caiendars now and plan on attendlng. SCRATCH PADS 07 50< ea. or 3for $1 What adeal + EAST SIDE entrance. For more information please eall Mike Swaga at 987-1084 or Richard DuPont at 987-5226. Mike Swaga or Richard DuPont of the Newvcastle Colts Soccer Club wouid like ta hear from you if you are interested in coachlng or being an assistant. They can be reached at the above num- bers. Everyone is invited ta corne out and listen ta the sounds and rbythmis of the West Indies wbich 'vill be played at the Syncona Concert in the auditorium of the Newcastle Public School on Friday. March 21st at 7 p.m. Tickets are $3 each. For tickets or for additional information please caîl 987-5542, 987-4262 or 987-4l820. For a great opportunity ta have an evening out and enjoy a fabulous meal at the Port of Newcastle and a live murder mystery with a clas- sic touch of entertalument al while helping the Newcastle Optimist Club witb their many community projects, plan on attending the Olde Tyme Murder Mysterv_ Dinner Theatre that 'viii be held at the Port of Newcastle Marina on Frlday, March 2lst. Tickets are $,40 each or $75 per couple. To reserve your ticket or for further informa- tion please contact the gener- ai manager of the Port of Newvcastle Marina 'Alison Woollacott' at (905) 987-5251 or fax ber at (905) 987-3033. Ail the cblldren wbo 'vere in attendance at the free bowling tbat 'vas held on Wednesday, March l2th at the Newvcastle Community Hall bowling lanes, would lîke to say a big'-Thùnk You" to al the memibers of the Newcastle Optlmist Club who hielped in the planning and preparation of this evenit and aiso f'or helping to make itlthe great success it truly 'vas. They FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID -D _n21.2 0oaL181q&t~ x /mf Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherfor ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURc 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanville L ýýtaat " rd ýs