CROSSING GUARD TO START MONDAY Couinil hias seen the need f'or a' sehool crossinig guard on1 Beavercis St. in NcastIe. N ly palrents aid shmool chu- dren pet)Uitioned'C ,ouncl(il to r-( instte he rossng uar onthis buLjSy St.. Th'le CroSSinIgguard was onyto stay tili thie demolitioni of the old sehoolý was comi-pleýted. Rena Durham and Kathileenl Pasqutet, ila'de a presentation to conil a last, weeks council meectinig. in their presentation they aljcrtcdcouci to the dani- ge ouscoditionis existtng on Beaver St. withi cars, buIsses and chlildren ail arrvnga the sanie Place at the samue Mayor Hamnre suggeýsted thec comrniiittee kcep the presentation on file hecause it had sevei:al good suggestions to imrpove the safety along the St. The crossingr guard wiIl be re- inistated on Monday May 12. CLARINGTON FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONSES B3etween April 28 and May 4, 1997 the Clarington Fire Decpar-tntt resp)onde-d to the fol- lowing emerigecy calîs: i struc- ture fire. 6 grass fires,, 5 tires, 6 mlotor- veh-icle accidents, 9 m-lcdi- cal assistances,]i assist other aigency. 2 alarml activation and 1 check-out caîll. AUCTIONS SPRING 8OAT/RV AUCTION UNRESERVED! Repos! Nwdl Saturday, May 10, 10am. New location, Hwy 400, Exit 85. FolIow signs. Lots of repos' Over 200 lots! Aero Marine Auction Sales, (7057344777. BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro- grams information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the governimient grants and bans. Caîl 1-800-915-3615. 40+ HOT BUSINESSES you can run wvith a computer: For Free audio cassettes and information cail 1-800-343- 8014 Ext. 8555. START YOUR OWN home-based business. Watkins rated one of top !0 home-based businesses in North Americal For information caîl independent Marketing Direct or 1 -800-263-2999. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Classes held Aug. 16-22 and Nov. 15-21,97. Forinformation contact: Southwest- ern Ontario School 0f Auctionearing, R.R. #5 Woodstock 1ntario N4S 7V9 (519)537.21 15 EDUCATIONAL OPPS. COUNSELLOR TRAINING nstitte of Canada offers on- campus and correspondence courses toward a Diploma, n Counselling Practice, f0 begin this month. Free cata- logue, caîl 24hrs. 1 -800-665-7044. FOR'SALE- SAWVMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOADS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566-6899. Norwood Sawmills, RUR2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE 1iGO. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. Order the best videos by mail and pay less. FREE video offerl FREE catalogue. Confidential. HMC Video, 4840 Acorn Al-01 Mont real, Quebec H4C 1 L6. HEARING AIOS - Just $479 manufactured direct f0 the public. Inftha canal type, fully guaranteed. Free informa- tion and sample. Caîl foi! frea 1-800-960-4367 ext. 27. Micro Max. POLICE RE[ April 30 - A hairdressrng probli establishxment located at 26 The d( King St. W. in Bowmanville Co-ope was broken into somne time exhib:i during thie night. Whien the neighf owner arrlved at work, she bring discovered the rear window resideý ,was forced open, A qiuantity was ni of cash, equipment- and supplies were stolen. There May2 were no0 suspectis but police Water were able to ob-ta-in 2 repori possible finger pnnrts. water 2- Pethiick and Black ,r on Mearns Ave, S. led that two 1250 gai. r tanks were stolen, from thleir yard. There are May 1 A Truils Rd, cr 11t0noSusp)ects. residenit reported ani ongoing ilGOING ON A JIP?? GErTNG MARRIED???> Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinner, the Theatre or the Big Gamne??? MOURGL.A55 SLimousine Service wil get you there and back in sa com fort and style. PERSONALS FOR MEN ONLYI Meet other guys for fun, friendship and love. Free trial membership: (613237-3733. LD charges may apply. Must be 18+. ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. Companionship/ mparriage. Ages 18-85. Single, widowed,divorced. State age. Al across Canada. P0. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOIE 1 MO. Free information. 1-250-679-3543. www.bcweb- ADOPTION ADOPTEES AND BiRTH PARENTS - Family Finders and The Canadla-Wide National Adoption Registry 1-800-871- 8477. "RPeuniting Canadian Familles from Coast to Coast" 1-800-871-8477. SALES HEL.P WANTED $ATTENTiON STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money seil[ng chocolat e bars. Naw products available. Nothing f0 pa, advance. Fast delivery 1 -800-383-3589 SERVICES HELP WIlTH AGING PARENTS. S3et answýers nwwt best sellîng book cassettes and step-by-step workbooks., Risk free Cal 1-80-836-4977 for details. Request ~ ator #l12. STEEL BUJILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE, .Ends included. 16 x L), $2988 00. 21 x 30 $3760.00. 25 x 40 $562400. 32 -l 44 $6835 00. 34 x 56 $8360. 40 x 60 $9988.00. 46 x 70 $12666.00. 56 x 90 $22.B8,00. Others. Pioneer 1-80- 668-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. S. Series Straightwal 30WV X SOL $9877. Quonset 40W X 60L $9888. Building complete with Endwall & Big Doors. For Free brochuJre cati 1-800-668-8653 est. 536. WANTED LPS, CDS AND VIDEOS WANTED. WVill pick up large quantifies. Caîl 1-888-l-BUY-LPS and leave message or 416-420-3179 f0 talk.Steve. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR PROPERTY IS WORTH? Cal! me now for a Market Evaluation without cost or obligation. 623-4445 or -j 25 Years Expertence Spcializing in: vc isnea ramilyi and wet bar walkouis, 3b workshop, pa $179,900.C 623-3393 or 1 an Commuiitted To Serving Ail YOUr Real1 "Working 364 Days A Yeair" FRANK REAL ESTA,ýTE Lt 234 King St. E., Bomanvill Off. 905-623-3393 Res. 9( G me to bu, or se,",.., Orono and area's real, estate rep. Krystynà Jones R eoi tu -Net ASSOCIATES !< DUJRHAM)ln, 1050 SIMCOE Sr, *Ml03 OSHAWA TEL:(905)721-2112 c,> NEW LIS ING... Century Oro no Village Home on hi In the $120'ý, CAm"LASSIF1ED MARKETPLACE "A dvertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" mrï, one Drs, fin- replace tub. 4 garage, soen. îge lot.. P!!!. It's Affordable - It's Fast - It's Easy * One Bill Does It All Noilhem Ontario $76 - Eastern Ontario $138 Western Ontario $130 - Central Ontario $134 - AI/ Ontario $390 National Packages Available Cali this paper for details! Fýl hl ýd %dp mrm