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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1997, p. 6

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- JOrorio W eeky lmes, Wednes-day, ,April 9, 1997 KENDAL COLUMN by Phyllis Low ry How nice it has been to have warmer weather. Sunday was beautiful ail day and then a short thunder storm and rain at nlght. But before we get too complacent about sprlng belng here, it has turned cold and there are snowflakes in the air. One good thing about a snow- storm at this time of the year, we know that it won't stay around long. A tasty pancake breakfast was served on Sunday although 1 dldn't get to attend. Sorry to report that Harland Elliott is back in hos- pital and is in ICU. We wlsh hlm a speedy recovery. Rev. Black welcomed ail to the Service and the Christ Candle was lit. The Gathering hyrnns were «Good News! Rejolce Today". The words were wrltten by Rev. Black, "Everyday People" and "In The Garden" before the slnging of the last song, Rev. Black told us the story of how the composer happened to write the song. The choir sang the hymu "The Kng is Comlng". Grant McConaghy took the solo part, and the choir joined ln on the chorus. This is the first time I have ever heard this song and It is a powerfu song wlth great meanlng. The chlldren were called to the front. David told them not to sit down. This time, they were going to do the work and he was going to sit and watch. The choir lead thema in the sînging and the actions of the song "Read Your Bible". This gave the children and the choir lots of exercise, then they sang "This Little Birdie". One of the children who was a newcomer, asked what was under the cloth on the table in front of the Altar, 50 Davd removed the cloth and explained to the children what it was and how it would be used and that they woufld be coming back to take part later lu the Service. A prayer was said and the chiùldren's hymn was announced when one of the children said to David "You forgot to say the Lord's Prayer", so we sald it. The chlldren were really on the bail Sunday mom-ing. It shows that they are really paylug attention and learn- ing. The chlldren's hymu was "Input Output" telllng that what you put lu a computer, or life, is what is put out. Th7e Scripture was Luke 24:13-32. The Sermon was tltled "Where You Are". Put your- self in the place of Jesus' fol- lowers. They dldn't know what to do. Jesus had been put to death. They were full of doubt--maybe the Pharisees were right. It seemed so long agothat they had waited for Jesus to retumn to them and then they had had to wait whlle He went into the garden to pray. The soldiers came and took Hlm. He was tried and found gullty, dled on the Cross aud then sealed ln a tomb, yet later the tomb was opened aud Jesus was not there. They were lost. They didn't know what to do. They decid- ed to return home and as they slowly waiked towards their homes they were talk- iug amongst themuselves about what had gone wrong, what had they done wrong, could they have done some- thing diffrently to have pre- vented what happeued. How often have we put al our energy and time into some project and it di dn't work out as you planned.* You say to yourself "What did I do wroug? If 1 had only done somethlug dlfferently? What else could I have done?" As they were walkiug and talk- ing, a stranger Jolued them. They dfdn't recoguize Jesus and they unburdeued their doubts aud fears to Hlm. 110w ofteu have we happened to meet someone we dldn't know sud before you realize it you have told them ail about your wonries or complaints. These people didn't realize that God was wlth them. t was ouly a stranger. We might not recognize that God bas come to us lu the person of a stranger or a friend who came t6 us wheu we ueed Hlm. t may not be until later that we realize His presence. The stranger went home with them and, it was then that Jesus revealed Himself sud they knew that they were lu the presence of God. Wheu they realized this they ran out to the people and told themn what they had seèn and that Jesus had retumed aud His presence was among them. As we join together in Communion, in the eating of the bread and drinking the wiine we recognize that God's presence is with us. The hymn "Whiat a Friend We Have in Jesus" was sung. The Offering was received, the chlldren returued to the Sanctuary and The Invitation to the Lord's Table was given aud the hymu "Become in Us The Living Bread" was suug. The Prayer of Self- Examination aud the WVords of Assurance were given fol- lowed by the Serving of Communion. The Prayer of Conceru was given sud the closing hymu was -Crowu Hlm With Mauy Crowns". You are welcome to come ar!d join the Wednesday. evening Prayer Group at 7:30 They're Back Last week we reported. ln the Times that Royal Lee was awaitlng the retumn of Bluebirds, a bird in whlch he holds great interest. 1Meeting up wlth Royal later in the week he sald, 1'hey're back". He had sighted one maie on Wednesday of last week and in a conversation with another birder ln Northum- berland Couinty he was able to report the returu of Bluebirds in that particular area. 0f course he expects to see many more as they settie-in for the sprlng search for a nesting slght. The Bluebird has been on the increase ln recent years and later on we hope to be able to give you some directions as to their locations with' possible slghtlngs from the roadslde. Royal also reports the slghtlng of fifteen Tundra Swan-s. H1e sald he heard what he thought was the souud of geese but was most surprlsed to vlew the Swans flylng into view. They are a mighty bird when seen in fliglit and wlth the longest neck. 1 was reporting this in- cident to the coffee boys at Dulees and took a.real ribbing when 1 wondered how one could tell the difference between the calI of the, most common, Mute Swan and that of a Tundra or the Saturday momning Breakfast Prayer Group at 6:30 a.m. The Time and Talent Auction that was to be held at the Newtonville Churcli has been cancelled. The Service "In Support 0f Peace", Police Appreciation Celebration will be held at Kendal Unitedi Church on Sunday, May 4th at 11:15 a.m. Daffynitions... .Partly cloudy forecast... haîf a nice day! TM COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R #1 ORONO 4'MILES NORTH ONTARIO 0F HWY. 401 ON LOB 1iMO (905) 983-9151 HWY. 35/115 I:IuIL<NÂII mi. :iu ..ÀÀài 11 Swau. The 'barbs' camne out - "do you know what the 4vôrd 'ihute' meaus?" "What happeus when you put a 'mute' lu the end of your trumpet?' 1 got the message. Buntlug aud Forrester took off to Presquile Park last week tourlug a portion of the waterfront for a two hour period. The slghting totailed 15 species of ducks along wlth two species of swans. There were teus of thousands of ducks, mostly divers, feedlng the bottom aloug the Ice edges. I'm sure there could have been more specles if of been more time. But the numbers were not dlsappointing. The list lncluded Hooded Mergansers, Commou Mergansers, Buffleheads, Mallards, Common Goldeye, Rlugnecks, Red Heads, Cauvas Backs, Blacks, American Wldgens, Pintail, Wood Ducks, Greater Scope, Gadwall aud a hune-up of Whlite Wlug Scoters. A fifteeu minute visit to the Bowmauviile Conserva- tion marsh, lakefrout, we slghted seven different species, msuy the same as at Presqulle, with the exception of a pair of Shoveler ducks. One of the great slght- lngs at Presquile over the holiday week-end was that of a Tufted Duck. Bunting and FQrrester looked aud looked to no avail. We'll have to take their word for it. The uext big serge of birds will be the Warblers. M0inister announces smog-reducing gasoIine regulation The Ontario govemment is combatting air pollution by amending a regulation to reduce smog; Enviroument aud Energy Minister Norman Sterling announced today. Regulation 271 will require gasollue refluers to reduce the smog-causlng fumes emltted from summer-grade gasoline. "This govemment is com- mltted ta lmprovlng the health of our enviroumeut and of the people of Ontario." sald Mr. Sterling. "reducing the amount of gasollue fumes escaplug luto the atmosphere will mesu less smog -- and hesîthier lungs for us ahl." By lowerlng the volatility limit of summer-grade gaso- Une from 72 ta 62 kçilopascals, the mlnistry estimates 18,000 fewer tonnes of volatile organ- le comapounds (VOCs) will be released into the air. Refluerles and blenders of gasoline are requlred by law ta provide summer-grade gasoline from May 15 to September 14. "The petroleum lndustry suipports this reduction of gasôline volatillty because of the enviroumeutal and health benefits. t wlll cost us about $24 million anuuaily," sald Bob Clapp, vice-president of the Canadian Petroleum Products Instltute's Ontario Divisioni. Volatile organlc com- pouuds in gasohine help vehi- dles start better anud mn more smoothly iu cold weather. Summer-grade gasàlne con-' tains less of the VOCs whlch escape to the air lu warm weather. VOCs react in the presence of sunlight with nitrogen oxides ta produce ground-level ozone, a major component of summer smog. NNorthcutt Elliott [1e-ÈFUneral. 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