RONO WEEKLY TIMES 65 Vlolume 61, Number 17 1 [ - S ervig astCl e.gto ad eyonds e 197 Wednesday, April 30, 1997- Lîoness Mad Hatters Tea Party LET THE LIONS ROAR! 1947 -1997 1The theme of the Newcastle Lioness 45th Anniversary aftemnoon cele- bration was "Mad Hatters Tea Party." Dlsplaying the latest in Spring head gear are: front row, Lioness Grace Gibson, Carol Oliver, Norwood, Frankford, Lioness Wendy Lioness Helen Scott, Hamilton, Frankford, Lloness Frankford, Lloness Diane Geroginia McNeil, Norwn7,,od. Carl, Mary Fryer and Joan Back row: Lloniess Gloria Jones from Peterborough. Gordon, Newcaslte, Lioness Article to follow next week Generafl Election called April 27, 1997 - "Elections Canada is ready for the gen- eral election called today", said Jean-Pierre Kingsley, the Chief Electorai Officer of Canada. "We have complleted the last federal door-to-door enu- meration te build the nation- al Register of Electors, s0 we are prepared for the shortest election campaign in hlstory", he added. With the issue of the wiits for the 36th federal general election, Elections Canada wili mobilize some 145,000' workers in 301 electoral dis- tricts across the country. Parliament passed legisia- tion last December to autho- rize a 36-day campaign peri- od, staggered voting hours across the country, and a national Register of Electors. The Register is an automated data base of ail Canadians eli- gible te vote, and is used te prepare the voters lists. Last year the Governor in Council aise proclaimed the redistribution of seats in the House of- Commons, raising the number of MPs te 301 from the 295 elected in the October 1993, general elec- tien. contnued page 10> 50 years and we are stili RoaRing! The Newcastle Lion's Club has been actively supporting our local commu- nities for the past fifty years. On May lOth, 1997, the Lions will celebrate their anniver- sary at the Newcastle Community Hall. The Village of Newcastle is very fortunate to have such a splendid building as our Community Hall, the home of the Newcastle Lions Club for more thlan twenty five years. We the Lions have a very spe- cial affiliation with this Community Hall where we have spent time, energy, effort and money in helping to maintain and improve this facllity. -, a four lane bowling alley was purchased and ï-nstalled by the club - a Centennial Roomn - an ail purpose meeting room was completely furnished and decorated e levelling the hardwood floor in the main auditorium, which was originally slanted for theatre seats whiÉch allows the hall to be more useful 1* to improve the air quali- ty and circulation in the main hall, we installed electrical ventilation fans *in the basement of the hall whiÉch was oninally the old hot air furnaces and coal storage rooms, the Lions spent a significant amount of money constructing a Kitchen, the Centennial Room, and our own Lion's Den (with direct outside entrance) The Newcastle Lions Club has been roaring for 50 years. We are pleased to be able to serve our community. Thank you for all of your support. May we neyer forget our motto "We Serve". Happy 5th and let us Keep Roaring! We're in the news! This Thursday nlght and every Thursday night til the Federal election the National Magazine on CBC Television wlll feature the interviews made wlth some of our Orono residents. The National Magazine is hosted by Hanna Gartner and is scheduled for 10:30pm. Habnna Gartner talks wîth Poil 161 residents Joe Adam, Don Stevens, Ron Messer and Eileen Stevens join CBC TV journal- lst Hanna Gartner in an infor- mal coffee shop chat. The above Orono residents belong to the Mill St. Orono pol number 161. The coffee shop portion of the Village Bake Shop was commandeered -for most of the aflemnoon while the film crew set up the lights and cameras. Whiie the filming was in process business at the bake shop was conducted inwhispers. ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS 1- Joyce Cowan 86, 2 - Wanda McNeiI 85, 3 - Gloadys Greenwood 82, 4 - Maron Sears 80, 5 - Jean Allen 78. Low - Charles Stapleton. Draws - Minnie Taylor, Aif Pigott, Wilma Scott, Wanda McNeil, Charles Stapleton, Wilda Simpson, Frances Cathcart. ORONO UNITED CIIURCH QUI LT SHOW AND TEA As part of their year long Sesquicentennial Celebrations, the Orono United Chuirch will be holding a "Quilt Show and Tea" on Friday, May 2nd - 2 p,m. te 8 p.m. and Saturday, May 3rd - 10 a.m. te 3:30 p.m. at the O.U.C. Main Hall. Tickets $350. Sponsored by Orono U.C.W. ST. FRANCIS 0F ASSISI KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS YARD/CRAFT SALE AND FLEA MARKET Saturday, May 3 from 8 a.m. till 2 p.m. at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Newcastle. THE CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION The Tuesday, May 6th programn includes line dancing at 9 a.m. and cards at 10 a.m. At 10:15 a.m. stitch and chat te share crafts and ideas for the bazaar planned for October 31. Square dancing starts at 1 p.m. Lunch at noon and local transportation for a nominal tee can be arranged when requested in advance by Monday noon. Programs are held at the Lions Community Centre, 26 Beech Ave., Bowmanville. Phone Comm unity Gare at 623-2261. THE LUNG ASSOCIATION OFFERS "BREATHE EASY" The Lunig Association Durham Region and the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital are off ering a seven-part BREATHE EASY pro- gram for adults with lung disease. Classes are at Memorial Hospital starting Tuesday, May 6, and running twice weekly te May,27th from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Pre-registration is necessary - cost is $10 for pre-reg- istration package for Breathe Easy _program. Caîl The Lung Association at (905) 436-1046. RED CROSS SOCIETY 101 people came te the Blood Donor Clinlo held at Bowmanville High, School on Friday, April l8th. 71 units of blood were collected. They would like te thank the school, teachers, students, volunteers and Nick at the Donut Gallery for supplying donuts to the clînic. STEEL AND STONE IBY MARIANNE REIM - Visual Arts Centre The Vsual Arts Centre of Cîarington s peased te present an exhibi- tion of art by Marianne Reim, whose welded books and other steel sculptures are gaining international reputation. Exhibiting April 27- May 16 at Visual, Arts Centre ef Clarington, 143 Simpson Ave., Bowmanville. A must-see for connoisseurs and art levers in general. ODSO CELEBRATES THE "BRAHMS CENTENNIAL", The Oshawa-Durham Symphony Orchestra presents Ein Deutsches Requiem in a celebration of the 1lOth anniversary of Brahms' death. The concert takes place at College Park Church, 1164 King St. E., Oshawa at 8 p.m. on Sunday, May 4th. Tickets available at door