- - * o - Dorothy Barrnet, Donna Scott, Inez Harris, Bertha White and Eleanor Terrili work away on the quilt cele- brating Orono United Churches 150th anntversary. Each square has a religous symbol at the centre and four rows of peoples naines going The 50 Plus Movin' and Groovin' Carington Older Aduits wlll be presentlng a Senior's Active Living Seminar Wednesday May lth from il a.mn. until 3 p.m. at the Bowmanville Lions Centre in Bowmanville. There xviiibe dlemonstratations of Tai Ohi, line dancing, a fashion show, lunch and door prizes.1ickets are $8 per per son. For tickets or further information please call 623-2261. The Newcastle Optimist Cluab will be hostig another Famnily fllicks night at the Newcastle Conununity Centre Wednêésday, May 7th. The fea- tuLre film to be shown that ighit will "Jungle to Jungýle" starring Tim Allen. T11he doors viiM be opened to the public at 6:30 p.m. with the feature ffilm starting promptly at 7 p.m. ,Cips-- and pop will be madle available at 50 -ents eachi. Seating is limited s0 corne early and enjoy the show. Animal Health Week hits year is to be held froin May 4 to May 10 and to help cele- brate the Ciarington Pet Connection is inviting ail chli- dren from 5 to 12 years of age out their crayons and pick up an entry form for their color- ing contest. Entry forms may be picked up at Rene's Used Books and must be retumed for submisslon for judging at Rene's Used Books in Bowmanville. Wtnners are to be announced on Saturday May lth at 12 noon at the Courtice Flea Market. The grade eight Graduation Committee of the St. Francis to each corner. There are over 400 naines on tis quilt, each naine costlng the bearer a loonie. Joyce Rosseau is also tnvolved in the crafting of this qufit. It is hoped the quflt will be ready for October, the actual date for the churches anniversary. of Assisi Catholic School in Newcastle would like to say thank you to everyone who supported their sloppy joe lunch and their youth dance. Both were a great suçcess and we look forward to your continued support. The Children's Liturgy Committee of the St. Francis of Assisi Catholle Church in Newcastle is collecting A and P cash register tapes to raise funds for craft supplies, books and other teaching aids. Please help) support this worthwhlle programme by saving your tapes (any dollar ainount) and dropping them offiat the Church. Thank you! Eartlh Day was April 22nd and ail the students and staff -who attend the St. Francis of Assisi Catholie Sehool in Newcastle really showed their spirit. They had a green and blue day and planted a tree at the front of their school. Classes volunteered to pick up the ga rbage outside and when they were finsihed the yard was spotless. The Primary and Junior grades partictpated in an Earth Day Poster Contest. The winners were ?1 st Jeif Thomas, 2nd John Morison, 3rd Matthew Smtit and 4th Janette Curtis. A big thank you goes out to everyone who participated in the schools Earth Day activi- ties. 'F YOU HAVE ANY NEWCASTLE NEWVS PLEASE CALL BETTY FORMOSA 786-2228 Tlhere was quite a display of quilts last Friday and Saturday at the show and tea. The quilts ranged i age from veiy old to very new. The vol- unteers were very knowl- edgable on the subject of qufits and were qulte êager to talk about those on display. Recycle Please Guge,". Travel