( $ Orôno We dyTiie~W~dxi~sday. March 2S. 1997 Toastmasters at March 18 meeting Oh no! They've grown again! In keeping with the Urne of year chairman Toastmaster Marllynn Dow chose "Renewal" as an appropriate theme for March 18, 1997 meeting of Bowmanville Toastmasters. ,Table topics Master Gordon West created enthu- siasm by 1 having Toastmasters volunteer to deal with a topic ether pro or con. As a departure from the regular format a second Natural Resources Minister Chris Hodgson has alerted municipaliies and property owners to the potential for floodlng in the Great Lakes Basin! as a result of continu- ing high water levels. "Enviroriment Canada and the Mlnlstry of Natural Resources have -been closely monitoring water levels on the Great Lakes," said Mr. Hodgson.,"Lake levels have been hlgh for some Urne. With sprlng weather just around the corner, water levels will likely rise further due to pre- cipitation and snow melt, and this increases the potential for spring wind storms to cause flooding." Mr. Hodgson has written to municipaîtties wîthln the Great Lakes Basin and has urged themn to update their contlngency plans for flood emergencles. Updating plans will help ensure that munici- palities and property owners are aware of the flooding dan- ger and are as prepared as possible. Local Conservation Authorities and MNR District Offices will work closely with the municipalities and help themn plan for any eventuality. Lake levels may reach -the record levels experienced in 1985 and 1986, whlch were rèsponsible for severe flood- ing and erosion damage. Wlth high water levels, Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair are partic- ularly susceptible to flooding caused by storms., Strong wlnds can cause water levels to rise sharply in a short arnount of time at one end of Toastmnaster could volunteer to take the opposite point of view. For, the prepared speech category Toastmaster Denise Marek and Toastmaster Irene Konzelmarm delivered excep- tional presentations giving the assembly a difficult deci- sion as to the eveninhgs best speaker. Toastmaster Irene Konzelmann was selected. Congratulations to Toastmnaster Michael Sullivan a lake, causing serious flood- lng. In addition, poundlng waves can cause serious shoreline erosion and proper- ty damnage. "We are doing all we can to control water levels, but nature has a much greater influence than man on overall water levels on the Great Lakes," said Mr. Hodgson.'- "In the event of an emer- gency that is beyond the abil- lty of a municipality to cope, a provincial flood emergency may be declared which would brlng in provincial resources to assist,*' said Mr. Hodgson. ."Floods can occur at any time of year, but late winter and early spring storms Increase that potential. In order to minimize any possi- ble damnage, we are strongly encouraging shoreline com- munities, property owners and response agencles to be prepared," said Mr. Hodgson. Making room at the table Women from aIl denomi-, nations are hungering for spiritual refreshment and renewal. Many yearn for hope in a harsh world, and long for opportunities to gather with other Christian women. There is a need to share life experi- ences in a context of faithful engagement in the struggle of living in todýay's-world. Such an opportunity is on the lnforrfigtive discourse and slde preéPntation on the resurgence of the Eastern Bluebird. in tiûs talk to The Claring ton Horticulture Society, Toastiflaster Sullivan demonstrated different Bluebird boxes. You to cari learn to give presentations. Visit us any Tuesday evening 7:30-9:30 at fThe Information Centre of Darlington Hydro". available, to meet with women to explore the theme "Makçing Room at the Table". Women of al ages and denominations are invited to a day of worship, singing, conversation, meditation and reflection. The wo men who will pro- vide leadership represent dif- ferent denominations -and bring broad and varied expe- riences within the church. Rev. Dr. Dorcas Gordon, theme speaker, is Director of the Doctor of Minlstry Program at Toronto School of Theology where she lectures in New Testament studies She is in pastoral ministry in the Presbyterian Church of Canada, and she finds j oy in leadinig workshops and retreats in feminist biblical interpretation. Diana Chappeil, music leader, has wide expenience in1 music; singing, composlng, arrangmng and playing. Diana is a member of the United Church of Canada. Betty Radford Turcott, ,worship co-ordinator, is a member of the worship tearn at Faith United Church. Betty is the published author of hymns, poetry. bible study, devotional and worship mate- Helene Hannah, brings her wide experience 'in the Anglican church. and as an aduit educator. She will help us focus on slgns of hope as we seek ways to "make room at the table". Jocelyn Rait, Past President of the CWL of the Diocese of Kingston, and a founding member of the plan- ning team wlll share the vision and the hlstory of these There's nothlng a parent feels more relieved about than a happy, healthy, GROWING chiAld... except when there are 2 or 3 or 4 happy, healthy, GROWING chlld-ren! There must neyer seems to be enough clothing to pass on to younger multiple slblings, or there Is too much good cloth- lng that the chlldren have grown out of, all at the same Urne. That's the problem par- ents of singletons. twlns, triplets, quads and quints face on a seasonal basis. The Durham Reglon Parents of Multiple Births Association (DRPOMBA) has found the solution for its members and Durham resi- dents. For the past 16 years, DRPOMBA has hosted a spring and faîl children's clothing and equipment sale open to the public. The club wlll hold its seml-annual sale of gently used infant/chil- dren's clothlng, maternity clothes, baby equlpment and toys at the Metro East T7rade Centre, Brock Rd., Pickering, events. The event wlll be held Saturday, April 19, 1997, at Cobourg United Church, Division Street in Cobourg from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wheelchair accessible. The early registration fee 15' $20.00 and includes lunch. $25.00 after March 2Oth. Sponsored by the Women's Inter-church Council of Eastern Ontario for the Ecumenical Decade 1988- 1998, for the Churches in Just north of the 40 1 (home of the Pickering Flea Market) on Saturday, April 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Apart from the obvlous savlngs on clothing and toys, this major fundraiser permits this non-profit organizatiorn to provide parents of multiple btrths a support network. The association offers Its 300 fam- iles a monthly newsletter, guest speakers on various chlld-rearlng topics, a lend- Ing llbrary, memibership in POMBA Canada, discounts at various stores and business- es, bereavement information, a father support group and a mother support group where parents share a vartety of emotions --from happlness, wonderment, fear and anx- ety -- ail involved in raislng happy, healthy GROWING multiples. So... DRPOMBAs clothing, equlpment and toy sale may be just what you need to survive another sea- son and prepare for spring and the sunny days ahead. For more information, please cail (905) 686-0707. Solldanity with Women. For further information cal registrar Klm Nalsh 705-743- 1492 or locally BobAnn dick- son .905-728-1718, Betty Turcott 905-623-6504. 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