LET THE LIONS ROAR! 1947- 1997 Di1d you know that the Sehool. t Newcastle Lions Club wjll be - Athietiec roups im celebrating their 5th anniver- ing Girlts Slow Pitchi, E sary on May lOth 1997?1 Basebali, Constructio There will be a party to cele- Baseball Diamionds, Sc brate this milestone in the Groups, and Minor Hock( Newcastle Comimuiiity Hall. - The local Scouting n- We have told you about a nient hias been sponsore few of our recent projects in the -Newcastle Lions Cl the previous wýeeks, now we - Somne of the large want to tell you somne of the piojcýects include: the coný ways this organization sup- tion of the tennis courts ports the youth in our area: swimmiing and wading - Support lias been given and assistance was givt to the local public schools to the Newcastle arena. r purchase outdoor playground. The Newcastle Lion's equipmnent. is very happy to, be ab - The V.I.P. (Value support our youth! All Influence Peer Pressure) pro- work is only possible) gram and effective public people like you suppc speaking are sponsored by our financially and by being1 organization. A loud, ROARING "T - Purchasing Baud instru- Yo u!" ments for Clarke Hligli "IN SUPPORT 0F PEACE" Police appreciation celer-bration The fifth annual Police Appreciation Celebration willI I I be held at Kendal Unitedr Church, Kendal during the regular hour of worship at 11: 15a.m on Sunday, May 4, Your 1 1997. Everyone is invited to r share in this Urne of prayer F and fellowship "in support of bsn peace". fb Special invlted guests wil include members of Durhamn Regional Police, Bowmanville Divisions, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Bowmnanville Detachment, and the Ontario U h u Provincial Police frorn Cobourg and Whitby M The Busir Detachments. Canada offers. Re v. David Black, minister services and in of the United Church congre-tohendso gations at Newtonville, Kendai ulse.1 and Shiloh explained that the mijcro-businesý annual celebration began five years ago as an opportunity Exporters, Fat: for memibers of [lie cornimmi- Capital. Its mll ty to express their support for an exporters pr peace officers and the rule of tration assistai law within a xtorship setting. contact the br Following the service there 1888-INFO-BI will be a light lunch provided visit our webs and the opportunity to con- verse inforrnally with the 0MInu rrl C police officers present., A new tourisin Rev. Black says that the Dvlpet service is always well receivedlDvlpnn by both the police personnel tourism infrasi and the memnbers of the con- centres. In coni gregations and cornmunity and a $50 miilli( who seize the opportunity to emnment of Car affirrn the value of communi- t o n o r ,50 ty policing in our midst. across the cour Kendal United Church is in hias bie~n alloti the village of Kenclal, one oiisin block west of Newtonville Cmiso Road (Regional Road 18) and promnotion abr( one block south of Ganaraska contact the CI Road (County Road 9). Everyone is invited to this special celebrati on of worship.