Volume 61, Number 12 Pr WEEKLY TIMES 60 Eas Claie.o and eyod e 137 Wednesday, March, New board of dire ctors elected Orono Horticultural Society holds first meeting of year Action came alive on the Orono Town Hall stage Saturday evening with à most enjoyable musical tale of the theatical lives of the broth- er/sister team of Fred and Adele Astaire. It ail started at the age of six for Adele and four for Fred and overnight they becamne juvenile talents extrordinaire. The Astaires became the rage or musical theatre, both in America and Engiand with such hits as Lady Be Good, Funny Face and the Band Wagon. Other musical numbers included "Fasclnating Rhythm", 'The Man 1 Love", ,r'd Rather Charleston" and "My One and Only". Grahamn Coffeng and Catherine O'Brien, young pro- fessional entertainers, were exceptional in their dance routines, singing and dellvery of wit. One couid well be aware of the elegance of the Astaire team that played before vast audiences in the U.S. and England until 1932 when Adele retired from the stage to marry Lord Charles Cavendish. At that time Fred moved onto Hollywood where star- dom on stage continued for him. And 'yes' Ginger was The Smile Theatre produc- tions for this season of which Fred and Adele was one of five have been most professional and entertain-lng. They are wvritten and directed by Tom Kneebone who has a knack in keeplng the action iiveiy on stage. This was sureiy the case on Saturday at the Orono Town Hall. Unfortunately it was a sparse audience but ail those present were deiighted with the song/dance entertain- ment of two talented young artists. The evenlng was sponsored by the Orono Town Hall Board. The continuation of such evefits may weil be in some doubt. by Roy Forrester The first meeting for 1997 of the Orono Horticuiturai Society was held in the Main Hall, Orono United Church on March 2th at 7:30 p.m. President Carol Mostert wel- comed everyone and paid tribute to the late Edlth Taylor (a long-Urne member), with a poem and a moment of silence. Carol showed a new item, a box for questions, sugges- tions or hints. Secretary Lamna Atklns read the min- utes from the meeting of December 1996 and Fbo Sharpe gave the treasurer's report. Derek and Dorothy Barnett were honoured with the presentation of an award in recognition of their contri- bution to the society. Announcements: April lOth from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. a fundralsing Buffet Luncheon at Orono United Church Main Hall. April 26th District 17 meeting at Nestieton. April 24th next meeting of Orono Society. Topic: Perennials. dune 27th to 29th Ontario Horticulture Society Convention in Thunder Bay. Lorna Àtklns introduced the guest speaker Judy Hurvid who spoke on the Ecology Garden, located on the grounds of Bowmanvilie High School. She showed an excellent vldeo which featured interviews with AI Vaillancourt, Judy Hurvid and Leanne Bali. The garden is cultivated using onfly organ- lc methods and there are plots availabie to be rented by people from the commrunity. A great deal of preparation of' the site was needed; much compost and green manure were added to the soul. Leanne, a student, was hired for the sunimer and described the butterfly garden, herb garden and wiid flower gar- den. The members were al impressed by the pictures of excellent vegetabies and flow- ers. Plans to involve schooi children in the garden are being considered. Judy answered wany questions on the subject of organic gar- denlng and was slncerely thanked by Isabelle Challice. Doreen Lowery gave the report on the St. Patrick's Show whlch was Judged by the audience. .Class 1 - Good Luck to the Irish: 1- Inez Harris, 2- Shelley Etmanskie, 3- Minnie Zegers. Class 2 - Signs of Spring: 1- Pat Bales. 2- Isabelle Challice, 3- Carol Gay, 4- (continued page 2) Horticultural Society President's Award 26, 1997 r Happenings .ee ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESUITS 1- Grace Coathamn 86, 2 - Jean Forsyeke 84, 3 - Ait Pigott 82, 4 - Marion Sears 78, 5 - Lorna Crockett 717; Low - Hazet Murphy; Draw,%s - Grace Coatham, Velma Jakeman, Bill Grady, Aeck Moffat, Roy Hayward, Edgar Mison, Jim Gardon. ST. SAVIOUR'S PRESENTS DINNER THEATRE St. Saviour's Angican Church, Orono presents their Bi-Annual Dinner Theatre April il & April 12. For an outstanding gourmet extravagan- za and first rate entertainment please cali 983-5579. Don't miss outil f ___________________ 0 1 a