Volme61, Number 20 GST Included *WEEKLY TiMEs 650 Servng ast larn ,,o anbeodsie197Wednesday, May 21, 1997 A success after opening its doors to the community Six months after opening its doors to the comrnunity, the After-Hours Clinic at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville has proved highly successful. Since opening last Septembfer, there have been more than 4.000 people through the clinic. 0f those, nearly 37 per cent do not have a famîly doctor in the area. 'We recognized that there was a need for a service like this amongst people in our community, particularly those without a fanully physi- clan in Clarington. These xid-term numbers definitely confirm that. We are pleased wlth this initiative, " says Tom Schonberg, Hospital President. In addition, ini many cases, people experience shorter walting times at the chnic, explains Marion Tlnk, Program Director, Critical Care at the Hospital. "One of the objectives of the cliiie s ta handie non-urgent cases. This meanis our emergency (cantinued page 2) Reform placed opposition by voters by Orono Poil 161 ALL CANDIDATESl MEETING Monday, May '26 at 7 p.m. at Newcastle Community Hall. This is your opportunity to hear what the candidates in your rldlng have ta say. The CBC tally on decided voters in ithe Federal election ini Poli 161, Orono, 'bas placed the Reform Party in opposi- tioni in a newly formed gov- erruent by the Liberàls. The ta]ly was taken last Thursday by the OBO and aired on Thursday evening. The report on Thursday states there are sûIui a lot of uncommltte.d votes ta be dlecided. The Liberals who started off -wth a 66% figure three weeks ago dropped ta 42% in week two and theni up ta 48%/ last week, The Reform Whlch started at a low 9%/ after week one jumped to 24% in week two and then added ta tlheir bld in week tbree ta 28 per cent. The Conservatives' having started off at 20 per cent then dropped to 11% in week two wlth a lift 13% in week three. The TNDP rose from 7% ta 10% and then to 11% on the third week of the OBO tally. What's on the platter for this week. Waterfall at Rutherford Park t t. This Beautiful waterfall i i the Sidney B. Rutherford ravines in Orono accessible just a two mninute walk from park make some of the ta pedestrians. Orono's Main St. The trails Happenings . 00 ORONO TOWN HALL EUCKRE RESULTS 1 - James Lowery 83, 2 - Wilma Scott 81, 3 - Mary Henderson 80, 4 - Marie Couroux 79, 5 - Joan Sutcliffe '79, Low - Tom Simpson. Draws - Les Johnston, Aleck Moffat, Shirley Bubar, May Tabb, Ait Pigott, Joan Gimblett, Joyce Cowan, Reid Harness. ORONO SR. CEES MEETING AND CARD PARTY... Was attended by 24 making 6 tables of euchre. Winners were: Gladys Greenwood - 69, Jean Allen - 67, Minnie Taylor - 62, Low - Mary Thompson, Bingo Prize - Hilda Caswell. June l2th will be the last meet- ing of the season. ANXIETY SUPPORT GROUP The next meeting of the Anxiety Support Group wilI be held on Monday, May 26 at Orono United Church. Join us for cofftee at 1:30 p.m. and at 2:00 p.m. for guest speaker Pat Lake on "Survival Strategies". Pat is the author of the Roller Coaster", a book of poems of Hope and Survival written during her struggle with depressian. For information calI Janice Kroft 623-4123. FASHION SHOW BY MIONICA ROSE Friday, May 30 at Orano United Church. Coftee, tee end dessert atl p.m. Fashion show at 7:30. Tickets $5.00 i advance only. Lions International proudly presents the.. 7th ANNUAL COURTICE CARNIVAL on May 24 and 25, 1997 -- fun starts at 10 a.m. at Courtice Secandary School, 1717 Nash Rd. Featur'ing: Rides, Theatre Dance Acedemy, Face Painting, Food and more! Proceeds donated tà "Build Courtice & other Courice activities". CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT CENTRE The speaker at the Clarington Older Aduit programn on Tuesday, May 27 et 10:15 a.m. will be a representative from The Body Shop talking about Skin Care and Make-Up for Seniors. You are invited alsa to jain the card players. Lunch et noon and local transportation for a nominal f ee cen be erranged when requested in advance by Monday noon. The programs are held et the Lions Community Centre, 26 Beech Ave., Bowmanville. Phone Cammunity Care at 623-2261. HOSPITAL HOSTS BREAST HEALTH SEMINAR Memorial Hospital's X-ray Dept. is hosting an evening Breest Hlealth Seminar on Monday, May 26 tram 6:30 to 9 p.m. Topics include breast self -examinatian, mammography, diet and nutrition, the role of the f am- ily physicien in breest care, and what the Canadien Cancer Society has to offer. A breast cancer survivor wil[ also be on hand ta tell her stary. gpl