1~1~OrnaWeelyTims~Wetdzkc5sday May 14, 1ý97 Clarke High Sehool News COUNCIL NOTES Elections for our new stu- dent's counicil took place Iast week. They were competitive, of the highest calibre and were very moving to those lis- tening. The executive for the 1997-98 school year will.be made up of the following stu- dents: Prime Minister - Ricardo McLean; Deputy Prime Minister - Emily Tufis, Secretary - Julie Harper, Treasurer - Andrea Etmanskie,. Social Convenor - Alecia Staples, Communications - Ian and Meghan Crookshank. The final hepatitis B shot -~was done Monday, April 28. Students who were absent will need to miake arrangements to complete this inoculation process. Competitive interviewAs for 1997-98 Co-operative Education are now under way. Parents with questions shou1d contact the school. The Life After OSSD con- 'ference is scheduled for May 9 at Durham College. Grade 'il students who are signed upn will attend that full-day con- ference. "In May, copies of the Studenit Survey: Sexual Health Education will be sent to school for completion by Students, Grade 5 to OAC. Parents need to be informed of this survey and to have the opportu nity to exempt their child(ren) from the survey activity. Student Survey: Sexumal Ijealth Education The Student Survey; Sexual Health Education will be conducted in ail schools of Northumberland-Clarington during the last two weèks in May. This project is a cooper- ative project of The Northumberland-C larington Board of Education, Haliburton, Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit and the Durham Region rI Health Department. This is a follow-up to the Parent Survey: Sexual Health Education conducted earlier this year. The student survey is designed for ail students in Grades 5 to OAC and will be administered in the students' classrooms. The survey asks students the importance they place on sexual health topics, how they feel they best learn about sex- ual health topics and the sources of information that they find most useful. There are no questions *about pelsonal behavior. The survey is voluntary and mndi- vidual responses wiIl remain1 anonymous. The overali results of this survey wiIl be made during the. 1997-99 school year. The results of the parent survey and the student surveys will provide input to the ongoing review of humian sexuality programrs. We r appreciate the assistance that parents and students provide to our program reviews. A parent who does not wish their child(ren) to partic- ipate in the survey must pro- vide notice in writing by informing the principal of the school. Athiete of the Week Lisa Grande has been named this week's athlete of the week by hër coaches for hier involvement on Clarke's wrestling teami. This might seem an unusual sport for a ,young womnan, but Lisa says she enjoys wrestling because it is very competîtive, it involves personal and mental discipline on the part of the wrestler and b)ecauise success depends upon the wrestler herself;, only she can do it. in order to be competitive and to be part of the wrestling team, physical trainingý is nec- essary. A regular routine in the weight room has been essential for Lisa in order for her to build upper-body strength and, also stamina. Heavier weights are used to work on the -upper body, whereas many repetitions of lighter weights are used to assist with the endurance. Training sessions are alternat- ed; sore muscles go hand in hand with success. Good nutrition also plays a large role in a wrestler's 'life. They need healthy foods to be at their best; they mnust also always bc conscious of the nedto meet their weight requiremnents for the meets. In competiions, Lisa par- icipated in the Kawarthas where she placed second in her weight class and at COSSA where she placed fifth. While Clarike's female wrestlers practiced with the guys, they comnpeted only against femnales. Competitions were Jean, and Lisa says she neyer experienced any dirty mnoves at the meets. Part of the e-njoyinent fromn the mneets came fromn being able to talk to competitors after. Initially, Lisa says the males were afraid they mighit hurt the femiales in practice. However, everyone became more comn- fortable with having the gil'ls involved as the season pro- gressed. Lisa hopes to coinpete again next year and to be part of the wrestling team. While wrestling is an individual sport in many ways, Lisa says that confidence and support - Gary Majestky represent- ing Clarington Industrial Development Coalition based in Courtice are seeking coun- cil's support iu adopting a resolution to recoguize the Town of Courtice iu the Durhami white pages in the telephone book. Majestky stated that many smaller towus wlthin the murilcipali- ty had a separate listing.' When this m-atter was pur- sued in 1993, Courtice resi- comnes fromn working with the team. Points are accumnulated at meets both for the individ- ual and for the team, with miedals being given for both efforts. Support for Lisa's endeav- ours also come from home, thoughi she says she bas taken some teasing from dad about leing in the WWF. Momn calîs ber smnall but mnighty! Future plans for Lisa will probably include somnething in the mnedical health field. A science degree will be hier starting point in reaching this goal. Lisa says t'hat hier deter- mination to focus on wrestling has also helped her to focus on school, and she is proud to be on the honour roll this year. She takes one thijng at a time now which reduces the confusion for her! Good luck Lisa! However, for somte women, pregnancy can becomne a nightmare. Everything ftom morning sickness to low back pain to swollen legs often mar what should be a wonderful experience. You (or your wife, your sister, your friend, your cousin etc.) should flot have to suffer through a difficuit pregnancy. There are solutions. Let me give you some examples. Chiropractie should be considered for ail pregnant women. There are few things in life that put more stress on your spine than pregnancy. Your spine must adapt to posture and weight changes with each passing month and com- monfly the uncomfortable resuit is lower back pain. Many women have, erro- neously, corne to accept that back pain accompanies pregnancy and menstrual cycles. But it shouldn't have to. Your body was made to compensate and adapt naturaily to pregnancy and if you are experiencing aches and pains, something is wrong and neeris to be addressed. Not just for you, but for your developing and growing child as well, Having a healthy spine mecans there is a reduced chance of in-utero constriction and therefore, a reduced risk of your child presenting in a breech position. 'Every wommn wants to know if chiropractic is 5afe for their baby. Absolutely. Especially when compared to drugs, whether prescription or over- the-counter, which potentially cmn harm the growing fetus. The safest thing for a pregnant womam to do is avoid ail drugs and seek natural, nion-drutg alterna- tives for health care, if at al possible. Anïother drug-free alternaive,, acupuncture, cm be used to help min- imize the nausea associated with miorning-sickness. If you have mny questions about how your pregnancy (or the preg- nmncy of someone you cure about) can be heaithier, just give one of Claringtoni's dedicated chiropractors a caîl. Cail today so that your pregnmncy will bc as enjoyable as it should be. Dr. Clark practises chiropraclic andl acupuncture in the Village of Newcastle His number is 987-9900. .......... ............ -