8 - OrQua WeddyTlrne&. Wednesday, May 14; 1997 Kendal Hall News The iast Euchre Party of the season was heid an Friday, May 2nd. High score went to Reid Harness with 85, 2nd high went to Myrtie Gibson with 84 and Richard Lowery and Frank Drinkile tied f'or 3rd and 4th wýith 83. The drawv wýas w-.on ýby Myrtife Gibson. Trophies wr presented to Eddie Courtou-x for the High Score olfthe year 93 and ta Chris Overy and Ron Gibson Who tied with 89. .Congra-,tiations., and wNe hope to see you ail back nin the fait. The Men of'L.O.L. 405 are holdingj their Annual Salad Supper on Sunday, June i st at 5:30 p.m. It is aiways a good mneal with lots of homebaked pie. This is one of the ways that they have of mnaking mnoney ta keep the Hall in repair and aiso ta do their Benevolent work--so côme on out and enjoy yourseif If N'ou wishi tickets or want ta make sure tickets are held for you-- cati Richard Lawery 623- 9858 or John Lowery 983- 5477. The Ladies of Kendal Hilis L.O.B.A. 1420 once again have plans for a Penny Sale to be heid in October. This Penny Sale is usuaiiy heid lin the Spring but the Ladies wýere too bsygetting ready f'or Grand Lodge. Th'le Grand Or-anige Lodge of Canada wýiJl be mneeting in St. Johin's NfId. during the mnhof June. The Ladies Lodg(e met on Thurs., May 8thi and one new memiber waus accepted into the Lodge. Next big event is the i 2th of July celebration. Somec are gYoin-g ta Toronto ta parade and some are going ta Renfrew. Once again the 122th of Juiy faits on a Saturday sa the date of Parades won't be changed. Last time the 12th fell on a SatUrday the Cetebrations were hieid in Orono. The Ladies Orange Benevolent Association of Ontario East recently held t-heir annual Provincial Grand Lodge sessions at the Holiday -Inn, Oshawa. Delegates attended from ail parts of the jurisdiction and there were several visitors prescrnt. Commenicing the sessions the Scariet Degree was exempli- fled by a prepared teamn from Kendal L.O.B.A. #1420 for five candidates. The officers were seated by the members of Cobourg L.O.B.A. #351 who presented each officer withi a Maple Leaf Pin as they were introduced. Carrying Canadian flags they then spelt out the letters L.O.B.A. and then sang the Maple Leaf Forever. Each officer and dis- tinguished visitors were pre- sentýed with corsages provid- ed byTyrone L.O.B.A. # 1244. AIl branches of the Orange Order joined tLogether for a service of worship. They were piped in by Andrew Burns. Rev. Brian Ransom of Zion United Church delivered a timely and thought provoking message. At the banquet, Mr.Bill Lougheed, President of the Loyal True Blue and Oran.ge Research Institute Was the keynote speaker. Entertainment was provided by "Janette". She was much appreciated by the audience as she played the accordion and 'also sang. Degree work and floor work were displayed by the members of Kendal Junior Orange Lodge #525. Their hard work was proven worthwhile as they were greatly appreciated by the senior mnembers in atten- dance. Right Worshipful Sister Carol Mitchell, Provincial Grand Mistress presided for the sessions wihich pro- gressed very smoothly and quickly. A representative of Orange Insurance spoke to the delegates and updated thema on the insurance busi- ness as well as 'The Seritinel" which is the publication of the Orange Order. A delega- lion of seven members of the other branches of the Orange family were welcomed and each brought greetings and spoke brlefly. M.P. Alex Shepherd brought greetings and presented a certificate from himself. He also pre- sented a letter from Prime Minister Jean Cliretien. Nancy Dlamond, Mayor of the City of Oshawa broughit greet- inigs and spoke about Oshawa and also shared some personal memories withI- the delegates. Follwing the election, the officers were duly installed. Rt. W. Sis. Brenda Lowery of Kendal L.O.B.A. #1420 is Dep. Treasurer and Rt. W. Sis. Linda Erwin of Tyrone L.O.B.A. #1244 is 3rd Auditor. The Prov. Gr. Mist. is Rt. W. Sis. Gloria Birtch from Richmond. by Wor. Sis. Pat Griflin P.C.M. Tyrone L.O.B.A. # 1244 à aI '1 What's new at Clarington Subseribeto Orono Weeky Times Public Library Aduit Fiction Findcley, Timoth v. Elusitof dust. One of Canada's award- wvining authors 'eturns withl an excellent collection of' short stories about the tragedy anid comnedy inherent in every- day 1ife. Aduit Non-Fiction Gjeirsvik. aurianne Haug. Green tfun -plais as p vv111 this ne-w chitdren's craft book, the author shows how ta make those toys wve rememnber from childhood, like acorn whîstles and miaple leaf crowns. These gamies and playthin gs have been passed fr-om generation ta generation and they can be made for nothing, using onily nature's mnaterials and your hands and time! Ward, Sue. OeLP rv Details one wNoman's experi- ence in the service of lier country during Worid War Il. Rivers, Joan. Bouncing back. Part autobiographicai, part inspirationai, this famous comnedian draws an lher per- sonal experiences ta share advice on coping with the adversities of daiiy life. Young Aduit Non-Fiction Cqjneron, Beverly. GoingL Io university: a Canadian Gýide for Stuldents in Grades 9 - 12 and their parents. For anyone considering university, this Canadian guide tells you how ta assess your persanai interests and skills in order ta choose a course of study and a university that suits yau. t aiso details how ta find infor- mnation on variauis Canadian~ and Amnerican schools in print and on the Internet, Junior Fiction Hughes, Mon ica. Casie Tour-mandyne. Can a dôll- house reaiiy harbour a myste- nous power? Marg must eniter the dreamnworld of the house ta save hier cousin Peggy from the evil spirit that haunts Castie Tourmiandyne. Or msaybe vos couldnit wAk. Or your vision was blurred. Thiats vhat its likato live wvith multipla scierosis. But wvith yoor help, we cas corinect with a cure. 1-800-268-7582 Multiple Society c! Canada ENTER TA INMENT wvhileyou dine hy Solo Acoustic Performer - Rogver Walker - Friday & Saturday Nighits 6 ta 10 P.11 DAILY LUNCH Beer oi-jTap -Pasta Spring & Summner Hours: MoLiday 7în.- 4 p.m. Tues. & Wed. 7 a.rn. - 8 p.m. Tlhurs. - Sat. 7 a.m. - 10 p.n. Suinday 7 a.mi. - 8 p.m. SPECIALS Steak -Wings 987-3747 27 King St. E., Newcastle 'ooeUnity for Canada Nooecan deny the leadership role that Jean Charest played in speaking for a united Canada. It is in ail aur interests to be assured of political stability and unity, providing a solid founda- tion for consumer, business and international confidence in Canadian Markets. Your Vote Does Make a Difference June 2, 1997 'PC Progressive Conservative Party of Canada PC Partfi progressiste-conservateur du Canada Assistance Required? Contact the Sam Cureatz Action Centre at Veltri Complex, 68 King St. E., Bowmanville, ON LI C 3X2 Phone (905) 623-8726 Authorized by Joe Dalryjriple, Officiai Agent for Sam Cureatz Ladies Orange Benevolent Association of Ontario This Ad cobst £c-rly %6..OO <beLfc>e ..ST..