John O'Toole Durham East MPP The weather was wonder- fui this weekend. 1 lit- die tirne to tend to my duties around the house, that gen- erally 1 go overboard when we get this klnd of weekend. t does seems rather ridiculous to fertilize the lawn, when it only stirnulates the grass which 1 have so littie Urne to cut. However, as we have longer evenings of daylight and warm temperatures, it will be a pleasant change to get outside and enjoy the weather. 1 noticed thris evenîng, the Liberal candidate putting up some federal elections signs. The race is on and 1 will watch with interest, as the issues corne forward and the cornmitments of more jobs and lower taxes are promised. 1 hope ail the parties and can- didates are ready. t will be interesting to be a spectator this time. However, I encour- age everyone to get involved and ask the federal candi- dates to explain why Ontario gets back, as transfer pay- ments, less than haîf what they pay in as income and othêr taxes. The provinces are .responslble for the delivery of ail the critical services like education, health care, the courts and social assistance. The Federal governrnent is cutting transfer payments and raising taxes like CPP and other service charges. 1 wonder if the issue of GST xiii corne up and 1 amn anx- ious to hear Sheila Copps' answer. 1 arn convlnced that when governrnents are elect- ed, they should keep their promises. 1 amn pleased to report that rny private members resolu- lion was debated and passed last week. You may recail that 1 had put forward a private rnernbers resolution to encourage rny own govern- ment to change Bill 104, Section 335 (f) with respect to the out-sourcmng of non- instructional jobs. Yes, 1 arn pleased that our governrnent did change this section of Bill 104. 1 believe the arnendment was a response to rny resolu- tion. 1 continued with rny res- olution out of respect for those constituents who had asked me to do my best to protect theff jobs. 1 also want- ed to put on the record, my support for the educational assistants, secretaries, cus- todians and other support staff in our schools. Now that Bil 104 bas passed, the new District Board trustees and the Education Improvement Commission (EIO), will 1 believe, worV to improve the cost of delivering the h-ighest quality education in our classroorns. While on the subject of education funding, 1 want to make one thing per- fectly clear. Our Minister of Education did mention mhat he right reconsider the recognition of funding for the separate schools. Laier, the Minister and the Premier did clearly state, mhat any change to our current systern fund- ing was not on. As a former separate school trustee, 1 arn also opposed to any change in our position. Bill 104, clearly recognizes the four constitutional groups (French, English, Separate & Public). This is a very com- plex subject and I would be lnterested in discussing thiùs issue wlth any individual or group who bas a concern. t would suffice to say that I have no probiem wlth com- binlng ail out of classroom expenditures like buslng, custodial services, computer & systems support, payrol services and rnany other sup- port services to ensure that the student and classroom teacher have the funding they need. Fortunately today, we cannot discriminate against people on the basis of race, religion or gender. 1 prefer to look to the future aind ensure that every child has the opportunity to receive the highest quality education at the most affordable cost. Durhamn College is launch- ing a fund raising drive this week. Gary Polonsky, as President of Durhamn College is a recognized leader in edu- cation. Durham College affords the residents of Durham and the surround- ing area, with a highly focused agenda of skllls based education. We are for- tunate to have a leader like Gary Polonsky. wýho bas the vision, energy and commit- ment to keep Durhamn College competitive today and into the future. The Region of Durhami s supportive of this fund raising effort. In my rid- ing, most people will recog- nize how important this fadil- ity is to our economy and the future of our young people. When you are canvassed. be part of Greating Futures., You may be interested in the legisiation belng consid- ered by Queen's Park this week. Bull 99, 'the Workers' Compensation Reforrn Act PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS The Municipality of Clarington has been notified that nominations for the 1997 Governor Genera's Awards in Commemoration of the Persons Case are being accepted. If you know of someone who is eligible because of their dedication toward the promotion of the equality of women in Canadian Society, you are asked to submit their name directly to the following office: Governor General's Awards in Commemoration of the Persons Case Status of Women in Canada 360 Albert Street, Suite 700 Ottawa, Ontario KiA 103 Telephone: (613) 995-7835 Nomination forms which describe the information required, are available ai the Reception Desk, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. * DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS: MAY 15.,1997 / , MUNflCIPALITY OF ONTARIO Date of Publication: Wednesday, April 30,1997 P.O. 6726