2 Oronoeek.Iy mes, WedfsaArl2,19 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Sering Eos **go adbe4f snc.f9ý Division of Loyal Pinnbng Ltd. Publications Mail Registration No. 0368 Publishing 47 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 91310 Haia Street, P. 0. BOX 209. Oroimo. Ontario LOB iMO e maolLoroaotm..oup.fdlne.ca Toiephone 905-983-5301 Fax 9019-983-6301i Herman and Mas-g zwaft Pancake Experience? We made the trek like many others to the Ganaraska on SatUrday to partake in the "Pancake Experience." The poster advertlsed.a hot pancake brunch with sausage and syrup. Sorry to say the pancakes were not hot, they were carted over twenty at a Urne from another building. 1The fee for children to partake in this experience was $2 whlch bought them exacmtly 1 pancake and 1 sausage with absolutely no seconds. Explain that to kids who love pan- cakes. Why bother mentioning syrup in the advertlsing if it is flot the maple syrup one would expect from the Ganaraska at this time of the year. I'm sure the demonstrations and entertainiment were ail very enjoyable, we couldn't stick around--we had to go home and feed the klds. I know this event was a fundraiser but it feit more like a pro- duction and it totailly lacked any sens e of community spirit. I think too many groups "from away," were trying to cash i on a fundraiser that used to lie very successfül. Furthermore 1 was very disappointed to see ail the plastic and Styrofoam garbage generated by such a conservation minded organization. To. A New Future The Orono Tree Nursery has had a lengthy history in the social fabric of this community. It no doubt has left a multitude of memories for many to cherish through their nur turing of young trees and fellowship' of employment since 1922. It is a long period of time. Today the present and the future cannot be assured to be that of the past and societal change is a natural phenomena that cannet be erased. Time marches on as it should. The fact that the 1000 acres of natural forest and river valley lands is to remain in public ownership is welcomed. There is littie doubt that these lands have been of grée interest to many people for enjoyment in all sea- sons. The trail development was a positive move sorne years ago.. As to the farm lands, 250 acres, they can continue through private ownership to serve the purpose they have in the past. The same is true of the 22 acre par- cel on the south side of the Fifth concession. We ail remember the spacious lawns and flower gardens of the past in the 'home farm' portion which is now offered for sale along with the Superintendents house, barnis and greenhouses. Here again il le up to private enterprise be it a Biological Garden and Nature Area which lias been proposed or somre other form 0of development. There has, apparently, been other intereets in the purchase of these lands. It is now 'wait and see'. Hardly could i't be expected that the mnunicipality would provide venture funding for the purchase of these lands. It is niot -a part they should play. If the land is to be developed for any specific pur- pose the general public can have their say through the planning process. The closing of thé tree nursery last year was the end of an era that had served Orono well for sorne 75 years. And it did produce quality seedlings that in many cases are the trees of to-day. It is A New Future. Board of Education (continued frorn page 1) board's 80 non-union employees. The menit pay program, approved by the board i 1996, was developed by a consultant. It rernoves the decision on pay raises frorn the political arena b a structured, measurable sys- tem, says Willsher. "Approval of this does not necessarily mean that ail ernployees will gel a raise or that ail of the $86,000 wilIlibe spent." m m r1 c Letter to the Editor: Kudos to Marg Connor! The cliches about cream ris- ing to the top, and quality and truth will out, finally came true. Many of us have observed the pressure and outriglit intimidation exerted on Mrs. Connor by the current chair- person Mr. Willsher, as well as the previous Mrs. Steward. The rude and iii mannered way that each of them speaks 10 hier, as well as the inequities of time allowances at meetings, is legendary. Mrs. Connor at the most recent meeting was flot allowed 2 or 3 minutes 10 show a video, while Judi Armstrong and Catherine Tozer were allowed 10 drone on for 12 and 15 minutes respectively. Yes, tliey have desperately tried to gel Mrs. Connor bo be a "Team Player" and "to pro- tect the Corporation", their words, for Io these past 3 years. But Mrs. Connor says,' the school board -is not a cor- poration, I.B.M. and G.M. are corporations. The school board consists of 15 individu- ais elected by thre people with a mandate to represent the public's interest. Usually new trustees are whipped into line pretty fast and easily, by the old guard. Then most have an easy termi of office, as long as they "protect the corporation's secret". But they didn't figure on Mrs. Connor, the fine sof spoken, tenacious lady from Hope. She hias withstood mucli verbal abuse, and hias had a very uncomfortable, and aI times frustrating 3 years. But remember, quality and truth will out, and she lias steadily and clieerfully risen to thre top. This lîttie lady lias mnore cour,.age than-the other 14 put together. Finally, we the, pub- lic know about that den in iniquity, and knowiedge is power. Now we can act. What can we do, you ask? Well, as many as can, please attend the next fuil board meeting on April 241h aï 7:30 p.m., 10 ensure that shie gels mb t te "in camera" portion. She lias broken no laws! She only gave out information that was already in the public dom-ain, though carefully hid- den by thre cliairpersons, R.L. Willsher and vice Catherine Tozer. Let them see who real- ly hias the public support., Jo Tani Gores Landing ma April 17, 1997 To: Orono Weekly Timnes Re: Expulsion of Trustee Margaret Connor Enclosed is a copy of a let- ter by Hamilton Rate Payers that was sent to R.L. Wllsher- Chairman Northumberland- Clarington Board Of Education. This petition was signed by the 42 members in attendance at the meeting Initially copies of the letter were sent to Cobourg and Port Hope papers and radio station but the issue of secrecy of the school board affects the whole school district Of Northumberland-Clarington. We wiIl follow with great interest the action the board will take at its meeting in Cobourg on Thursday, April 24, 1997. We trust this matter is of interest to your readers. Yours truly, Jack Jones, Vice President Hamilton Township Ratepayers Association Dear Mr. Willsher: The Hamilton Township Ratepayers Association wish to go on record that tliey protest the action of the Northumberland Clarington ScIrool Board in expelling Trustee Margaret Connor from thre Board's closed-door sessions. We question the legality of the Board's action which in effect defranchises many of thre electorate. We demand that thre Board reverse this expulsion prior to the start of tlie business of the Board's next meeting on Tliursday April 24, 1997. Il is also important that al financial information that is approved by the Board and is in tlie public domain be released 10 the public and to the press. This motion was carried unanimously by the members of tlie Hamilton Township Ratepayers Association wlio attended the meeting on Monday, April 14, 1997 and tliey signed below signifying their support of Trustee Margaret Connor and their request for lier reinstatement. Jack Jones - Vice President Hamnilton'1ownslrîp Ratepayers Association Letter To The Editor Orono Weekly Times RE: Trustee Mas-g Connor My hat goes off t10 Trustee Marg Connor who has the courage to expose truths of a $334.000 retirement gratu- ites and $86.300 in menit raises which would otherwlse go untold. As taxpayers. we have the right to representa- tion and this is exactly what Mr. Connor has done. She should not lie kept out of sessions, but rather applauded for taking a stand. She demonstrates the integri- ty what a politiclan le elected on. My question le what else has Bob Wllsher deemed unnecessary for us (the pub- lic) to know? Yours truly, Heather Farquhar Bowmanvlhle KENDAL UNITED CHURCH Kendal, Ontario Sun. April 27, 1997 Worship & Sunday School 11.15 a.m. "To Pray For The Harvest" Next Sunday: May 4, 1997 "I Support 0f Peace" Annual Police Appreciation Service Pieuse join us «a good place to bc a healthy place for childreW" Mrinister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 St.Saviour's Anglican Chu 1rck MILL STREET 0RQNO.ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectory 987-5678 e Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE. SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. 1 ST & 3RD SUNDAY 0F MONTH HOLY COMMUNION ORONO PASTORAL Mmnister Rev. Mervyn 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, April 27, 1997 Kirby United Church 9:30 amn Orono United Church 11:00 arn A.A. meets every Thursday, 7:30 p.m.