The 1997 Rubber Duck Derby is scheduled for Saturday, June 14, in the Downtown Bowmanville area. The race itself will start at the Bowmanville Creek bridge and will finish at the bridge below Rotary Park. This event will raise funds for the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Foundation, the Clarington Fie Department's Learn not to Burn prograni, the lth Bowmanville Scouts plus the charities of the Bowmanville Lions Club. Pictured is the Mayor receiv- ing the duck sponsored by council in last years race. Presenting the duck to the Mayor is Wayne Belliveau, co- chair of the Bowmanville Lions Club Rubber Duck' Derby Committee - Representing the 7th Bowmanvîlle Scouts. Many of the ducks are in a playful mood at this time of year and from our observations this week s0 are the Rainbows as they splash after one another. [,5J EFuneral Home THOUGHTFULNESS SERVICE & CONCEEN, A Family OwnedBusiness, Offersng: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged 8, Prepaid Serices Cremiation Arriangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Divi.;in rCMryKnipers-.PresideWu D) Dvison ~ Bowmianville Ontario LIC 2Z8 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKNG With the warmer weather, which at times we do have, and the breakup of ice in ponds and marches activity In birdwatchîng can easily intensiiy. That is especially true of'the searcli for waterfowl. Last week we reported the sighting of 18 species of ducks at Presquile. This was encouragement to visit other hot spots as far as waterfowl are concerned. The search startéd at Cranberry Marsh, Whitby, the sewage lagoons, Port Perry ending with a blustery visit to Prince Edward Point. Cranberry Marsh provid- ed 15 different species of ducks of which two were new ones for 1997 - Shovelers and Green Winged Teal. A visit to the Bowmanville Marsh and Prince Edward Point added no new species to the twenty already sighted. The visit to Port Perry wyas another matter how- ever. t is not that often we have had the opportunity to muake a slghting of Snow Geese let alone a total of eight. t was on our drive home coming east out of Port Perry on Number 7 just before turning south on the Regional Road. There is a small pond on the north side of the road as well as another on the south side. During the spring hundreds of Canada geese assemble on the ponds and we always take a glance. Looking to the north pond there was flashes of white along the bank as we were spinning along. t could be domestic geese with the Canadas 1 thouglit. But somethlng made me turn around, drive back, park, and get out the viewlng scope. Eight Snow Geese clearly marked with pencil streaks down the side and jet black wing tips. They are not that common in this area during their migration and Jim Richard in hic book of Birds of Durhàm region note only a few records up to the mid- seventies. Snow Geese nest i the northern tundra during the summer and do spend the winter south. They have not caught on to city living and the hand-outs as lias the Canada goose. This'tsighting was well worth the journey to Port Penry. It is not only birds in migration that can attract attention. Rainbow trout are in the midat of their spawning runs into the rivers and strearns. A walk along the Wilmot wlll provide anyone with siglits of grandeur as the Rainbow complete yet another cycle in repro- duction. Museumn's Second Hand Book Sale Clarke Museum and Archives is holding their Giant Second Hand Book Sale on Saturday, ApPril l9th, 1997 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thousands of books to choose from. Novels, romance, western, children, how-to, cooking, gardening, art and mucli, much more! Hardbacks are 25 cents or 5 for a loonie, paperbacks are 10 cents and magazines just a penny! Also, visit our rare/col- lectible book section for spe- cial treasures. These books are individually priced. This is a one day sale, no rain date. Donations of books for the sale may be dropped off the the museum any day except Monday. Please cail ahead, 905-983-9243. We are in need of children's books, westerns and comics. Riecycle This Newspaper REQUIRES A PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR Under the direction of the Manager, the successful applicant wilI b. responsible for ail day to day duties involving programs and related staff of Municipally operated Aquatic Facilities. QAUJFIQNS Post Secondary school graduation diploma in recreation or equivalent experience as determined by the Corporation Hold and maintain current certification in Red Cross/L.S.S.C. Instructors, Standard First Aid and C.P.R. and Natiônal Life-Guard Service Award. LS.S.C. Examiners status Past or related supervisory experience preferably in a Municipal recreational environment Able to work on own and be self-motivated Developed written and oral communication skills Experience with computer applications would be an asset SALARY RANGE: $28,728 - $35,386 per annum., Applications will be accepted in confidence prior to Friday, May 2, 1997, Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Please quote File #3-97 /a MUINICIPALITY OF ONTARIO Date of Publication: Wednesday, April 16, 1997 Off ice of the Chief Adminstrative Off icer Municipality of Clarington« 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 P.0. 3462 "âe ........... (AROUND THE REGION) Reglonal Coundil voted to of a deal made for informna- 21 - 7 ln favour of a resolution tion on an unsolved murder to put forwa.rd by Mayor case. Harnre to "strongly oppose the Tracy-Lynn Woodcock, opinion of the City of a former secretary at the gym Oshawa." The City of Oshawa received a 30-day Jail sen- wants to dismantle the tence for her role in the drug Regional level of govemrment ring. Ms. Woodcock was seen and join their city with to be at the upper level of the Whitby and Courtice. conspiracy and was often left in control of the operation. Charges laid in steroid ring In order to keep her employ- Charges have been laid ini ment, Ms. Woodcock is per- the "largest conspiracy to dis- mitted to serve lier sentence tribute steroids in Canada." one day per week. The distribution ring operated out of the Adonis Health and Fitne'ss centre in Oshawa, Aiex Sheperd-Liberal Party and a dozen people were Candidate charged in September 1995 wvhen RCMP closed the oper- Alx Sheperd accepted the ation. Charges against the Liberal Parties nomination to clubs owner Mr. David be their candidate again i Russell have not been proved the upcoming Federal and are still before the courts. Election. Sheperd's nomi- David Russell's brother Ceci nation was uncontested. Now plead guilty and was sen- that the nomination is behind tenced to 6 month in jail. him, Shepherd said lie can This time was served prior to foeus on retaining hie seat. his conviction and was part P.O. 3462