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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Mar 1997, p. 10

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( 10 - 1Orno eely T mes, enesday, March 26, 1997 From Parliam ent Hill Alex Shepherd, M.P. Durham Last week, Progressive Conservative Party leader Jean Charest unveiled bis election platformr, "Let the, Future Begin". The wbole tbing rerninds me of a badHollywood 'B' movie. The titie sbould bave been "Nightrnare on Main Street" or "Backwards to the Future". Giving the corporate elite immediate tax reductions for taking investment maney out of the country surely is a step backwards. Let me explain. There are twio rates of corporate income taxes. One is based an small businesses and the otber for large corporations. WhIle I bave syrnpatby_ with the srnall and mnediumn- sized business sector, the- srnall business tax rate in Canada is already the lowest in the western world. More reductions wouldn't provide any incentives. In fact keeping aur bands on the deficit and debt prob- lemn will continue ta keep interest rates low. That's a far greater incentive for business expansion. The cornerstone for Tory leader Jean Charest's palicies is rate reductions for IBM and Imperlal Oul. These corpora- tions aren't creating joabs. We aIl know they are laying everyone off. Wby doesli want ta reward thern? The niember fromn Sherbrooke, Que., also wants ta increase the foreign cami- panenit af RRSPs ta 50 per cent. In other words people wealthy enaugli ta put-- $13,500 into an RRSPviii be able ta lnvest their savings in another counitry. You dan't bave ta be a racket sclentist ta realize this means giving people the riglit ta reduce their- tax ta create jobs in Southeast Asia while people in Durhamn and the rest of Canada incur job loss- es. Do we really want ta gîve money ta Japan? John Ministry< announces sale of wild turKeY licences by phone Cbarest daes. 1 think Canadians want that money ta stay home to create jobs, maintain bealtb- care. seniors' pensions and ta keep university tuitions with- in reacli of the cbildren in mniddle incarne farnilies. Revenue Canada spends a lot of tirne tracking down tax evaders. And the member fram Sherbrooke Que. wants ta legalize wbat is now con- sidered tax evasion. Daesn't lie know that less tban one baîf af HRSP deduc- tion limits are utilized by Canadians. The average con- tribution is only $2,000. Charest's RRSP plan, like the rest of bis palicies, are targeted toward the very ricli, many ýof whorn it wauld appear, do nat want to pay their fair share of tax. If the Tories ever gat ta put their plan inta effect, rniddle incarne earners are still going ta be presented witb the bills ta pay for healtb care and seniors' pensions. Cbarest also talks about dealing with inter-provincial trade barriers. The present government bas already signed a deal witb the provinces, 1He says lie is ging ta get. tougb witb the banks ta ensure tbey publisb quarter- ly stats on the arnount of rnoney loaned ta small busi- ness. My own comrrittee secured that two years ago. The member frorn Sherbrooke_ Que. sbould be spending more tirne in Parliament s0 tbat lie knows - and understands - wbat's going on. Tax breaks ta large corpo- rations and encouraging investrnent overseas, wbile expecting tbe middle-wage earner to pick up the shart faîl, is notbing but- 'back- wards ta the future' policies. "Let the Future Begini"-will be the cornerstone far the "Nigtrnare On Main Street" Canadians bave worked s0 bard ta put bebind tbern. The Ministî+Y of Ntural Resources is ffitroducing a new telephonê application system that wil1 now allaw a hunter to puffliase a wild turkey licence conveniently by phone. 1 arn ver y pleased that MNR is able to pffer this new service," sàjd Natural Resources Miister Chris Hodgson. -1t will make, it mucli easier for Ontario Turkey bunterp ta purchase their licences." Starting Mârcli 3, 1997, bunters can ajPY for a wild turkey licence by calling the MNR's toll-fr@e Electronic Licensing Uine at 1-800-288- 1155. Hours oftoperation will be from 7 a.ffi. ta il p.m., seven days a Wêek. until April 30, 1997. To use this-Pewý telephone application syr.>tem, hunters will need tpeir 15 digit Outdoors Card number, a valid Visa of Mastercard number, and ëitber a toucli- tone or rotary dial telephone to enter the rèquested infor- mation. Mfter die application is made. a wild turkey licence wlth game seal will be mailed out ta the huiter the follow- ing business dâY. Seven busi- ness days shaufld be allowed for delivery. , e es MaxiDru Mr. Hiodgsan announced this new service while speak- ing at the annual meeting of the Ontaria Federation of Aniglers and Hunters in Hamilton. He said the new service is being carried out as a pilot praject and, if deerned successftil, it may be expand- ed ta include the sale of other huntlng licences. Ontario now bas appraxi- rnately 12,500 registered wild turkey bunters with approxi- mately 2000 more joining their ranks annually. To be eligible for a wild turkey licence, a qualified bunter must first attend a Wild Turkey Hunter Education Seminar sponsored by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and then pass an examination given by MNR. MNR currently issues 4,200 wild turkey licences each year for bunting in soutbem Ontario. Before the introduction of this new telephone applica- tion systern, wild turkey licences could only be pur- chased in persan at MNR offices where staff bad ta manually process and file all applications. This year it will stili be possible ta apply for a wild turkey licence in persan at some MNR offices. Hunters are advised ta check first ta see if their local MNR office still offers this service. You can talk to us The next training work- shops ta become a volunteer heipline worker with Distress Centre Durham's 24-hour telephone beipline are: Part 1: April 27 - Part IL: May 4. Part I: August 10 -Part Il: August 17. Part I: Navember 2 - Part IL: Navember 9. To be eligible for training, you mnust be 21 years aid or older (for the adult Uine) or 18- 21 years aId (ta work on the youth line), complete a tele- phone screening interview and a face-to-face registration meeting. We carefully select empathetic, non-judgemental, responsible ïndividuals and provide intensive training in active listening skçills and cri- sis c ounselling/ intervention techniques. These techniques will benefit in your personal and professional lives, not just on aur phiones. If you are interested in joining a vibrant team of staff and volunteers dedicated ta belping callers tbroughout Durhamn Region find their own solutions ta their prob- lemns, stessars and personal conflicts, call us now for an application at 723-4461. Training registration is limit- ed s0 please have applications submitted as soon as-possible or at least two weeks prior ta the training dates provided. The cornritrnent we require is 16 - 20 bours per rnontb, including ane overniglit shift, frorn aur cen- tral Oshawa location. New To Clarington? Do You Want To Know More About Your New Community? Then Cati Maria Boone, Your E4[COMEo Representative Today 987-5030 Nmewocastle Auto Complete Auto Bodly Serviîce Restoration Specialists Ail Mechanical Repairs IAil Makes and Mdl 4 Wheel AlignmnentsI N4L j ug of Anti-f reeze $7.99* (with coupon)I Tire Sale! New and UsedI INew Tires Start as Iow as $55.00 a tireI I _ 80 King St. E.I 98-7-1694 I J .......... .

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