4 Oroi~ Waekly oei~t~. Wednesday~ Aprit 30, J997~ - Geraldi Insura.nce team ends series tied On Sunday niglit in Bowmanvllle, Geraldi Insurance Minor Tykes tied their last game 3-3. The sertes ended up tied wtth botli teains posting a wtn, a le and a loss. Orono domi- nated the gaine outsliooting Computer Doctor 13-6 but ran into a tougli goalie. Alexander Derlis (99) was fiy- lng ail game and skated to two breakaways i, tlie first forcing two good saves. Jeif Feldcamp (17) registered another liard shot after sorne smootli stickliandllng on tlie second shift. Goalie Alex Campney (33) came up wtth a big save at the 9:00 minute mark. At 5:20 Bowmanville killed a penalty and they opened the scoring at 2: 10. At 13:50 of the second Rob Blaker (88) scored ta lde the gaine making a good fake on the defense, then firlng ti a sinoker. Bowmanville took the lead at 10:27, sort of a fluke but then Orono responded at 7:41 wlien cen- tre Bobby Pfanzelt (10) scored on a sliot from 15 feet out. Orono killed a penalty at The third opened with Bowmanville taking tlie lead again at 13:06. And again, Orono lied it up at 9:18 wlien Kevmn Griffin (39) scored from tlie slot, flring tn a liard sliot - liey, this guy played a great gaine. At 1: 11, coacli Blaker, going for the wmn, pulled tlie goalte and Orono sure put on the pressure. The gaine and the sertes ended tied and based on goals, Orono finish "B" runniers up. Other liard- working forwards were: Sain Bay-ter (14), Kyle Geraldi (93). Brett Cairrs (9), and Tommy Meester (11). Good defense by: Jeffery Mulder (2), Jevon Staples (22), Mitchell Harding (7), Nathan Sinilli (66), Noel Snow (5) and Tanner Johnston (4). Congratulations teaxn on a great season and congratula- lions to the coaching staff of coacli Gord Blaker, assistant Rob Harding and tramner Steve Campney. Also thanks to the parents who contribut- ed a lot towards- a positive season! Orono Dufferin Aggregate Major Tykes "C" champs The 1996-1997 season lor od. The gaine remained tied the Orono Dufferin unlil the second last shift, Aggregates Major Tykes came when Darcy Mitchell got to a sticcessful conclusion on behind the Soundmiaster the weekend of April 1920, defence on a breakaway and as the team won tiýeC.R.H.L. buried the winning goal. "C" Championship with two Orono's goaltender, Matt thrilling victories over Dobson made some key saves Souridmaster. in the last 3 minutes and was I the first game of the best mobbed by lis teanimates at 2 out of 3, won by Orono 5-3, the conclusion of the gaine. Colin Kelly tallied twice and It must be remembered that played lits'best hockey of the Matt was a MinorITyke, and year. Troy Webster set up lie did an admirable job ail Colin wtth some clever pass- year as the tearn's main es and scored a goal hinself. goalie. Darcy Mitchell chipped in Coachi Jeff Mitchell con- witli a goal, while Devin gratulated each and every Robinson put the game out team member for their out- of reacli with an empty net standing effort in winning the goal. Mail Dobson was steady "C" championship against a in net when needed, but determined opponLent. Orono lmited Soundmaster's Thanks go to assistant coachi- scoring chances with good es Chris Kelly, Tom Moffat teain defence and hustle fromn and Greg Mclsaac. The Coachi everyone. On the defence, wouîd also like to acknowl- Kyle Balson, Matt Moffat, edge, wtth thanks, the efforts Andrew Kirkbrtde, Daniel of Catherine Franko and Mlsaac and Kenny Jackson Cindy Webster ta submitting moved the puck well and did updates to the Orono paper not allow many second shots throughout the year. Finally, on their goaltender. Forwards the teani for their contribu- Mark Franko, Joel McDonaild, tion this year extends its Josli Dobson, Chantelie thanks to Dufferin Aggregates Grahiam and Daniel liodgson for their conlinued support of ail worked very liard, check- the Orono Major Tykes. ing vtgorously and givirng Congratulations again kids, 5oundmaster little skating and good l'uck ta the future. rooin. Ntk Richards was, unfortunately, unable ta attend. ____________ Gaine 2 was again domi- nated by Orono, but Souridmasters goaltender kept the gaine close. Darcy Mitchell opened the scortng on île lirst shift. Orono would build up a 3-1 lead on goals by Troy Webster and Colin LuE Kelly, Soundmaster got back ta île game witli a couple of ThsA cstnl 2nd period goals, setling the <ecr stage for a nailbiter 3rd peri -___________ Caps off to National Power Skatinig as season ends Saturday, April 19 in Bowmanville Arena, Orono's National Power Skating went head-to-hiead with Blessing Travel--a best of 3 series with Orono down by 1. Both teamis camne out fired up and ready to play hockey. The Leafs played a solid game but were defeated by a final score of 3-1. Our only goal was scored unassisted by #3 Luke Green--a long liard shot from the blue line found thé open corner. Beautiful shot Luke! Blessing takes the 'B' Champi onship--congratula- tions. Nick Williams 429 played an awesome game. Nick lias proven ahi year long that goaltending is the posi- tion he wil môst likely pur- sue. He shows the team great sportsmanship--taking lis wins as well as losses with pride. Hats off to a fantastic goalie! Defensemen Lucas Leech, Michael Whelan, Kyle Feldcamp, Brandon Ernst, Jesse Rice and Luke Green had a fantastic season. Forwards Denis Beenen, Robert Kay, Mail Carter, Ben McKelvie, Ryan Thomas, Mike Waller, Jerrod Coe and Jake Stockwell also played great hockey ail season. Congratulations to aIl players for doing tlieir best, having fun, and heing a pleasure to watch. We have, ail noticed a big imiprovement in ail the kids due to tle dedicated coaching staff and excellent on-ice training. Thanks to lead coachi Brad Leech for his trne and dedica- tion. This was Brad's first year as a hockey coachi. The kids ail enjoyed having Brad as coacli and gave him tlie respect he deserved. See you next year on the ice Coach! Great job Brad! Thanks to assistant coachi and skating tramner Michelle Ernst, tramner Joe Kay, and backup assistant Mike Wlielan. Also a special thanks to Steve Feldcamp for lis goalie skiils on ice for Nick Williams. Slerralee Kay and Peggy Rice did an excellent job in scheduling tournaments, sup- plying afier-game drinks for the kids, and fundraising for our tearn. A special thank you goes out to the parents for their time and dedication whicl gave these kids tle opportunity to participate in a great sport! On Saturday, Aipril 26th, National lad their hockey party which was hled at Liberty Bowl. It was a pot- Iuck lunch with lots of good- ies to choose fromt. A beauti- fui cake was made by Mrs. Waller witl ail the kids names on. it. Very nice cake Michelle! Tlieseason lias corne ta an end for another-year as the skates get hung up and surn- mer sports begin. Have a fun, safe summer. Hope to see you ail next season. Writing the article again this year proved to be a chal- lenge but at the same time a lot of full.- L'eo, team reporter Angie, editor-in-chief To our sponsor - We would like to tlank National Power Skating owner Michelle Ernst for her spont- sorship, training skills, and W'onderful personalized hock- ey caps that the players received for a souvenir. Again, thank you--it was a great season. Ut. 3eephekgeodrySho ei By Rachana Gupta and Keri Joues Witli our new scliool sclieduled for complelion by September of 1998, tlie St. Stephen's community lias begun ta prepare for it. May 7th is a date we are ail look- ing forward to as it is the offi- ciai Sod Turning Ceremony. There are many activities planned for the big day and we expect it to be a memo- rable event. In the aftemoon ail current students at St. Steplien's will be vsiting the future scliool site which is located in the vcmnity of Old Scugog Road and Middle Road, nortli of downtown Bowmanville. Student Council lias orga- nized for ahl homeroomis to participate individually by. creating banners, pdsters, songs and chants to show their contributions. As well, a lime capsule will be created and buried on the new school grounds. Eacli lomeroom will also be askecl to donate a memorable item to it. Many members fromn the Pe terb oro u gl-Vi ct ori a- Northiumberland- Clarington Separate Scliool Board will be in attendance along with our local MPP, Mr. John OToole. These speakers will be saying Darlington Station gears up for vacu- um building outage Darlington Nuclear Generating Station is prepar- ing for a routine inspection and maintenance programi on tle station's vacuum building. 'The Darlington Station wilI stan uis controlled shut- down April 27th and ail four reactors are expected to be in a safe shutdown state by May 3rd. The first unit will be returned to service May 29th and ail four units are expected back in service by June i t. The shuîdown is not expected to create any short- age of electricity in the province as spning is tradition- ally a time of low energy deniand. The Darlington Station produces about 3,000 megawatts of electricity, enougli to meet the peak demnandsq of Toronto. a few words to commemorate the new school. Every student will be requested to write on paper what tliey would like to see and experlence in the new St. Stephen's Secondary School. At the end of the ceremony, ail the pieces of paper will be scattered on the new grounds. Not only that, but Student Council lias planned to purchase a tree which wfll. be planted at the new site for ail the future students to watch as it grows and matures over the years. A wooden cross will be bufit for ail of the students to sign. TiUs cross MEl be kept at the new building as yet another everlasting memory. To complete the Sod Tumning Ceremony, a photo of A the 1996/97 students will take place. Even thougli we will have graduated and 'left St. Stephen's by September 1998, we feel fortunate to have been part of the driving force which will make the new sehool a reality, in Bowmanville. We know that when we visit the niew school we wMIll be happy to see our friends and our own sihng faces in the photograpli which will be kept for posterity in the new St. Stephen's Secondary School. C on s t itule n As the Local Councillor for Ward 3, 1 amn holding regular informai meetings for my constituents, (at different locations throughout the ward), to discuss their con- oerns, and share their opinions on issues effecting Ward 3. The next meeting is at: Kirby Burgers, Kirby Saturday, May 3 10:00 a.m.. to naon Drop by and have a chat. 1 can be reached at other lrnes at 623-3379 (Town Hall) or 786-2494 (home) if you need assistance.