---ý 4 - Or-ono Weel1yTUInes. Wednesday, Apr-iI 9, 997ý Geraldi Insurance team play 70 as weii. g the bench for d once again was randpa, Robble Thanks again B' finals. The teain battled the~ three top Bowmanville teams plus some Bowmanvllle~ parents fully Ioaded with cow,,bells and yes, megaphones! Last Wednesday in Orono, the tykes ran smack, into a tough Beaver teain and came up short 7-0. The teain tested the Bowmanville goalie only seven turnes, thou.gh some were good chances on a cou- ple of break-aways and some good passing plays. On Thesday, in Bowmanville; the teain was Major Tyke1 Power skatii On Ivarch 22nd aur last season game was played in Darllngton. We lost 2-1. A well played gaine by both teamis. Our only goal was scored in the third perlod by #2 Brandon Ernst. A nice end- to-end rush beating the goalie on the stick side. Good gaine guys! Marchi 29th an exhibition gaine in Newcastle ended in a 7-3 loss-.a good effort by al. #29 Nlck Willams played a tough gaine in goal, A hait- trick ta #66 Robert FKay, with 2 assists to #99 Jak >$tockwell. Good gaine Robent. Majo WkeNational Poweýr Skatingç- OronoLaf off ta the A-B playoffs (3 gaine playoff, I game chamnplonship). Our fiîrst gainewas played fin Darllngton against Sport Exchange. A toui team 7-2 loss. R~obert Kay and Branidon Ernst scoring for Orono, assisted by #29 goalie Nick Wllilams, his first point as a goaltender--congratulations! The second gaine on Apnil flylng and won 4-2 over the Computer teain. Alex Campney (33) was a standout in goal stoppinig three break- aways. Goal scorers for Orono: Rob Blaker (88) 0:05 (2nd), 8:14 (3rd); Brett Gaims (9) 7:09 (3rd); Nathan Smnith (66) 0:43 (3rd). Orono out shot Bowmanville 12-11. ~Orono flew back to Bowmnanville on Sunday to play the Red teain. The teain- was down by three after eight minutes and neyer recovered losing 7-3 anid giving up a few too many breakaways. Orono scorers: Jeff Feldcamp (17) 6:36 (2nd); Brett Cairns (9) 6:12 (3rd) Alexander Dentis (99) 0:17 (3rd). Orono was National ng News 5 aganst Blessing Travel, the guys camne out full of fine. A 5- 2 vctory got us 2 points in the standings. Our first goal was scored by #66 Robert Kay, The second goal by #2 Brandon Ernst, a nice pass froin goalte #29 Nick Williamis --two assists in a row Nlck! The third goal by # 14 Ryan Thomas, assist by #99 Jalke Stockwell and #3 Luke Gzeen. The fourth go-al by Robert Kay, assist #88 Jesse 1Rce and Branidon Ernst. -1ast goal unassisted -by Rolbent K17,y, A penialty shotwa wad eýd t esn Trave!lcfr a hand belng -placed on the puick in th-e goal. crease. Nick Wilini' irst time 1faCing aï pnlyshot which wastae by the captin of Besn Travel. Nick stonies hum i th an awves aine glove save. ,Great save-NieR! Niýck is playing extremely wel in net showing his great goaltending skills. Keep it up Nick! outshot 21-9. Great effort team agiainst somie strong teams! Good luck in the finals! Back Row left to right): Rob Harding (assist. coach), Steve Campney (trainer), Gord Blaker (coach), Alex Campney, Mitchell Harding, Tommy Meester, Kevin Gr>iffini, Robert Blaker, Nathan Smith, Brett Cairns, Kyle Qeraldi, Tanner Johnston, Jeffery Mulder, Noel Snow, Pilexander Derlis. Front Row: Jeif Feldcamp, Sam Baxter, Jevon Staples, Bobby Pfanzelt,. SHADYBROOK FABM invites registrations for weekly horse- back riding tessons and/or Summer Day Camp. Please cali 263-4018 for further informa- tion and to register. SpringConert Bring Spring in with, aBLAST!! al's O rOno UIC hoi 7:30 p.mr For Tickets Phone any choir member or Dorothy Barrfett 983-5382 Joyce Cowan 983-5940 Kennedy took a shot under the pads and went down. With a great deal of pain haunting hlm Darrell stayed in the garine to avold a forfeit. Good work Darrell. The boys couldn't get it together in this gaine with only one goal by Aaron ' Robins on assisted, by J:. Pm Psa. April lst ended in a tie gaine for Oroliq àllowring thein their first point. The boys worked hard for this tie and should be congratulated. Goals in the first period by Aaron Robinson and Trad Wood kept the game alive. Assists on these goals came from Will Lofgren, Dan Tresise, Darrell Kennedy and Adam Rypstra. Fine derensive work during the second and third . perlod by Jake Bonnetta, lýyle.Moore and Mike Knapp kept the opposi- tion from sconing until the They win! On Apnil 6th this teain played somne of the finest hockey ever and it showed when they won 3-2 against Reynolds. A lot of hustle and team work by the' entire teami 1 what has kept this team alive in playoffs. Sean DeJong earned his second goal of the season on a rebound effort assisted'by J.P. Pisani. Adam Rypstra took the first goal assisted by Dan Tresise while Tresise wrapped up the gaine in the second period with a goal assisted by Brad Wood. Defense was the key to this game and Oron.o showed saine of their flnest. "Gordie" Dobratz made some nice plays while forwards continued to give the Reynolds goalle a workout. Great work guys! Family auto close out season as "A" champs In OMHA Bantain Tournamnent' action this past weekend the Orono Family Auto lýeafs emerged as the undefeated champs in St. George near Brantford, Ontario, .Orono defeated Defli 6-4 in gaine 1 Sa&irday morning in a see-saw battle. The score was deadlocked at 2 after two periods. Leaf winger Kyle Beacock got the game winner with less than 2 minutes to play as well as the empty net- ter. Shots were even at 19 apiece with Oronjo netininder Dusty Stapleton getting the win credit. In game 2 Orono battled back froin a 3-0 deficit in an eveninig match to edge Warkworth 6-5 and advance to the championship round on Sunday. Leaf captain Bob Witheridge snared the w-,inner with just over 3 m-rinuites to play ca:ýppinig a 5 point gaine performn,-ce. Shots favoured Orono 19- 14 as La goalieBra W,Èitsireeam-ed thbewn Game sw rono sq'Ueaký4 bDy the hsigSt.Gog ciLub) 271lforthe "-A"*hap' osi.Ail th-e gameC's scojr- ing was done in the mdl fraimeas both t eais put on a fine dis-play of>' textbook haird hiting anrd Ifast skainghok ey. Lefetinder £Dusty Sta-pleton was rock çSteady kickhing out 24 of 25 shrdts as his teamr replied w,,ith ijust 141, Jamie Parry netted the winner with just 29 seconds remaining in the second peri- od for his 7th in toumaxnent action. Orono's scoring in St. George are as follows: Ryan Tresise 5 goals, 3 assists; Bob Witheridge 3 goals, 4 assists: Kyle BeacQck 1 goal; Gneg Shetier 1 goal, 3 assists; JamleJ'arry 1 goal, 2 assists; GregBester 2 assists; Andrew Beacock 1 goal;, Tyler Robinson 1 goal; Matt Aldread 1 asslst; Neale Borutskie 1 assist;, Brandon Caruana 1 assist; Paul Landers 1 assist. Leaflets... Although they didn't factor in tournament scoring both blueliners Mike Knox and John Whitehead put in solid performances defensîvely in all three games... Stan Glytuik the team's sponsor and Leaf's biggest booster phoned long distance to St. George froin Orono Sunday to wîsh the boys good luck going into game 3... Another gîenerous gèsture -was exhiibî'ted byMr Boruitskie for providing post championlshiprfreý-shinets ta the club...Congraulations and tbiank1-s go ta, the coaching staf*f--Boyd jKnox,Chi Robiný-On, Scot, awyrand- con-jtribu t ing5eff orts this ps ean..Th- eaf's close'd out late var-chei atn tMavrs 3c2indNewcasfle 5-3 while drpiga 3-2 diecision ta th CHqL Selects... Orýioo stab- lished a 28-20-1 recordfo the entire seasorn... On behaîf of the teainr, 1Ilhope you ail have an enjoyable and acci- dent-free'sumrner... See you in the fall!