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Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1997, p. 10

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10 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, .May 21, 1997 J 1TIDBITS FROM NEWVCAS:TLE OIERPR by Betty Formosal *-Everyoïne Is invited to attend the salad supper wbicb is to be beld at the St. Gýearge's Anglican Cburch on Edward St. in Newcastle on Sunday, May 25tb. The cost is $10 per aduit, $5 for chli- dren 5 to 12 years of age and cbldren 4 and under are FREE. Supper starts prompt- ly at 5:30 p.m. For more infor- mation or tckets please cali 987-4242 or 623-Sê66. Memibers of the Newcaste Ratepayers Association hiave invited Mayor Diane Hamre to speak to the resîdents of Newcastle Village about our tax dollars anid how tbey are spent. The meeting is to take place on Thursday, Mayv 22 over at the Brownsdale Communlty Centre on Golf Course Road. It will start promptiy at 7:30 p.mi. sa please plan on attending. -Grand Oie1 Opry star George Harneilton-, is back! He xtviii be singing at the Çouný,try Gospel Evening whicb will be held in the intimate rural set- ting of the Kendal United Churcli on Thnursday, May 22. Tbe evening wiil start promptly at 7:310 p.m. There are only 125 tickets to be soid and at $15 each they are going fast. Don't miss out cali 786-2950 or 983-9555 and reserve your tickets for an evening offu and entertain- mient. *Everyone iýs invited to corne out and give the gift of Clarke Higl Tfhe Iterne-t -s the fastest growlxng researcli and com- munications too4 in the woid. Ycour only access ta, the Internet is througb a com- puter. When you call up the Internet, you are connectingf you.r computer over the tele- plione ulnes ta specilicom- puters called Intemnet Servers. The information in the servers is orgaized into 'web sites'. These sites are created by the variaus businesses, govemment agencles, educa- tional institutions or private individuals wlio rent space on the server. A computer server may contain hundreds of web sites. Or it may be dedlcated ta liandling one large and important web site. Eacb server knows bow ta connect over teleplione fies ta every other ser-ver on the Internet, The links in a web site allow you ta )JumP- from server ta server around the worid. There are 60,000 web sites added ta, the internet every monda. Many universities and col- leges make their course cal- enders and prograin details available on the Internet. Most universities, governhent ministries and largfe campa- nies in the worid have web sites where tliey display cur- life at the Blood Donor Clinic that is to be beld at the Bowmnaniie Lion's Centre in Bowmanivulle on Wednesday, May 2ist from 12:30 until 7:30 p.m. -eThe public is invited to Dorothy's House Museum on. Saït- rday, May 24 for the unveiiing ceremony of a bis- toric plaque coinmemnorating the Introduction of the tele- plion e to Hope Township by doctor A. C. Beatty. Dr. Beatty liad phiones installed as early as 1 895, wbicb miade bis phone syste-m one of the old- est in Ontarlo. The doctor was also the oniy source of rtedi- cal care for the north end of the Township for over 40 years. The qe Ceremony viitake place on the grounds at Dorothy's -House Museum at 2 o..i-,sbarp. It xiii also include a scene from the 4th Line Tbeatre's sum-mer Production of Crow Hill. a play based on Dr. Beatty's life, A display based on Dr. Beatty's mnemorabiLia will also be bighgted at the Museumn that day. Admission is free and refresbments will be available. So corne on out and help us pay tii-bute ta one of Hope Towvnsbip's important historic figures. The event is being sponsored by the East Durham Historical Society, The Bell'Telephone Company, and tihe Ont-aria Heritage Foundation. hl S cfhOOI rent resear-cl i d informa- tion. Eacb web site is like a book. It lias many pages con- taining text, pictures and maps. But Jit has the power of the computer behind it. The words and ma-ps can be cbanged daily, reflecting new informnation. The pictures are full of colour and animation: virtuai simulations thiat can quickly expiain difficuit ideas. Caffiîng up the Internet is like going toa.a book or maga- zine store. Educators, including par- ents, want students ta learn and practice good judgement in cboosing and using the information this worid hbas ta offer.'T-ins is wlivy the Board of Education an-d Clarke Higli Scliool include Internet use as a researchi tool in a stu- dent's prograin of studies. Student use of the Internet at Clarke is very closely mon- itored by aur teacher librari- an, Ray Saitz. Before students can uise tbe internet, tbeir ne' work names miust be recor-ded in a specil network group. Aiso students mnust use 'the computers in the Library. Wlien their researcli project is flnished, students naines are removed from- the network group. Changes have been made Reported to the police this past week: Car Thefts - 2 Suicide Attempts - 1. Domestic Disputes - 4 Dom-estic Assaults - 3 Break and Enters - 7 May 13 - An 11 - year-old girl was walking her puppy to Clarke's Internet access. It is fast so that web sites can be reached more quickly. This makes sim-ultaneous users has been increased to 10. This will permit large group instruction during classes when stu dents are given access. Another improvemnent with profoundid mplications is Internet E-mail. AM teachers in the Board of Education have an Internet E-mail address associated wvith the school where they teach. And Intem-et E-mail can be sent and received usinig our E-mail program. Pegasus Mail, with- out actually calling up the Internet. Internet E-mail is a new tool for the community to use to communicate witli Ciarke Hligh Sehool. 'The E-mnail address for the principal, Leigh Facey- Crowther, is: î leifac @clarke2.nCboard.ed and for the vice principal, Lee Skinner, the E-mail address is:' '7leeski@clarke2.ncboard.e Readers connected the Internet are inviteci to visit the Northum bcrl-,nd-Claringtoii Board. of Education websîte larke --ig-h Scliool lias a w.,eb site which can be recidthrough -a link in the Board Directýory on tLhe NC Board website. Thanks ta teachers, Brenda Heeringa antd Ray Saitz, and students, Aaron Mlurray and Kevin Malley who put a lot of wýork in se-tting up Clarke's first web site. Groups of students xiii be permitted to use Internet E- mail for special projects involving other students at any scliooi in the worid. The possibilities are exciting. Ciarke's New Technology Resouirce Teami is designing new policies to liandie the new technoiogy. We would like to invite parents and mnembers of the community to j oin our group and hlep us with policies and suggestions for uising the Internet with students anýd teacliers. Perliaps there 2s is a usiness that ihas an interestinig pro- ject f'or ouir studfents wliere be h-andf-led ove., the Inte-rn-et. For more ifraincon- tact ou-r Clarke's NTRF Chair, Mike Roýche by phone 987- 41771 or by E-mail î1t: 7m-rikroc@carke2.ncboa-,rd. Hope to hear from yvou soon! in liberty Village wben tliey met up with a larger dog. The puppy was attacbed and killed by the other dog. Investigation of the incident is ongoing. May 14 - Reid Rd. at Conc. 4 in Newtonville was the scene of an accident at 10:00 p.mi. A 51-year-oid Bowm-anville resident was south bound on Reid Rd. when lie missed the stop sign and slid througli the intersection. His vehicle struck the embankment at the souda side of the ditcb lnjuring tbe 44-year-old maie passenger. 'The driver was cbarged. May 14 - A l1lé-year-oid maie liad bis drivers license seized as a resuit of him altering lis birth date and purcliasing a case of beer. Thie minor was cliarged and the beer was seized. May 17 - A 39-year-old Port H-ope nman w,.as spotted sleeping in bis van along Hwy. 2 by two, passers by wlio called police. At 8:05 a.m. the accused bad a strong odour of aicohol on his breatli so lie was arrested for care and control of vehicle whie impaired. May 18 - A 13-year-old Newcastle 'Village Youth was accused and arrested for break and entering. Furtber investigation disclosed several other break and enters to be cleared up in the Newcastle area. T UNERAL CHAPEL FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID Funerai Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Wiliams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford Clark Family Chirapracic Centr LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY! The father of one of m hgn soifi n' adapaue in the basement that re.-ad, "Life beginis ai forty. Thiat's when things -wear out, fai eut or spread oui". Others would say il happens ai thirty or ffty. 1, for one believe that Iis does flot bave to happen ai any age. There are strategies to prevent or mininiiize the " wearing out" that occurs with age. First of ail, take care of your spine. Think of ail the activities that put stress on thie spinal colunmn. Walldng, running, lifting, bendinig, twisting, checking your blid spot, staring ai a computer monitor, gardening and work- in-, to nane only a handful. Over urne these activîties affect the function of the small Joints býýetween the vertebrae. If one joint becomes stîff the joints above and below hiave to work hiarder and Ihey end up wearing ouI. Tis is a process called subluxation degeneration. A subluxation is a dysfunction of a spinal joint. The resuit is degen- eration, which is a wearing away of the joint, also known as osteoarthritis. Tbis lias been proven wîth research and cai be seen on x-r&ys. It is important to pre- vent this process, before it begins, with chiropractic treatiment. If ',he process bas a]Jready started, the dainage Van be miniinized, and i auh ery The-i resuit *is a eaherspine. Somec of the bcenefits are increased energy, improved ftunctio)n, relaxed muscles and enhanced performance. If you are a golfer, imagine how much furîher you could dJrive thie bail. If youi are a parent or grndparenit, imagine being abe to keýep up witIh your children and grandchildren,. If You are noticing the resuflts of maniy years of hiard work, imagine how much better you will feel with a more mobile body. Improve the quality of your hecalth and life, with chiropractie care. Cali one of Clarington's dedicated chiropractors and get back into life. Life does flot begîn ai forty. It begins today. Dr, Clark practises chiropractic and acupuncý,ire in the !Village of Newcastle Hlis n1urber is 987-9900. The Internet at 5. a a ý n m a w w ms. ýP M. CI

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