7 OrroWeekl.y Te~Wdedy a 1,19 HATS OFF TO THE CBC A few weeks ago, OBO radio's rnorning prograrn, piayed host to a four-hour concert tltled -Mhe Red River Rally." Th-e concert, hosted by Peter Gzowsl, featured musiclane from ail across the country dolng their bit for the Manitoba Food vlctirns. Many of these musicians went out of their way to make themselves avail- able for thiÉs prograin. Thiis concert ralsed over one million dol- lars ail of it going to flood vlctims. Sunday nlght CBC television aired a prograin organized by Tom Jackson called, "Red River Relief Concert-." This too was a fundraislng concert and a salute to the Manitoba flood victinas. These two evente are exampies of why we need a national public broadcastlng àystern. The CBC can do more in one hour to bring together the diverse regions of this large country than a hundred years of poiiticall debates. These concerts featured artiets frorn every province and they were naines known to Canadians. Culturail dentity is flourish- Ing lu Canada, tbanks to the folks at CBC. Many musician,ýs ge their first big break on the CBC, especially when they aren't main streani enoughi- to break into commercial radio.G Keep up the good work CBC, and may you !ive forever. TUE KUMRITE INN In the May 7th edition of the -Fines, I gave a short update of the statue of the old Oronio Hotel. Inquirles as to the proper 'I4F IuinrîlpInn Orono's Siandard Ho.tel ""Tea Rocorn A &T IDS 1.0~o Speial kRates. y bW éek Stesdy ~arie~m 7.Ô01pér week. and us., naine of the hotel led me to calli t the "Corne on In- Hotel. A very fltting name I thought, since the fires of two years ago left gapping hoies in the building. That article led Helen Schmnid, of Orono to'bring in this ad, indlcatlng the namne of the hotel as "The lKunirite Inn". According to Helen Schrnld the hotel was given this naine around 1930. Thankç you Helen for this article. We do strive for accura- cy here at The Timnes. N orthu mberl and-Newcastie Board of Eduication Danzce Festival For the first time in its five year history, The Northumnberland-C larington Board of Education's spring Dance Fest will be mounted in three locations. Stuidents from the board's elementary and high schools will be performing at Victoria Park in Cobourg on Tuesday, May 27th; The Old Miii Parký in Campbelîford on.1 'Wédnesday, May 28th; and at Orono Park in Orono on Thursday, May 29. We decided to mnove it to three locations to better accommodate schools because it saves money and time spent on traveling," says Elaine Walchuk, one of the hosts~ of the event. "We felt, too, that we would be hetter able to serve members of the comme- nity in these areas by making the venue closer to home. 1 hope members of the commu- nity will hear about it in advance so they can corne and watch." The festival has growni every year and this year close to 1,700 students will be tak- ing part. Walchuk describes the event as "a celebration of dance. It's really imnportant to show that dance is accessible to, ail ouir students." The event runs from i p.m., until 2:30 p.mi. at ail three locations. SUCCESS (continiued fromn page 1) department can focus on patients needing urgent and critical care, especially du-r- ing peak timres." The clinic is located in a building that was formerly the nurses residence, beside the main Hospital site. The chinic hours are 6 - 8:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, and 12 noon to 3:30 p.mu. on Saturdays and Sundays. ýWEEKLY TIMES DMVsion of Loyal Printing Ltd. Publications Mail Registration No. 0368 Publishing 47 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P. 0. Box 209, Orono, Ontrlo LOB iMO e amanI: oronotimeaQspeedlisae.ca. Telephone 905-9S3-5301 Paz 905-983-530Y. Herman and Marg Zwat May 16, 199 7 Dear Editor: I watched Pres ton Manning, Leader of the Reform Party of Canada, belng lnterviewed on a momn- ing T.V. Station. The following are some of lny deductions from that program:- He promises less bureau- cracy in our government. I like that! H1e promises equal- ity and more powers for al provinces and speclal status for none. I like that! H1e promiýes "free votes" in Parliament and less "Party Power" allowing the people to be truly represented. I like thýat!lie promises that al M.P's Mvii be elected through the democratlc process and not chosen by huma personai- iy. I like that! H1e promises more jobs through the lower- ing of taxes uslng a different approachi to the issue than previous goverrnment who have niot been successfu-l. i like that! He promises equai- ity and protection for ail citi- zens of Canada, not just the ones wvho yeli the loudest. 1 like that! His Party has a plan to make the environment one of their priorities. 1 like thatl In fact, I -liked everything he said on behaif of bis Parfty! It is my sincere wlsh that the Reformi Party of Canada will be eiected and ailowed to demonstrate their "fresh start". Canadian poIltics can surely use it! Good Luck to Reform Candidates on June 2nd. Sincerely Vona Maliory Box 100 Barrie L4M 4S9 May 13, 1997 Dear Editor: In the Parry Souind and Muskoka District of Ontario Maj. Gen. Lewis McKenzie is a candidate for the P.C. Party of Canada, the leader of which is Jean Charest, another Quebecer. Being a military mnan overseas, Lewvis McKezieunderstands and desires unity for our country which is a noble thought but, achieving unitv in Canada is not that sim We Jean Charest espouses the 'distinct society' 'label for Quebec. The people of Canada, tbrough the Meech and Charlottetown Accords have rejected it. Does Mr. Charest not care what the mai ority of voters want by continually ignoring their wishes? And can tW~s man be trusted to obey an'y other wishes of Canadians? He maintainis 'distinct sociely' is only a symboiic label and of no other consequence. Some of his compatriates have stat- ed otherwlse! The other two traditional Parties also sanction 'distinct society' in spite of the Accords. Can they be trusted to iead the country? Their way is not democratic! Furthermore, Prime Minister Chretien's Intergovernmental Minis ter Stephane Dion, wouid have use believe 'distinct society' le merely symbollc, but tells us "It is critical to our sur- vivai"!! Double talk? Jean Chretien continually tells us that 'distinct soclety' doesn't imply any special powers for one province. BUT in a speech in the House of Commons on Nov. 29, 1995, while debatlng the issue said and I quote, "I amn certain if the gov. so wishes we will be able to entrench that recog- nition of Quebec's distinct socety within the Canadian Constittionid Once it is passed, this Resolu-tioniý wil have an impact on hoiv legi-s- lation is passed in the House of, Commrrons" end of quote. Are we being co-nned? The following is a quote from a speech given by the late Premier of Quebec, Robert Bourassa, to bis National Assembly on June 18, 1987, "wth the recogni- tion of our 'distinct soclety' we have achieved a major gain and one that is not merely symbolie because the Constitution of our coun- try m-rust now be interpreted in accordance with this recog- nition..the entire Constitutionî, including the Charter w-Iul be interpreted and applied in the light of the section proclalming our dis- tinctness as a society". End of quote. Who le teliing the truth? We better find out! Wve have to ask ourseives if we want our British Parliamentary system and Comimon Law completeiy obiiterated. Voters must be respected and truiy repre- sented in our government or our freedom xii bc compiete- ly eroded. If that happens, al other issues wiil seemn i-i,- mal. Voters need to choose weii who represents them wheni they go to the pols June 2nd. Wth ail due respect Major McKenzie, you should give serious thought as to the credibility of the Party you have been nominated to serve. Reference may be obtained at (705) 728-8796. Without prejudice, Your fruly, Vona Mallory Box 100 Bamne L4M 4S9 C Please Recycle This Newspaper 983-5301e 1 Your News, Sports or Club IEvents KENDAL UNITED CHURCH Kendal, Ontario Sunday, May 25, 1997 Worship & Sunday School 11:15 a.m. "lLyle & Yvonne: The Benders" This Thursday, May 27 "ýa country gospel evenlng", George Hamilton IV "Mliles To WlnnlPeg Manitoba Flood Relief Band We have made 564 miles, alimos to ý Wawa -- on ourjoumey to raise a dollar a mile from Kendal to Winnipeg. Our objective is $1,382 for the Manitoba, Fi" dRelief of the M&S Fund of 'nie United Church. Please help by sending a donation to Treasurer Harvey Thomapson, 4720 Concession Rd. 6, Newtonviile LOA 1110. a good place to bc a healthy place for child ren" Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 St. Saviour 's Anglican Chu rch MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenhama RectÉory 987-5678 - Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUJNDAY'SCHO0OL and YOiTh GROUI' 9:30 amn. 1IST& 3RD SUNDAY OF MONTH HOLY COMMUNION ORONO '.PASTORAL fCHARGE Rev. Morvyn? Russell Secretary Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 Church Off ice 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, May25, 1997 Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. Sunday School during Service Orono United. Church 11:00 ar. Sunday School & Nursery during Service