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Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1997, p. 4

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MMM :4- Orwoo eekJy limes, Wdes May 21L, 1997 SPORTS Courtice Dynamie Duo 1Nine year old Brian Piggott (Ilefi) and ten year old Jesse Gilbert both of Courtice are part of the Durham contingent that helps power the Cobourg Icemen AAA Major Novice summer hockey team. Brianattends Dr. Emily Stowe Public School and Jesse goes to Mitchell's Corners Public School. O rono Figure Skating Club preparesTfo-r .5Oth Anniversary Excerpts from minutes "August 27, 1948": A meeting was called, ask- ing all those interested in fig- ure skating to attend. The meeting was at Mrs. A rmstrongs and there -were about 20 present. The object of the meeting wvas to decide ýf1igure skatin g would be continued this com- ing winter! There wvas somie discussion afier which Kaie McKenna moved that wve wouild continuie it and Grace Gamisby, seconded that L motion. It was then suggested that figure skating be a separýate unit under the Athletic Association and a full com- mittee beformed to run samie. It is now to be a Figure Skating Club, organized under Sta yî1 ng In To uc h John O'Toole Durham East MPP Bill 96, The Tenant Protection Act, has recelved second reading this past week. After reviewing this îeg- islation and participating in the second reading debate, I ami confident Ithat the public' hearings wili produce a fairer systeni. We need a systeni that is fair to tenants, land- lords and taxpayers. The Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, the Hon. AI the Athletic Association and neot run by Girl Guides. The name to be "Orono Figure Skating Club" Moved by Mrs. Neilson and Sec. by vKay Gamsby that Mrs. Armstrong be president... -Did you know... the Orono Figure Skating Club travelled to othier arenas to performn their camivaîs in past years? The Orono Figure Skating Club would appreciate receiv- ing on boan any memlorabilia such as photos, costumes or artifacts pertaining to the club over the past 50 years. Please sîgni ail items. Our next meeting witl be in June. For information please address inquiries to Orono Figure Skat ing Club, Box 292, Orono, ON LOB 1iMO or contact President, Joan Moffat at 983-9561. Leach, released a discussion, paper in early 1996 and had discussions before the legis- lation was introduced. Some of the changes are as foilows: - Protects tenants froni unfair rent increases & arbi- trary evictions e Improves maintenance and is tough on landlords who fal to te care of their buil dingsàa lmtwhr 0Produces aclat hr people: will ilpvest in rentai real estate buildings , Streamiines .administra- tion & cuts rdd tape to create a faster, fair System. *Tenants Wil have lifetime security of tenure if their rentai buildifpg is converted to a condomipinum. eThere wôuld be an anti- gouging rule in place for mobile parks and leased land c6nimunitieý5, when a new lease is ,nterýd into. The, current Landiord Tenant Act hatS not satisfied either Party. Lýandlords have not been building new units because the current legisia- lion is very rý>strictive. I 1ook forward to a Cairer systeni as this-legisiation moves toward public hearifigS. If you have any questionÏ, please cail my constituencýl office at 697- 1501 or L/D 1-800-661- 2433. The Minlist@r of Health, the Hon. Jim W~ilson was in Durhamon Monday, May l2th. The Milster participat- ed in the oper-ing of the MRI unit at Qsliawa General Hospital whlch will allow 4,000 patients to receive this service loca!Iy. AISO, the Minlister announced $8.1 mil- lion dollars for comniunity based long terni care. First, $1.8 million wfll provide five organizations vlth ftmding for additional serv'ices like meals- on-wheels, adult day pro- grams, rehabilitation services and attendant outreach ser- vices. A reinvestnient of $6.3 million will assist patients recoverlng at- home and seniors wiIl receive home caxe visits froni hornemakers, theraplsts and nurses. Putting the patient first with services close to home is the plan as we. restructure an integrated health care sys- teni. The recently announced proposai agreement between the OMA (doctors) and the Ministry of Health, will stabi- lize the services doctorspro- vide to their patients. Your government recognizes that our population is growing and people are living longer. Doctors argued earîier this year for fair funding and an increased OHIP pooî as wel as increased funding of the niaipractice insurance fund- ing. I believe that our Minister has responded to the demands to ensure that we have the heaith services peo- ple demand. We cannot have a doctors' strike while at the sanie tme, we cannot put patients heaith at risk, Tourisni is one of Ontario's, as well as Durham's most vital and dynamic, industries. Tourism is typicaiiy smaii business and provides some 400,000' jobs, for people inciuding many students. June 9th to June i 5th is Tourism Awareness Week with the theme, "the Global Industry in our back yards". I might add that i ami working on the cuitent new provincial high- causing somre of my con- stituents a probieni. We are biessed in Durham with many famous attractions. These businesses attract vis- itors who spend nioney in our local hospltality sector and we ail benefit. Each one of us should consider ourselves an ambassador when reconi- miending where friends or family should go during suni- nier excursions. Canada celebrates a dou- ble birthday on Victoria Day. First, Canada honours Queen Victoria, the founding Sovereigni of the Dominion of Canada in 1867. Second, Victoria Day marks. the Official Birthday of the reign- ing sovereign, Queen Elizabeth the Second, the Queen of Canada. Our Canadian traditi ons are unique to niany new Canadians but ailows us to celebrate our long history. 0f course, there wili always be arguments about the role of the monarchy in Canada. The Queen is the non-politicai head of state who enibodies the laws, traditions and cere- nionial duties of our country. Americans pîedge allegiance to their flag and we to our Queen. Perhaps as we listen to the federal debates over Canadian unity, we shouid reflect -on the history of our Canadian federation and real- ize that we are not a repubîic like the United States. For many of us this is just the first long weekend of the sum- mer. 1 hope you had a safe and warm long weekend. Keep the faith, Wnnipeg has had a worse lime than we have had. Perhaps summer will arrive next week. RECY CLE H aving ail-star tryouts for hockey, bal, soccer, etc., registration? Holding a tournament or- a special sporting event or competi- tion? Announce it in our communîty sports caiendar the... "Sports Shorts" Cali 983-5301 Orono Figure Skating Club~ special meeting of the Anniversary Committee on Wednesday, June 25th at 7 p. m. Contact: Joan Moffat 983-9561. ai ~~~ ~L 'm!IIE!J'i Tr02!!Ui 1R ESI DENTIAL MORTOAGE RATES Owner Occupied 6 mo. 5.20% 1 yr. 5.25 % 2 yrs. 6. % 3 yrs. 6.5 % 4 yrs. 6.75 % 5 yrs. 6.85 % RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOLIT NOTICE Cail us for other deposit rates and ser vices Inciuding FREE PERSONAL CHEQUING. Rates subject to change without notice. Paul Mulier, Branch Manager 15 Charles St, Oshawa 728-4658 Office hours: Monday ta Wednesday 9:30 - 5:00 Thursday 930 - 7: 00, Friday 9:30 6:00' FrIvE HEAIRTS Gift Certificates Pedicures avai lable. Manicures MOTHER'S DAY Waxin g SXECA É Nail Extensions Ny' PECIA Ear Candîing ESTHETIC STUDIO 15 F 171 Mill St., Orono, Ontario LOB 1MO - 905-983-8169 - ......... ........

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