112.- Oronc> WeeklyTImes~Wedfresday. April 23, 1997 HYDRO SAFETY On Tuesday, April 15 two men from Ontario Hydro explainied electrical safety in your community. He made a display on showing different safety hazards, They showed how dangeroùs electricity is if it cornes in contact with yQui accidentally. After the pre- sentation they handed out work bookiets with word searches, connect the dots and lots of different fun gaines to remind you on how to keep safe and they also handed out pencils from Ontaro Hydro. Written by Sbawn ,Ryp)stra POETRY CORNER MAGICAL MARGARET Maniacal mysterio-us Margaret marched muncbing magnificent macaroni rny mother made mLxing mashed rnushrooms magic mangos mi-angled 1macaroons mrusby marshmallQws and rnelted melon mnud. Written by Erika Schroeder Grade 6 MICHAEL THE MIDGET Michael the midgetnanaged to mlake Jackie the jockey jumrp over panthers painting pic tures By Dustin Weagant and Nathani Caruana BASKETBALL - This year the grade six class bas decided to bave a basketball league. The orga- nization consists of eleven teams witb three players per tearn. The league is for grade sixes only and is made just for tbe enjoyment of the peo '- pie wbo like basketball or the people wbo would like to par- ticipate in this sport. After tbe first champi- onsbip gagie, tbe players on eacb teain will rotate so that everyone plays witb diffrent people afler every champi- onship game. We play by the bonour sys- tem, tbat's the regu-la-r tbree on three miles. So far' every- one is enjoying tbernselves with participating and learn- ing about basketball. Written hy Alexandra Blight & Shawvn Rypstra 4th annual open poetry contest for fail 1997 The Poetry Institute of Canada announices its fourth annual open poetry contest, for Fali 1997. Following is successful 1996 contest, it will again award over $5,000 in cash and other prizes, to more thani 160 poets lin Canada. Any poet, previously pub- lished or not. may enter this contest and be a winner. The contest is open to ail poets of any age. Any subjeet or style is acceptable and there is no entry fee. New and unpub- lished poets are encouraged to send in their work. The poemn should be origi- nal and consist of 24 Unes or Iess. As welI as the opportuni- ty to win a cash prize, mariy of the poems will be pub- lished in a beautiful hard cover Anthology of Verse. To enter, please send one original poem only to: The Poetry Institute of Canada, P.O. Box 158, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5K4. Name and address should be included at the top of the same page on which the poemn appears. Typed or neat- ly written poerns please. Entries should be postmarked not later than May 31, 1997.* Last years winnin)g poemn, ,won $ 500 for its author, Rosalie Smith of South Brook, Newfound-land. 1 Can Read In church, 1 watched as she pretended To openi her Bible where it was intended, But Mark she got instead of John, Then proceeded to "read" alon. Her husband opened up his hymn book Then shared it so that she could look. 1 noticed that she wasn't singing. But a powerful alto, she was humming. When the Lord's Prayer was sung- by al Her harmony was heard out in the hall With her clear, melôdic voice- To read the words, wouid she rejoice? At seventy-four it was my ient To show her what the letters meant At seventy-six lier eyes got bad, But was she proud, as learn she had! 1 moved away, she wrote, 1 treasure And read agaîni with so much pleasure. My precious friend has passed away But, I cani read", she used to say. SWIMMING On April the second swin- mning lessons started at Kirby Centennial Public Scbool. Al classes are participating in this event except for junior and senior kindergartens. There are twelve levels in ail. These levels range frorn "Yellow" to "L1fe Saving Tbree", or as tbey're now called levels "I" to "12". Tbe students participatingvwill be put into a level that lits their swimrning abihity. To coin- plete a wbole level students from grade one to six must take ten classes eacb. Every M-Vonday, Wednesday and Tbursday 2 classes from Kirby Scbool are going to the Jack burger Sports Complex (n Port Hope) to bave fun and get rewards for bard work. Enjoy your swirn Kirby Centennial Written by Erika Schroeder SILVER BIRCH AWARDS At Kirby Scbool there is going to bc the Silver Bircb Award-,s. The Silver Bircb awards are books picked from tbrougbout Canada that is a vote to choose the best book frorn a certain author. Eacb student reads 5-20 books, half fictionai and baif non-tic- tional. Our class will be vot- ing and bopefully if our class picks the two books that were chosen by the association we might be able to meet every author that wrote the books we chose. Written by Sbawn Rypstra and Alex Blight, Bowmanville Toastmasters Brought To You By The Students. at Kirby Centennial Public School as a supplement to the Orono Weekly limes speech with an opening, body and closing. Learning to think and organize their thoughts in this mnanner prepares rnem- bers for the unexpected in al phases of life. Developing skills in impromptu speaking is one of the benefits of Toastrnaster mernbership. Corne and see members growth in botb impromptu and prepared presentations in a warrn atimosphere. For -nore information please eall Irene Konzelmann 983-94123. POLICE REPORT April 15 - The John Deere Dealersbip reported that a sbed on their property was broken into sornetime on Saturday, April 12. Some equiprnent was stolen froin the shed. April 17 - Two 12-year-old classrnates at Newcastle Public Schooll got into an altercation in the classroom. one of the boys tbreatened to kill the other. The malter is under investigation by police. April 17 - A 26-year-old Orono resident reported her vebicle was damaged wbile Subscribe to. The Orono Weekly Times parked in ber rear lot overnigbt. After investigation a 50-year-old female was accused of causing the damage. After conversations witb police, accused was cautioned witb agreement for restitution. April 20 - A Bowmanville man reported that someone attempted to steel a car froin bis, driveway. Wbile atternpting to reverse vebicle out of the driveway, a second vebicle parked in drivewaywas hit. There are no suspects at this trne. Picture provided by Newcastle Photographic Over slgbt: Last weeks picture of the Orono Skating Club was provided to us compliments~ of Newcastle Photographic. ,Rosalie Smith A- rare . event at Toastmlasters on Tuesday, April 15, 1997,. Toastmnaster Irene Konzelrnann scored a bat trick. Irene won three tro- phies that evening. Several mnembers of the assembly are looking forward to the Toasimaster District* 60 Conference to be held at Sheraton Parkway, Richmond HIL, April 18, 19, 20. A i embers present had anl opportunity to speak for one minute on a topic pre- sented to tbern as they rose to speak. Each week rnerbers~ are expected to present a mini il I