----O ý ýlno Weekly Times, Wlnesdlay, Aýpl 23, 1l997 Awarded service certificate Congratulations to David Hmnton an active member of Orono Horticultural Society and past president of the Rhododendron Society of Ontario. Recently, David was Arthur'Black You cannof do a kindness f00 soon for you cannot know how soon it will be f00 lafe Ralph Waldo Emerson We ail want f0 have reput afion f or generosit>' And we'd ail like f0 bu>' if cheap Anon I've been thinking what a rough ride we'd give the Good Samaritan if lie was unwise enougli to show up nowadays. For anyone whose Bible lore is rusty, the Good Samaritan was the subject of a New Testament parable. Basically lie was the only guy who bothered to stop and help a man who liad been lield up and savagely mugged by thieves. "Good Samaritan" lias come to be term that we bestow on anyone wlio shows generosity or compassion towards the poor and down- trodden. And it's a'term that you don't hear a wliole lot these days. It's certainly not a term that would spring to the lips of Sylvia Stayton, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Not if she was looking for ways to describe Municipal Court Judge John West. Ms Stayton, a grandmotlier, was hauled up in court before the judge for a pre-trial hearing recently. Her lawyer was seeking dismissal of the charges. The judge said no way. Ms. Stayton will stand trial for obstruction and disorderly conduct. And what did this wild- eyed harridan do to get cited? Lie down in front of the may- Clalrke High Sehool News presented with the Horticultural Service Certificate awarded from the Orono Horticultural Society by president Carol Mostert. or's limousine? Burn lier bra on tlie Cincinnati courtliouse steps? Nali. Sylvia Stayton was cliarged wlien she put 15 cents into two expired parking meters. She was trying to do a good turn for the drivers of the cars, neither of wliom she knew. A Cincinnati cop wlio was writing out a ticket for one of the cars ordered lier to stop feeding the meter. She refused and I guess she miglit go to jail as a resuit. The judge will issue a ruling next week. Tlien tliere's Ron Seaward's tale of woe. Seaward was driving from Toronto to London, Ontario recently wlien lie. spied a car intlie ditch. Seaward, feeling conspicuously Good Sanaritanish, pulled over and' got out to help. As did an Ontario Provincial Policeman. While the cop and Seaward were grunting and straining at the back bumper of the stuck car, several other vehicles craslied into Seaward's truck and the police cruiser. Naturally, the officer now' lias to write out an accident report. Naturally, he lias to see everybody's license and regis- tration--including Seaward's. Which is when the cop notices that Seaward lias been driving with an expired Sue Johansen visited Clarke on April 8 as part of Aids Awareness Week. She spoke to the student body in two different assemblies, one for juniors and one for seniors. This event was orga- nized by Andrea Etmanskie and lier committee, and com- ments indicated that it was very successful. One of Clarke's newest staff members, Miss Woodward, who joined us in February, has introduced staff and students to the Puzzle-of- the-Week or the P.O.W. There is a new P.O.W. each week which requires some problem solving skills, thougli Miss Woodward assures us that it is not necessary to be a mathe- matical genius to figure out the solutions to these puzzles. AUl staff and students are invited to try the puzzle, and it is rumoured that even some parents have been involved in solving them. Students who complete, work early in class may use the time to work on the P.O.W., and more students are attempting the puzzle each week. Part of the motivation could be the prizes which have bee donated by local businesses. Harvey's has donated coupons for license. Well... a violation, to be sure, but under the circum-, stances-- Seaward being such a decent chap and all-- undoubtedly -the will let Seaward off with a wink and warning, right? Not. Seaward, who was only acting on an impulse of kind- ness and generosity towards a fellow human being in a jam, finds himself with a strained back, a banged-up truck and a $315 traffic ticket. Guess how fast lie'll pull over the next time he sees a motorist in difficulty. Sad, but true, the streets are getting meaner. Stili, Ron Seaward can look on the brîght side--at least lie didn't have to be helped by a politician. There's a story going around about. a traveling salesman on a busi- ness trip to Ottawa who one night was robbed, beaten up, thrown in a ditch, and left for dead. 1The first person to come by was a Reform Party MP. She looked down at the man and snapped "Get up on your feet! Stop feeling sorry for yourselft Be a man!" And she walked on. Next came an NDP sup- porter. He gasped in dismay at the siglit of the poor guy in the ditch. "This is terrible!" he wailed. I must find the peo- pie who did this! Tbey need psychiatric help and career counseling!" And off he ran. The next passer-by was a Liberal cabinet mninister., He stopped in front of the injured man and whispered, "What did the other two say?" Ultraburger Meals, Subway lias donated 12 free subs and Countrystyle Donuts lias donated coupons for a dozen donuts. Thank you to our sponsors for your generosity! Students have become so involved in the P.O.W. tliat they are now contributing problems to be included in the puzzle. ATHLETE 0F WEEK This week, the coaches have selected Megan Carter a s Clarke's Athlete of tlie Week. Megan is a very active partici- pant on a variety of teams, both at school and outside. This year she lias played junior volleyball, basketball and is currently involved in soccer. She plays for the Ganaraska Wolves Volleyball team, for the Bowmanville Badgers Fastball team, and in lier spare time, snowboards and rides liorseback competi- tively. Wlien asked to choose a favourite activity, Megan said slie couldn't, that she likes tliem ail, that lier wliole life revolves around sports. When asked wliy she miglit have been chosen as Athiete of the Week, Megan suggested that it is probably because of lier attitude. She says that she doesn't get down on the team but that wlien is supportive of others. If there are any negative thoughts, they are directed at herseli, but even that doesn't liappen very often. Megan likes the team atmosphere and gets along well with the other players. Megan says she does- n't always show liow she feels on the court. The other teamn can pick up feelings and anticipate liow to play based on those feelings so it is important to keep tliem under wraps. ,Megan is excited about hier volleyball team's chances this spring. She believes tliey have an, excellent chance at provin- cials and possibly eastern, nationals as tliey are currently ranked fifth. Megan's rule is liomework first. She does extra on niglits wlien she lias no practices and gets it out of the way before she goes on niglits she must practice. Future academic goals include a veterinary medicine programme at the University of Guelph. This sliould be a realistic goal for lier, even thougli this is a very tougli programme, as she excels in math and science. To help further this goal, Megan works at the, Morgan Horse Farmi on Saturday and Suinday mornings where she is receiv- ing liands-on experience in large-animal care. Megan also lias a horse of lier own which she must look after. Megan is hoping to include some co- operative education credits in the veterinarian field to lier scliedule for next year which sliould help lier to achieve lier university goals. It is evident that Megan Carter is a doer, not a watch- er! Good luck in your future endeavours Megan! Golier's frau'el 1937 BALLS, RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 I~N orthcutt ElIott [fýýJ Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Oumed Business, Offerng: -Traditiona! Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangemients Alternatives to, Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping QI CMryKuipers - President OFF STREET PARING Bowmianville Ont ario LMC Z8