( $ 6Orono Weekly Tnmes. Wednesdaty.Apiil 2, 1997 Ice Effects win bronze medal The Orono Ice Effects aduit precision skating team trav- elled ta Waterloo ta compete in the Annual Adult Competition. 24 teams took part ini the competition held March 22 at the Waterloo Recreational Complex. The Ice Effects placed lst ini their ffight ta quallfy for the gold final. The team skated Our week-end winter blast must have our bird fiends seeking protective caver after, like we humans, had enjoyed balmy summer weather on Friday. 0 f course it is ail about the nature of things and there Is nothing we can do about it other but enjoy ItL But spring and ultimately summer is an its way. Driving around the countryside the Mourning Doves are linung up i pairs on the telephone wires and those industrious Grackles are showing a glossy sheen. Even the most well- known shorebird, the Kilîdeer, can be found runnhng along the roadside. And Royal Lee is awaiting the return of bis Bluebirds. The famniliar sang of fixe male Redwung Blackbird was most proînInent In the bulîrushes at the mouth of the Wilmot Creek early last week. Its a period of the year when the birds upan their arrival stake out their territory In whiÉch the yearly life cycle begins once more. There are many similarities between what we humans do and what happens with the birds and other farns of nature. It al cames naturally. An Internet report of a Harlequin Duck swimming about at the West Humber Bay park had B3unting and Forrester on their way ta the city-last Frlday mornîng. It seems that at least one Harlequin Duck is reported extremely well in the final ta place 3rd winning a bronze medal. The Ice Effects will be finishlng a very successful 2nd season by performing at the Orono Figure Skating Club Camnival on April 5. The Ice Effects thank familles, friends and the Orono Figure, Skating Club for ail their sup- port and encouragement dur- at the Toronto lakefront from time ta time and this arosesthe two Orono birders ta take off for the city. After all this bird is not on aur Life-List. -Last Friday we weren't the only birder in the search of the Halequin and we did speak ta one that had been within ten feet of the duck as it swam along the bay' some time before. Its a trip now scheduled for next year again. No Harlequin duck did we find. The Harlequin Is a resident of fast water along the coast of Labrador and more so along the west coast of B. C. and the U. S. The- West Humber Bay park is a beautiful park especially fihe public access that is provided infront of the upscale condos that face a well-maintained harbour area. Many of us remember It as the area in which the Palace Pier was the major landmark in this particular area of Leaside. Although we didnt see the Harlequin we were welcomed by the cheerful twitterinig of a hast of House Finch which were in the flnest of voice and colouring and appeared ta be well established area of ýthe Humber Bay. Walk around Orono and you can hear the same twittering. Everytime I pass through the Tononto Lake front and especially the-anea of the CNE grounds there is 'a ing the season. A special thank you ta sponsors Dy- Tech nc,., Lear Seating and Melony Pringles. The Orono Ice Effects are coached by Linda Martin and managed.by Roie Woods. If you are a skater 21 or older and would like more informa- tion about the team please cail Rorie Woods at 786-2496. 'flashback' to 1937 when the Forresters left Oakville to take up residence in Orono. It was In a 1915 Chrysler which had been purchased new off the floor-of the CNR, by my grandfathe'r and handed down the line. 1 still do remember the trip - it was the longes t trip of my life. It was along old 'Number Two'. There was no thought of 401 at that time. I am sure I remember the large buildings of the CNE, the spacious lawns of green, and more-sa with the breakwaters that lined the lakefront. "How did they pour cement in the deep water of Lake Ontario?" Nothing of that trip of '37 st ands out more than the breakwaters. A recent article in the Star noted that the breakwaters were built in the 1930s and were now ready for some repairs I flnd. it is now time to shovel the spring snow of 1997. Child Find warns against door to door canvassers Chld Find Ontario là warn- Ing the public not ta give money ta, door ta door can- vassers as they do not solicit door ta door. "We are a non- profit charitable arganization dedicated ta reducing the Incidence of missing chil- dren." Please report any cases of door ta, door canvassing ta the police and aur office. Durham Reglon Chapter tele- phone number is (905) 686- 3181. F lres a* smm, oofthheIloeerst ratee e ANNUAL RATES 35 166 318 565 40 192 390 670 45 278 565 1,020 50 400 860 1,570 55 583 1,330 2,505 60 904 2,058 3,930 65 1,390 3,335 6,405 8Based on a ten year convertible and renewable term p4an. For More Information Cail: Kim Little (905)983-0512 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford Bowmanville Business& Professional Women's Club Dessert &Cottée With Paula Lishman Fur Fashion Into ths 21st Century Thursday April 17, 1997 Dessert 6:30 to 7:.30 pin Fashion Presentation 7:30 put Baseline Communlty Centre Bowmanville $15»00per person Door Prizes Iicket Information 905-623-6364or 905423-5327 deadllne April 14, 1997 Morigage Special Fi.' #heguIar Rate JJMA & Mligl aHuleMorgges Aise Avoulable Vioit or COU fer Cemple Deluils TOUR COMMUNITY MORTOAGI LENDER Paul Muller, B ranch Manager Paul Muller, Branch Manager 15 Charles Street; Oshawa 136 King St., E., Bowmanvitle (905) 728-4658 (905) 623-6343 Office Hours: Monday to Wednesday 9:30 - 5:0 Offce Hours: Monday to 7ltursday 9:30 -5.00 Thursday 9:30 - 7:00, Fiday 9:30 - 6:00 Fiday 9:30 - 6:00 0(1er can be alitred or cancelled at eny time.1 ) w by Roy Forrester mv,ý, 1