Grocery bags with an environmental message AROUND THE REGION Mrs. C. O'Nelll's grade 2 class at Orono Puýblic School used grocery bags to get their Earth Day'message heard. The students used differing medlums to decorate paper grocery bags which they received from Armstrongs IGA. The completed bags wIlll be brought back to the IGA store and wlll be used by cus- tomers requesting paper bags for their groceries. Pictured above with their bags com- plcted are: Colin Kelly, Tyler Worth, Blain Cox, Joshua Dobson and Brendon VanDerWeer. Durham Region Councillors voted 21-4 in favour of asking the province to continue allowing 1/3 of their salary to be a tax-free allowance. PC's TO SELECT CANDIDATE MAY 9 The details of another vote to select a PC candidate for the Durham riding were ironed out last Wednesday. The date for the second nom- ination meeting will be Friday, May 9. Ail riding association members with paid member- ships as of February lst are cigible to vote at Uhc second meeting. An carlier ruling that only those in attendance at the original meeting on February 15, whlch resulted in a tic vote, was challenged in court last Tuesday by Sam Cureatz. Riding Association President Dr. Peter Zakarow stated that there werc not cnough ballots at t he oni ginal meeting to allow for a second ballot. Therefore, Uic decision was made by those tin attendance to allow for the chairman to cast the decid,- ing vote. Cureatz was declarcd the candidate at that meeting', a decision which was subscquently challcngcd by Joncs and is supporters. Party headquarters declded it was bcst to break the tic with a second ballot and only those in- attendance at the original meeting would be allowed to vote. This decision was challenged by Curatez in court last Tucsday where Justice H. IaForme ruled that it was up to the local party organization to decide how to resolve the tic vote. EDEN MUSICFEST UP IN THE AIR Mosport parkwill not host the Eden Musicfest this year unless oranizers corne up $4 million It costs to put on such an event. Finances at Mosport Park are shakey and the park cannot afford to be lnvolvcd in events that are not profitable. - The Property and Maintenance Committee of the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Newcastle is offering the Parish 'riding lawn mower' for sale. Anyone interested may caîl Stan Hamers at 983-6037. - The Newcastle'Knights of Columbus will be holding a "Yard Sale" in the parking lot of the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church on Saturday, May 3rd from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you have any items that you would like to donate please cail Ken Boone at 987-5030 or Tony Malloy at 987-4577 and they will arrange to have them picked up. You may also drop them off at the church. Craft tables may also be rent- ed for a small fee. Along wVith the crafts there will1 be antiques, a nearly new sec- tion, music -and also a barbe- cue. In the event of rain everything will be held in the St. Francis of Assisi School gym. So, mark your calendars now, and come on down and join the fun. - Everyone who attended the, "Fun Fair" that was held at the Newcastle Public School on Thursday, April 24th would -like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the planning and preparation of the event and for helping to'make it tumn out to be the best one yet. - Members of the lst Newcastle Scouting Move- ment gathered together along with residents of the Community of Newcastle, in the parking lot of the local I.G.A. early Saturday morning on April 26th. Everyone was there to do their part in help- ing to make- their fair city a cleaner place to live in. They were all divided into groups and then each group set out in different directions to pick up the litter throughout the city. AIl the garbage bags that were used that day were donated courtesy of the local I.G.A. Once the groups had picked up the litter in their designat- ed area, they returned to the I.G.A. parking lot wherethey were rewarded with a free hotdog and a pop supplied by the I.G.A. for ail their hard work. Thank you to everyone who participated in the cleanup and for helping to make our community a dlean- er and safer place to live in for one and all. - Jack Lauzan and Wendy Skan, two 1 st Newcastle Cub leaders were kept busy man- ning the barbecue and selling hotdogs and pop outside of the local I.G.A. on Saturday, April 26th. Ail proceeds from the sale of the hotdogs and pop will be used to purchase and help to make -camp a littie more enjoyable for everyone. A big thank you fromahl the mem- bers of the 1 st Newcastle Scouting movement goes out to the manager of the I.G.A. and bis staff for supplying the hotdogs and pop. -A big thank you goes out to everyone who had their vehicle washed at the car wash that the students who attend the St. Stephen's Secondary Sehool in Bowmanville, held in the parking lot of St. Joseph's Church on Saturday, April 26th. Thank you for visiting us and for helping to make this fundraiser the best one yet!, - Ail the children who attended the "Youth Dance" that was held in the Newcastle Community Centre on Friday, April 25th would like to say a big thank you to ail the grade eight students who attend the St. Francis of Assisi Catholie School in Newcastle for hold- ing the dance and they would also like to wish them ail the best in their future endeavors. Mental Health Awareness Day Approximately 35 local agencies will provide infor- mation and education about their respective programs at a "Mental Health Awareness Day" on Thursday May 1, 1997 at Oshawa Centre, cor-, ner of Stevenson Road and King St., Oshawa, from 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. This event is being co-host- ed : by the Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington COPE Mental Health Programs and the COPE sub- Committee members. COPE is a programn of Durham Regîon Community Care Association. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. For further Information, cali Sharon Wyeth at 434-1693. Clark FamiIy Circ>practic Centr4eý Practice of Chiropractic & Acpwncur FOUNDATIONS, WALLS, FUSE BOXES AND HEALTHCARE What do ail these things have in common? The structure and heaith of the human-body is shiiar to the structure and function, mad there- fore, health of your home. Let me explain this. What happens if the founidation is flot level? Obviousiy, the floors and wails and roof will ot be aligned. If the walis are flot alignied the doorways will flot be square and straight. Therefore, your doors will flot funiCtion properly and wili bind and stick. Ail of these probIems could have been avoided if greater care had beefl taken with the foundation. The human body is exactly the saine. If your foundatior i (e. the spmne) is off, ail of tie other structures are off. Just like in a house, the first structu re that was "made" i your body was your founidatiofi. The spine deveiops first anld then ail of the other structures are added to it. Another very important system i your house is the electrical sys- tem. Cmn you imagine life without it? Remember the last time you biew a fuse or breaker for the kitchen. The symptoms are quite obvious. Have you ever had. a power surge? Do you remember how that affected your comn- puter? It is imperative that ail of your appliances have steady dependable power. The body has an electricai system too. Cafl you imagine life with- out it? What would happefl if you blew a fuse to your am? WeIl, your arm would flot have its usual streflgth or you might have flumbfless, tingling or iack or coordination. What if you had a power surge to your "computer"? This might cause headaches or poor concentrationi. In your house, a founidation problem does flot usuaily affect your electricai system. However, i your body the "electrical system", or spinal cord and nerves, run through your "foundation", or spine. Therefore, any change in the position or funiction of your vertebrae will irritate the cord or dhe nerves as they exit from betweefl the bones. This is cailed a sublux- ation. The effect is poor health. Dependig on which flerve is affected, subluxations cmn cause obvious symptorus like headaches, iow back pain, indigestion,, etc. Unfortunately, sometines there are no obvious symptoms. For exampie, if a nerve to your kidney or liver is irritated you likely wouid flot notice the effects. However, titis couid have a profound effect on your heaith status. Like regular dental check-ups to ensure the-heaith of your teeth, it is important to have a chiropractic check-up to ensure the health of your spmne. Remember, your teeth cmn be replaced, your spine cannot. There are mmny dedicated chiropractors i Clarington ready to serve you. Consuit one today mnd get healthy! Dr. Clark practises chiropractic and acupuncture in thte Village of Newcastle 1 His number is 987-9900.