SThe ~Apple Blossom Shop FLOWERS & GIFIS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We dontjust speciize - We manke every order speciol For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street Bowmanvillle 623-4473 BARINA HOME CHECK ALet us make your home looked lved in" *Vacation Home Checking ' Wedding, Day Services 1 ... or whenever you're away" INSURED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Servng Newonvil te Newýcasile. Oroe Kenidl and surrouending communities L eoWht a d Yel1oPes Flowers Plus FLOWERS, GIF~TS, AND CRAFTS 46 Ki<ng Street East ORONO ELECTRIC Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TV'S - H-FI'S SALES AND SERVICE Hotpoint - R.C.A. White Westinghouse Frigidaire - Whirlpool Woo0d's Freezers MagiC Chef - Hoover GRUNDY'S Country Uphostery QualityWork in Uphoisery R Re ,ý2,Orono Two level one bedroom apartments for renit, with skylights, Newcastle village, a-vallable now. Cali 987-321 1. Commercial space for rent, in m-rodemn, building, Main Street Orono, Approx. 500 sq ft + base ment. Avallable lmmediately, Cati Ed Vanhaverbeke 987-3211. 2, 9 ac SAT., APRIL l9th, 1997 at 11:00 a,.i Selling the property of Mrs. Blanche and the late Mike Zulak on Hlghway #2 north of Greenbank. Sale of antique fumniture. collectables. lamp parts, aid showcases (as is), lumber. Former antique business. Property Sold. Terms Cash or Cheque. Earl Gauslin Don Corneil AuctÎoneers 905-640-3079 9, 16, ap Thank you ta everyone that bas extended kindness to us duiring the years we've spent in Oono. We don't think there is anywhere other than Orono, where the businesses are as fiendly and helpful, especially I.G.A. for dellvering ta seniors. We would like also ta thank our neighbours at the Senior's Complex for the beautiful flowers. Anytimne you are in Bawmanville, we'd love ta see you. George & Doris Day 9, ac C.D.A. (1988) j'am a'd Suppfie6 wnd eeaoee Studio openi Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon - 4 p.m. -ailier times by appointment- 86 Church St., Orono 983-6408 HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre, 3706 Rundie Rd. (Courtice) s now accepting new students (children and adults> for aur riding and horsemanship prograr,.., summer camps, etc. For furiher information and ta register calil 1-905-623-7336 Home of the ý Bomnville PoyjI/ The family of the la te Edith 1. Taylor is most appreciative of 'aur friends and relatives f'or the many acts of kirxdness shown ta, us at the recent loss of aur mother. zpecili han1cs. tor rmrý tributes. memorial donations, cards and food. The support shown ta us during ber death wîll flot be forgotten., Sincere thanks ta Bowmamýiie Memorlal Hospital and staff, Dr. Angi. Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russeil, organlst Mary- Clare MacKinnon. Orono U.C.>W. and Morris Funeral Chapel. TRIM, BERT In loving memory of a dear father who passed awayApril lOth, 1996. May the winds of love blow slawly And whisper s0 you'Il hear. We'll always love and miss you And wlsh that you werc here. Lovingly emembered and forever in aur hearts. Diane and Ed.. 9 ap TRIM, BERT In lovlng memnory of a dear father and grandfather who passed' awayApril 1Oth, 1996. As we recal aur yesterdays When we were al together. The famiiy chain is broken now, But memnories will live forever. To us, you have not gane away Nom have you travelled far. Just entered God's eternal homne And left the gate ajar. Always loved, forever remembered Charlie, Cathy, Merrilee and Laura 9 ap TRIM BERT In loving memory of a dear father who passed awayApril loth. 1996. Beautiful memamries Are wonderfuil t hings. They last tili the longest day. Thcy neyer wear out, They neyer get lost And can neyer bc given away. To some yau may be forgotten, To athers a part of the past. But ta those who loved and lost yaui, Youir nmcmory will always last. Sadly missed by youir son RZaymond. C9ap àUTHERFORD - AUDREY In ioving mémnory of aur beioved Wife, Mother and Grandmiother. Audrey Adams, who was taken sa suddenly eight years ago April 9, 1989. Though absent y.ou are very near, still loved, stili missed and uery dear. Bob, Doug, Lynn and Fami ly 9ap Carist MIII Auction Centre, Newtonville FR1., APRIL Ilth, 1997 6:00 pý. Selling the contents from 3 homes, full line of appliances, fumniture, bedroom suites, -chesterfields, kitchen sets, wall unit, sofa bed, garden tools, snowblower, hardware etc., NOTE: This is a large Auction. PREVIEW: Friday after 2:00 p.m., Auction time 6:00 p.m. TERMS: Cash, Approved cheque, Visa, M/C, Ainex, Interac Auctioneer: Frank G. Stapleton 905-786-2244 800-263-9886 SATURDAY APRIL 19th 10:00 a.m. Seliing the tractors, machlnery, and equipment of Ron and Donna Brimacombe, R. R. #3, Port Hope, Conc. 4 Hope Twp. farm located. west of Port Hope, 1 1/2 miles west of Welcome on Hwy. 2 ta Deer Park Rd. and 2 miles north tô 4th Uine (watch for signs). AC 7020 Diesel, JD 3010 Diesel, MF90 Diesel, Massey 35 Oas, MF 750 Diesel Combine, JD 7000 - 6 row corn planter, full line of tillage, seeding and harvesting eýquipment, silo equlpment, Behlen 500 Bus Bmn w/aerator floor, cooling fan, unload auger and motor. Full list next week. PROPRIETORS: Ron & Donna Brimacombe 905-753-2331L AUCTIONEER: Frank G. Stapleton CAI, ICCA, CAPPA 905-786-2244 1-800-263-9886 Order Your Firewooct NOW *Building Supplies and Hardware Barn Steel - Sikkens StaAn *Hemrlock for Fences and Staîls 'A Centre for Ai Your Building7 NeedCs' (705) 277-3381 or (905) 434-6665 <vnns ON HWY. 35,.2 MILES NORTH HAAM. FRANCES M. {nee Gamsby) at Strathaven. Lifecare Centre oni Tuesday, April 1, 1997 in her 91st year. Frances beloved wlfe of the late E. Calvin HFarnmn. Dear sister of the late Florence Lockhart, Frank and Fred Gamsby. Lovingly remnembered by her nieces -and nephews. Loved sister !in law of Neil Hamm and his wife Jeani of Petérborough. Donald Hamm- and his wife Isabel of Orono. Friends wcre able ta visit with the family at Orono United Church an Thumsday framn 1 >2 p.m. Funeral service was held in Orono United Church on Thursday at 2 p.m. Spring interment Orono Cemetery. Donations ta Denise House or the charîty of your choice in Frances's memomy may be made through the Morris Funeral Chapel, 4 Division St., Bowmanville LIC 2Z1. INE W SPA PE R PHYSIOTHERAPIST Fuil-Tirne Contract Position avallable immedlately Do you like the idea of a career-in a multi-disciplinary team-based environment? Corne join us! An opportunity now exists ta rotate through aur m-edical/long-term care, surgical and ambulatary care pragrams, ail within state of the art facilities. The soccessful candidate wiIl be icensed or eligible for licensure in Ontario, possess the ability ta function in a team-based envi- ronment and demonstrate welI developed communication and interpersanal skills. We offer a campetitive salary, generous bonefits package, flexible hours, educational oppori'unities and a warm, friendly working atmosphere. The Hospital is prepared ta discuss additional incen- tives, including relocation and/or accommodation assistance with the suitable candidate. If you are interested in the above position, please submit your, resume, in conifidence, ta: Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville Human Resources Department 47 Liberty Street South Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 2N4 TELEPHONE: (905) 623-3331 Ext. 5181 FAX: (905) 623-4088 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, BOWMANVILLE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNIT Y EMPLOYER. FRED'S SPECIAL Finest Juicy & Crisp w C.A. Johnagold Fruit Market ' C.A. MLitsL C.A. Emprie Mclntosh CoId Storage Apples at reduced prices Farm Fresh Brown & White Eggs Brown's PotatoeS Sot1 of ren 983-5628 Genleral sewinig dane in My home , 5 days a weels. Phione 983-9761- RECYCLE THIS il