RONO WEEKLY TIMES 650 GST Included Volume 61, Number 15 Serving East Clarington and beyond since 1937 Wednesday, April 16,1997 50 years and counting Council approved staff report declining right to purchase Left to right: Lois Crider, Glad Gamsby, Margaret Watson, Giady Brown, sitting District Deputy President, Tremblay, Vice President in front Hattie Wilson. Oshawa #8 East' Alice Hooey, Rebekah Assembly, Vel Lodge celebrates 50th birthday party On Tuesday evening Lodge opened according to the ritu- al with Sister Barb Patterson as Noble Grand and Sister Gwen Forrester as Vice Grand. Sister Barb welcomed all the visitors and asked the dignitaries to please line up in the centre of the floor fol- lowed by the introductory committee. Sister Connie Hooey intro- duced our own Sister Grace Love Past President of the Rebekah Assembly and Brother Wade Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge; Sister Dianne Cruxton, Musician of Rebekah Assembly and Sister Audrey Geer, Courtesy Colour Bearer and Brother Earl Geer, Grand Marshal of Grand Lodge. Sister Betty Major introduced Sister Lois Crider, District Deputy President on her offi- cial visit and Sister Lorna Atkins introduced Sister Margaret Tremblay. Vice President of Rebekah Assembly they both received the honours. The flowers from the Honour Guard were pre- sented to Sisters Margaret & Lois. A recess was called and we were entertained by the Earth Angles who sang a number of songs, all girls being local girls from our vil- lage. On Monday the Benevolent Committee served lunch to over 100 people aflter a funer- al service. Sister Norma our record- ing secretary read all the beautiful Birthday cards and (contnued page 2 Congratulations to Heather Rebekah Lodge Clarington council meeting in camera Monday evening approved a staff report declining the right to purchase three parcels of land and buildings, part of the former Orono Tree Nursery holdings. The Ontario Realty Corporation offered the municipality the opportunity to purchase the 375 acres at a price set by the Corporation. In declining the offer to purchase the land and buildings will now be offered to private interests at the predetermined price which had not been revealed. The province is holding, in private ownership, 1000 acres of valley lands along the Wilmot Creek and the Orono Creek. This 1000 wiil not be actively managed but left to nature. Douglas Markoff, presi- dent of the Douglas Botanical Park and Nature Area, who has held an active interest in the Orono Tree Nursery lands, sought to have Clarington council declare its intent to purchase the lands of the Orono forestry station. He said it was an opportunity to provide an economic boost to the municipality as well as the Orono area. Markoff said that with the Douglas Botanical Park and Nature Centre the Municipality had an opportunity to have, in its central core, a world class facility for which there is considerable demand in the Greater Toronto Area. In suggesting that the municipality purchase the forestry station he said that the Botanical Park would have to compete with others who may have an interest in some form of development. Markoff felt the purchase (contnued page 2) St. Saviours Anglican Church in Orono hosted a very successful Dinner Theatre last week Friday and Saturday nights. Many tal- ents and hands were put together to pull off this bian- nual event. On the menu this year was: Bastone Bread, Onion Bisque Soup, Mixed Greens with Strawberries and Poppyseed Dressing. Main Course consisted of: Apricot Stuffed Pork Tenderloin with a Port and Red Current Sauce, Wild Rice Pilaf and Julliane Vegetables. Dessert was Lemon Sorbet, Phyllo Chocolate, with Tea, Coffee and Wine. The meal was pre- pared by Bill Tomilson and Gord Leach. The talent show put on after dinner featured the humours side of many mem- bers of St. Saviour. The evenings Master of Ceremonies was Charles Gray, who left the telling of jokes up to Julie Mackey. The Three Tenors made a guest appearance, a skit called "The Stripper" was tastefully performed and a gun totting Reverend took center stage. In the above picture are the members of the Dinner Theatre Chorus who sang several numbers at the beginning and the end of the program. Dinnertheatre at St. Saviour's Happenigs... ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS 1 - Marie Couroux 87, 2 - Tom Simpson 86, 3 - Bill Grady 86, 4 - Elaine Doty 85, 5 - Lena Graham 84; Low - Helen Thorne; Draws - James Lowery, Ray Staples, Helen Thorne, Hazel Murphy, Elaine Doty, Lorna Crockett "HAM AND SCALLOPED POTATOES" Please note date is Saturday, April 26th at Kirby United Church with sittings at 5 and 6:30 p.m. Entertainment from 6 to 6:30 p.m. Adults $10, Children 6 - 12 $5, Children 5 & under FREE. For tickets call Heather 983-9891 or Marlene 983-5502. KIRBY ECOLOGY TRAIL Staff and students of Kirby Centennial Public School invite the school population and members of the community to volunteer to actively participate in the maintenance and care of our trails. There has been some soil erosion on parts of the trail. We need to upgrade it so that it can be used and enjoyed by everyone. If you are able to assist in any way by providing materials, manpower, etc. call 983-5802.