'-ý rono îv 7 e F'-'yns.wueua,.vty.,1z,ýI - ' oms finish season as "D" finalists The Orono Donut Gallery Atomis season lias comie to an end. During the 20-gamie reg- ular season, the teami accumu- lated 6 points--having lost 5 games by just one goal. The team made improvements and in the 9 round robin and play- off gamnes they came away with 8 points in total. The Donut Gallery faced thecir nemiesis, the Kinsmen teami in the best of -î playoff series for the 'Dl Championship. i game one on Apil 20th, the team hlad buiît a 2-1 leadi in the first period. The first goal was scored by Kyle MacDonald assisted by Derek Sellars and the second goal scored was by Wes Bar-ichak, assisted by Matt Barnes. The teamis exchianged goals in the second period. The third Donlut Gallery goal. was scored by Matt. Barnes, and assisted by Wes Barichak. 11n a clos.ely fought gaine, the Kinismiien tied it up andi then with 59 seconds left in- the 3rd, theyý scored the heart- breakfing go ahead goal. Final score-Kinsmnen 4 - Donut Galilery 3. The team played one ofI' their best gamecs of the year inî the 2nd gapme, The boysý now, had citheir skating legsý and hus- tie which was lacklng in gamne one (following a lon- lay-ofl). l'he-'goal scorers in gamne two were Matt Barnes assisted by Kyle MacDoniald, Joey i1li assisted b y .eff Dickinson, Wes Barichak assisted by Matt Barnes, Derek Sellars unassisted, and aýnother in which Selars imade an end-to-end rush and scored' an emnpty net goal with ani assist going to Kyle MacDonald. Carl Tardift played( an out- staniding gamee in goal. The defenýsive uit of Joshi Lambert, MikeTeera Joey Konopka, Steve \Webb, Kyle Maconld and Colin Matland were outstandinig. A total ream eýffort came fromi alI players with a relentless att-ack fromn Andy Bangay, Jereýmy Hodgson, Jeff Dickinson, Stlevie Gregg and Mike P1uddicomibe. This forced a final game thriee2. The third and fîinal game ,vas played ,oný April 26thl. The icýe conditions ini Bowý- manville we,-re terrible and althoughi both teamns played o11 thlesame i,- ce--ou1r tena- cïousý, strocngý forechecking gameýc was severely hurt and things2 favoure,ý-d the K'iinsmenl Club Aft er n period the Pi ne Ridge Insurance Novices earn their way to the "D" finals Frtoff,. re umr of the uneîgme pre\ ous, to, MarýCh 30 0rn vs( i Bo) wman ! ýv'il CMX Chlb April 9 -Ooovs. Bowmanrvi Uion Ou defeatedC 4-0 .April 10 -Oronlo vs. Bowmnanville Thursday niglt league tecam dfatyeanetd a 4-4 tde. Scoring fo Orono - Scott Henderson assisted by Reid McDonald, Andy Kadyaloassisted by Doug DeBoeo, Andy Kadykalo assisted by Johin Gregg, Scott Henderson assisted by Joshl McRob -- great hiustle Orono! Apri 15 - Orono vs. Bowmianvilie National T-rust. Orono wins 1-0, scoring for Orono wNas Ryan Knox unas- sited. Way tn go Orono! Ap i 8- Orono vs. Bowan\ h~CartersBar, Y>roao loir;~ ;Ihe rmîiggmssawOron Pierige nsurance xyîn aganstBowmnanville IC-,t2r's B3akery for the 'D' Chamnpionship ini a 2 out of 3 se hev, The first game,. BowanVl1~came on strong, earning a goal 30 seconds ino the fist period. Both teams played 'fuliout', Carter's Bakery mianaged to sçore again wMt two inutes lefi in the third period, FHowever-, Orono stHl had their heels dug in and with only 30 seconds left in the gamie Doug Deboo craftiy potted the puck wvih the assistance of Andy Kadykalo. Unfortunately, -30 se,-conids did not give Oronia enough timie toý even the Kinsmnen were uip by one goal. After two periods it was a close 3-1 gaine favouring the Kinsm-en. The Kinsmnen couni- tered with three goals, two of them lin the last three mlinuLtes. Our lotie goal was scored by Wes Barichak assisted by Matt Barnes. The final score 6-1 for the Kinsmen. On May 4, the teamn held a pizza party at the arena. A great year was had by all players who incluide: Andy Bangay, Matt Barnjes, Wes Barichak, Jeff Deisn Kyle MacDonald, Colin Maitland, Joshi Lambert, Jeremyý Hodgysoni, M i ke Puiddicombe, ioey Konopka, -Joey 1Hll, Stevie Gregg, Mike Teixeira, Steve Webb and Carl "Thie Cat" Tardiff A big thank y/ou to assistant coach Frank Maitlanid, traîner Robin Barries and coach Barney Bangay. Also many thanks to Nick at the Donut Gailery for his suipply of donuts ail year long. Thle boys improved throuighouit the year having a streak in February Igoing ten games w"ith onlioe loss. The team had a good mnl in the playoffs and came up juIst One gamle shy of bigte'D' Cha1mps Good luck next year enoymn f oky 7woday hur, heoppo- determi:ned Andy Kadykalo assisted by John Gregg. Unifor-tuniately from thlat point 0, Orono110becamie over- whNýelmied by the Bowmanville clu-b an-d were defeated 6-1 with BwavlesCarters Bakery, earning the "D", title. Despite the uotun1tLate loss conigratuflationis are in order fo;- team members: Sarah Donnefly, Josh McIRob, Reid McDonald. Branidon West, Robyn Hfenderson, Matt Sm iit, Ryan Knox, 'Cain Delorme, Michael Hisson,ý Bryce Bouirgeois, Douig Deboo, Andy Kadykalo, John reg Scott Hlenderson and goalie AnyPeruin -- f'or earning their way to the "D" finals and maintaining constant effort and a great attfitude which cer- tainly mnade the season a very e-hoyaible one for al!' Much appreciation to the "Bench Buddies" -- Coach Jeff Donnellyý, Coach John Deboo, Traîner'Doug Delorme and helpers for their dedication and suipport! Have a great summner! Canadýa lhas one of the highest rates of miultiple scierosis in the world. Multiple Scierosis Society of Canada 1-800-268-7582 Having A-star tryouts for hockey, bail, soceer, etc., registration? Holding a tournaiment or a special sporting event or competi- tion? Announce it Iin Our communîty sports calendar the "Sports Shorts" Cail 983-5301 Orono Tennis Club is hav- ing their 1997î Registrationl on Wednesday, May l4th at 6:30 p.m. ai the tennis courts in Orono--raïini or shine. For more information cali Kim Gunn at 983-9871. Bowmanville Tennis Club wiIl be holding registration for the upcomning tennis sea- son on Saturday, May 10 and Sunday, May Il from 10 a.mr. to 2 p.m. at the Tennis courts at the Lions Centre, Beecli Avenue. à11MiLI St., Orono, Onitario LOB iMO 905-983-8169 CONGRATULATIONS NEIWCASTLE LIONS Cefehratuzg 50 9'ears ofSýerw to tfie Communityý NEWCASTLE FUNEItAiMHME Bowmanville Tenanis Club Lions Centre, Beech Avenue REGISTRATION Saturday, May 10 & Sunday, May Il 10:00 arn. to 2:00 p.m. Single Aduit Fee - $65.00 Couple Fee - $120.00 i FamiIy Fee - $14000 Junior Fee - $3500 Membership includes 10 hours of lessons Cali Kem ai 623-5247 or Ellen af 623-4790 for more information Brigitte Brown7i d FIVE IIEARTS Cifi Certif icaites MOTHER'S DAY" SPECIAL 15%,/COFF