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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Apr 1997, p. 3

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0r~no WeekIvtm~s. Wethiesdav. A~rI~ ~ I~ê7 -~ Conservation holding seminars The Ganaraska Reglon Conservation Authority Forest Centre staff have departed from the Centre for a two week period holding seminars in twenty-four public schools. The play-water safety program Is being provlded to most grade four public school classes within the Ganaraska watershed area. Last week the Centre staff were at the Kirby Centennial Public School where the dangers-of sprlng fioods were outlined using card drawings. The students Staying In Touch 4phm O'oole Durham East MPP The NDP and Liberal fili- buster on Bil 103 finished on Frlday night at about 9:30 p.m. TMis added up to about 9 and 1/2-days, $2 million dollars, 216 hours and over 13,000 minutes of non-stop, around the dlock, readtag of arnendments. The process was the opposition's attempt to staîl the leglslation that provides one level of govemn- ment for the City of Toronto. The final debate and vote on 3rd reading will be during the week of April 2lst. When elected, we promlsed to ellm- inate duplication and waste.- For example there are, seven economlc development departments, seven planning departments and seven parks and recreation departrnents not to mention ail the dupli- cate by-laws, application and license processes. I arn con- vnced that we wlll ail benefit from this new streamlined single tier government over the largest and rnost impor- tant clty ln Canada. As rny background is ta local munic- were most attentive wth the presentation and were able to set magnetic foot steps for safely for spring play. This is a new venture for the Conservation Authority Forest Centre staff tacludtag the director, Chris Drummond, and two co-op students from Sir Sanford Fleming Community College, Peterboroughi. Greg Plumbe, Co-opstu- dent at the Ganaraska Forest Centre, wlth Derek Sellars and Darcy Mitchell at Kirby Public School. ipal govemnment, I amn anx- ious that local comrnunity spirit will remain strong. Perhaps this wlll encourage other municipalities to exam- ine every area of their own business to put service and the taxpayer first. I wonder who will be the new mayor of the new City of Toronto. Perhaps Mel Lastman, Barbara Hall or even Chris Stgckwell the Speakçer of the Ontario Legisiature, will take an taterest in this position. Bill 104, the Fewer School Boards Act, wlll be the next political Issue. I am convlnced that we wlll pass this, legisla- tion and I arn also convinced that there wlll be opposition. However, when I hear teacli- ers complain that they do not have the necessary supplies in the classroom, I believe that we wlll save on expendi- tures outstde the classroom just by reductag the number of politiclans and non-teacli- ing administrators. For too long, the student and the classroom teachers have been on the short end, in porta- bles, not enougli text books and supplies, while the boards flourlsh in excellent conditions. 1 wlll say again. that in my ridlng, the boards are not excessive, the teacli- ers are professional and focused. I support the non- teachlng staff and wlll defend the jobs of the secretarles, custodians and teachlng assistants. The economy and jobs are stlll the main focus of this government. With sounid fun- darnentals in our budgetary process, investor confidence will bringj obs. We ail share in the benefits of a strong econ- omay, but we must first each share in the government's decisions to get us there. I arn reluctant to repeat the fact that Ontario is now spending Just under $1 million dollars each hour, more than we bring in -as revenue. Our deficit lias corne down, but we must stay focused on the long term. There are signs of optlmlsm. Consumer confi- dence has risen 22.3% tis year, the GDP rose 3.8% faster than the national aver- age of 3.3%, houstag starts are up 20%, the auto sector Is up 23%. Ontario accounts for 73% of ail new jobs In Canada wlth over 50,000 net new jobs in March and over 90,000 private sector Jobs In 1996. An unemployment -rate of 8.8% and 16%/ for young people is unacceptable. The February 24th. Globe and Mail reported that Ontario has the brlghtest job picture in the past seven years. Dun & Bradstreet Canada, reports that 'it Is not surpristag that Ontario continues to lead the nation in optimism and we full expect this trend to con- tinue in the long term." We are not cutting health care. Putttag the patient first is a commitrnent of our Health Minister, Jlm Wilson. In fact, we are spending $17.7 billion dollars, $300 million more than lst year. The new reports on hospital closures are only part of the story. Our govemnment is re- designing the delivery of health care. We have tavested more than $862 million in long term care, MRJ, cardlac, dialysis, cancer, breast can- cer screening,, drug therapies and capital. ThIs is more than double any savings- in hospi- tai closures. We are doing al this while the Federal Liberal govemnment lias eut transfer payments by $2.1i billion dol- lars. Our, doctors, nurses, hospital workers and health care workers are working under difficuit circum- stances, but we must address the changes in technology and ensure that we don't con- fuse hospital buildings wlth health care. As our popula- tion ages, we must ensure that home care and commu- nlty care are strengthened s0 that our senior citizens have the care they need where and when they need it, close to home. If you want more Infor- LET THE LIONS ROAR! 1947- Fitty years of community service. The Newcastle Lions Club will be celebratlng their 5th Annlversary on May 10, 1997. A celebration wlll be held to recognize this mile- stone ln the Newcastle Community Hall. Last week we told you about the assis- tance that this club has given to the Memorlal Hospital ta Bownianvllle. Now take a look at some of the recent services we have done for our com- munlty. * we built the Lon's Trail and installed playground equlpment ln the Foster Creek subdivisions, * financially assisted the Clarîngton Food Bank, * assisted' the Orono Athletic Association ta pur- chastag of new Zainboni, * Seniors enJoyed a tour ta Haliburton for the beautiful fail leaves, *1 our last Canine Walkathon raised $10,000.00' for this worthy cause (seeing eye dogs or dogs for the dea) The Newcastle Lions Club is very happy to be able to support sucli worthy projects. Ail this work is only possible cail my office at 697-1501 or long distance 1-800-661- 2433. April 13 - l9th Is National Volunteer Week across Canada. The United Way, our service clubs, girl guides and scout leaders, hockey and other sport coaches, school parent committee's and every facet of community depends on a strong volunteer base. Everyone lias the glft of Urne to offer. 1 thank those who give back to their comimunity. 1997 when people like yourself support us financially and by betag there. A loud roartag '7hank Youl" Watch for more news in next weeks paper. FARM invites registrations for weekly horse- back riding lessons and/or Summer Day Camp. Please cati 263-4018 for further informa- tion and ta regîster. THEN CALL US FOR YOUR BETT-e- RC Wegv o h aiu $$fryu rd-n Authorized Sales & Service Centre for: - Camcorders - VCR's Since - Microwaves 1982 *TV's - Accessories -* Ste reo Systems - Telephones - Top 100 CD's & Tapes Iawn & garden services ferilizing-weed control-insect control since 1975 623-9711i ~ 434-9428. PANASNIC-s NY m

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