!2r 0no Wý,,eekly Tlimes Wdesa 'p9, l1997 Interactive Health b- Pat i -win Manyv peoplewh partici- entire pe- pat e in alternative orcmpe fact that ir>entary, healtil care recogýnize losing nu the absolute niecessity of the of a spiriti philos ophy of" self'-heilp. momentu in this age of budget cuts, The pra roll-backs and hospital dlo- Touch, a sures, the concept becomes ing energy even more meaningful as we ages has ail learn to re-tool the heaith accepted care industry. Nurses of The thought occu rs - since There i, we'I be requîred to do more benefits and more for ourseives, pas- reduction sily at additional out-of- Massage1 pocket expense. why not ceived as, invest in measures which muscles tl have a good track record in vastly imp chronic care. If one requires circuiatior emergency treatment for a sue heait] broken imb, or any of the less. Prie( myriad of acute medical cond- effectiver tions which present themi- renewed e selves, Ontario is one of the The use best places in the world to be. is gone. 1 But treating chronic ilîness is understo( a diff erent matter, requining done our a different approach. Even service by here, allopathie medicine and antilz does have its place, as we by their) struggle with the îintricate pressed oi web o-f regaining and mjain- to heal. taining health. Thoma Alowing the body to devel- famous qi op its own God-given niatu- echoed H rai, innate abilities. takes The doct( more time and requires active gîve no rl participation on the part of interest hiý ail concerned. For instance, of the hui Naturopathic doctLors and and in the many other practitioners tou-Lt tion of dis the importance of goodfod good 'eliminatîon. healthy scIR water, dlean air and Mother7 'Earth - the beginning of . everything our bodies need. Dr. Bernard Jensen, noted wi Iridoiogist, states that "'We shouid return to Mother Sarth in looking for the cor- rection of the buildi ng and development of a goQd body". The wise doctor uses food as medicine. The science of Iridology,I -flrst discovered in Hungary over one hundred years ago. Is the practise of revealing inflamation, where it is locat- ~ t ed inthe body and at what stage it'is manifesting. The iris reveais body constitution, levels of heaith and the resuits of changes in habits of living. Refiexology, age old, is a method for activating the heaiing powers of the body by massaging energy zones. It works wonders for mnany peo- pie. Homeopathic physicians use the ancient principle that smaii doses of a medicine, properiy prescribed. stimu- late the body's own immune system. .Allopathric drugs attempt . *to obliterate the problem. usuaiiy by sending the cause deeper wthin. The ternm holistic medicine lias been in use in our part of the world for a good many years. We are ail becoming health consclous in ways neyer cfreamed of even a gen- eration ago. We are discover- ing that heaith truly is holis-- Nell-bifor the crson. (Witniess the organized reiigion is mbers, but the idlea Arthur Black ual way of' life gains mii daily. Outr Def'ence Minister, actce 01fTherapeutic Doug Young, is deveIoping 1method of balanc- quite a reputation for runnimg y and movihig block- his mou th. Young dismissed succeeded in being Quebec separatists as a by the College of 'bunch of snot n-oses'. He Ontario. sneered at a Progressive is no question of its Conýservative opponent as 'a in terms of pain faded pansy'. and wouiid healing Then Doug Young really therapy, once per- got nasty. Deborahi Grey, a a sexuai game puts Reformi MP from Alberta, was through their paces, flailing away at the Liberals iroving the oxygen in what passes f'or debate on )n necessary for tis- Parliament Hill, She caiied th. The iist is end- the Liberais 'porkers'. The es vary, but cost- Defence Minister cast an iess cornes in appraising eye over the energY. amiply-prop ortLioned Ms. ýof the magic bullet Youing and intonied that shie It is now genierally was "more than a slab of' od that we have bacon" hierself. bodies severe dis- Thlere is a word f'or politi- «pumiping in drugs cians hike Doug Young. biotics whlich often, Teword is 'amnateur'. very niature, sup- There was a time when tiur niatural abilities giants wa 'ked the earth. Giants %wîth names like s Edison in a Churchill, Kenniedy and iote which actually D1efenbjaker. lippocraites_- statei: in al debate, any one' of' [or of the frtuevil! th-ose gentlemen would have nedicine, but wîll inhaled Doug Young like a s patient in the care cocktail canape. mian frarne, in diet We ddon't see great political ecause and prêven- invective mutchl anymiore and sease." it's a shame.IL aliows. lightweighits like Doug Youing IATCH PAUDS to strut and preen on centre 50< a. ~ stae. wouldn't have lasted Dr 3 for $1 t en seconds with the guy who hat a deal! 7 cailed King Henry VIII "...a pity. l'd love to hear what he'd have to say about Parizeau and tiouchard.