12 Orno WeklyTimes Wedesda, Ma 7, 1997 Friends of Second Marsh celebrates watershed week Friends of Second Marsb bias just received approval of a grant of $87,498 fromi Environment Canada's Action 21 Environm entai Grant Program. The fundinig, wbvicb will be paid to Friends over the next two years, represents a significant contribution to the Second Marsb Watershed Stewardsbip Prject that was launcbed last faîl, and -xvill help to offset administration, operation, material and equipment costs associated witb tbe project. Tbe Stewardsbip Project aimis to improve water quali- ty and vegetable conridor con- nections along tbe creeks -wbicb feed into Oshawa Second Marsb, one of a few remaining warm-water coastal wetlands Iocated along the north shore of Lake Ontario. As a 123bia Prrovincia1lly Significant Wetland and Area of Natural and Scientific Interest, Second -Marsb supports bun- dreds of mnigratory and resi- dent bird species in addition t-o an array of plants, mam- mals, fisb, amphibians, rep- tiles and otber faunra. Since 1L992, witb financi support from Environmrent Canada',s Great Lakes 2000 Cleanup Fund anid the Ci'ty of, Oshawa, Friends of Second Marsb bas worked with a variety of partners to rebabil- itate the Marsh and, create a long-terin management strat- egy. The Second Marsb Stewardsbip Project expands tbe area of focus to the .Marsb's 101km2 drainage basin wbicb is formned by Harnmony Creek in tb-.e City of Oshawa and Farewell and Black Creeks in tbe Municipality of Clarington. Througb tbie project, cornmu- nity miembers will bave an opportunity to participate in activities a-im-led at protecting and improving water quaýlity and w-ildlife babit-at n11 tre watershed. These efforts, i1n turn, wllhelp'to improvete co0logical bi eal"Iliof Second1( Marsb itself. Fuingtý from Action 21 will puport ï nmerous pro jectls linvolvinrg nativetre shrub aï,-nd wildflow)\erpln ingps, fish a.nd wilifehbabitat improvement and roio redci ition tbhrougb tra banjk stailization. The graniit wviii I"so support ftheinr du-ctýion of ,ani Adopt a-Streami Pr-ogram f or scbool, commuii-:, nity and business grioups and a Landownier Contact and Awards Programi that will assist landowners with envi- * roimental proýjectÏs and wiîfl recogmize inividual commit- ments to preserving the eco- logicai bealtb of the Seconid Marsb Wa/ýtersbed. -Just as a large river iS formed by tbe combination of many smyall tributaries, evety effort to -protect the natural environmient, no mlatter bow big, wben comnbined can bave a tremnendous impilact." Says Carole Seysmnitb, Second Marsb Stewardsbip Co-ordi- nîator. 'Tb'Ie.Actioni 21 grant wiIl create a range of oppor- tunlities for each mnember of thie watersbied community to belp preserve Second Marsb and tbe creek systems wbich feed it." The grant matchies, dollar for dollar, both ln-kind and cash contributions commit- ted by a varîety of otber part- ners in the Watersbed Stewardsbip Project, includ- ing Central Lake Ontario Conservation, tbe City of Oshawa, tbe Municipaiity of Clarington, tbe Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ontario Ferderation of Anglets and Hunters and Friends of Second Match. The Second Marsb Stewardship Project also involves many açtivitîes wbicb were niot eligible f'or funding under the Action 21 program, and Friends of Second Marsb continues to seek additional partners for" suipport. These activities include habitat and water quaity moitoin-g progtams, tbe developmnent of educa- tional worksbops, materials anid events, tbe establish ment of' a Stewardship, Commriittee to deal witb watersbed issues and piori- ties as they arise, and on- goig project operation costs. Funding will also be souglit for adiditional restoration and conservation projects, a-s miore sites are identified. To date, somie of our other prwo- ject partners bave inicluded thÎeHamn Creek Golf Centre, the Waterfront Regeneration Trust, tbe Enivironmental Youtb Corps, Sir Sandfol'(rd Flemiing College, ifie North Atperican Funid tbr Environmiental Co- operatiioni anld Elvirolm1ei]t Cnd' Hfum-an Resources Departmienit, For the past f'ew yea-7rs, the Metropolitan Toronto >and Region Conservation Autbority bas celebrated the first week of' May as ..Watershed Week,". "Athougli this celebration lias not yet been adopted in our, area," Says Seysmith, "we can stili participate in the celebration this week by visiting a creek in the Second Marsh Watersbed to pick up soeil litter, consider its links to areas upstream and down, or simply enjoy the natural sur- roundmngs". Comlmunlity memibers are encouraged to contact Carole Seysmitb at (905) 579-0411 ext. 27 f'or 1furtbier details about the Action 21 grant, the Steward5bip Project and upcomiing events. Kids with EB guns hit their mmrk On Wclnesciay, Aprl 23 police received a repprt from a marn bit by pellets -wbile driv- ing bis car ini the 3rd Conc. and Meams Ave. area. The 41-year old man was drivinig witbis atm out tbe winidow wben it was struck tLwice by pelletls fflred by youtbIs 1biding the busbes. L ater that same da-y a Peters Plike resident bad bis vebiicle shot at by unknown youtbs ini tbe saille vicinity. On Saturday a local bDusi- ness owner seized ai BB gfun and a pellet rifle from 2 youtbs wbo were causinig a disturbanciýe lat bis business. The BB gun and rifle were subsequently tumned over to police. The matter is under investigation by police at lGtb division. Sod-turning ceremony at new St-. Stephen's Secondary Sehool Over 500 students, Parents, dignitaries, Staff and commiu- nlity memibers will be presenit on Wednesday, May 71th at 1:30 P.11. for thle "Officiai Sod-Tuiringi Ceremnony" for- the new St. Stephien's Second-ary Sehiool in Bowmnanvjlle. "The new, facility at the intersection of Old Scugtýog Road and Middle Road wl b'Ouse 815 students" states Mary-Catherie K ell,, Principal. "We have waited'a long9 timne for our- new school and the students and staff are excited that the project is belginnîngi,." Included in Ilhe $13,500,000.00 project àill be a Chapel, Guidance Centre, 10 Regular Classrooms, 12 Specialized Classrooms con- sisting of a Communications Technology Room, Visual Arts Room, Accounting/ Bookkeeping Roomn, Theatre Arts Roomn, 2 Computer Studies Rooms, Bujildingo ConstruLction Tec:hnology, Ro0om1, NMu si;c Roo0m, Technical Design Room, Secretarial Lab and Commercial Practice Lab, 4 Science Labs, a Library Resource Centre, Gymna- sium, and Health Room wl compliment the newv facility. Architect for the pro ject is W.M. Saîter and Associates Inc. and the Contracting Firni is Bradscot (MCL) Ltd. Special guests who wvill bc attending the ceremony are Alex Shepherd, M.P. Durham; John O'Toole, M.P.P. Durhamn East Constituency;. Diane Hlamre, Mayor of the Municipality of Clarington; Jimi Pilkington, School Board Chairperson; Don Foiz, Director of Education;- Sister Irene Baker, Superior General and mnembers of the Clergy. The new school is sched- uled to be completed by September 1998. FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. \'illiams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanvilie - - ZMWOT WOPPIED TUAT THIS LooKS THESE TIGIIIS 0Dl UVIMY 5IDIN J) NQiý